3 month progress & why not to trust the scale solely

melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
I started March 19, 2012, that Monday I decided to make a change for me. We went to Disney World for Spring Break with the kids that week before. I took a couple pictures with the kids and I was disgusted how I let myself go so much after having them two. I decided then when I came back I was going to get in gear and start lifestyle change.

That didn't mean, I would give up everything I loved up. I still eat pizza, pasta, ice cream, etc but the key here is MODERATION & PORTION CONTROL! I just don't want to do a diet and then gain it all back after. This was a change that I wanted to keep and not give up. I still have occasional cheat days mostly on the weekends and I go over my calories and enjoy what I like!!! Currently my calorie intake is 1200-1800 calories. It just depends on the day!

I sometimes think the scale is evil, I tell ya!!! At the beginning of this journey I was disappointed. Why? Well, I was worried like everyone else is about the scale not moving. All I kept thinking this sacrifice is for nothing. But I kept my head up & kept going even though I would not lose much, I kept eating in moderation and exercising. So far as of last week I have lost 14.5 lbs. Not much you say in almost 3 months. Well here are some pictures for you how much I have lost in measuring myself. You be the judge in which you rather trust. Yes, we all like to see that scale go down but sometimes that is just a number. I am nowhere finished. Actually I am just 25% there.

My butt was huge and it was something I definitely need to get rid of. I was 47 inches around my butt and lower tummy and I am now 41 inches. That's a huge difference in just my lower tummy and my butt. 7 inches lost


Now lets move on to my hips. I was 42 inches and I am now 38.75inches. 3.35 inches lost


Now moving to my waist. I was 34 inches and I am now 30 inches. 4 inches lost


Overall I was a 13/14/16 in jeans/pants. It all really depending on what I would wear and how stretchy it was. I am now size 10.
This is post is for those who think why am I stuck in plateau and haven't lost weight? Well, keep taking pictures and most importantly measure yourself. Don't worry about your scale. Hide it and do it weekly instead or twice a month. And you will be amazed at looking at pictures and the tape measure. Sometimes seeing is definitely believing!!!!

Also I am so proud of myself for exercising. 3 years ago before I had my daughter, I weighed 152 lbs. As of last week I was 157. But 3 years ago, I was wearing size 13 jeans and I am now wearing size 10. Last time I was a size 10, I was 135 lbs before having my son 7 years ago. After his birth, I went to a size 13 stayed there till my daughter was conceived. So you wont believe how much a little exercise can tone you up. I have done my own workouts, treadmill, 30 day shred and now Insanity and I do not think I could ever stop. I love the feeling. I was too lazy to even think about exercising, just the thought of it made me tired. I didn't like it but now I can honestly say I love it!!! I work out now 6 times a week doing cardio. I am not lifting weights yet. I might consider it down the road. When I started, I maybe exercised once or twice then kept pushing myself more & more till now.

By no means, am I even done with my weight loss. I want to fit in size 6 jeans which I have never worn. In high school, I was 115 lbs wearing size 8 but I was not fit. If I get lower in jeans then that would be awesome!!

Here is my blog for more :)


  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. You are doing wonderfully and I am really trying and I can tell my work is paying off then I get on the scales and I think, I AM GOING NO WHERE! I will keep doing what I need to do and ignore those evil scales. God Bless you as you continue on your life journey.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Wow! You have a lot to be happy about.

    I like you had to quit stressing over the scales. I started my journey about the same time you did and REFUSE to diet. I am on a new lifestyle of eating and exercising. I am the type of person that can NOT just give things I like up, but moderation is the KEY to success.

    I am down almost 17 pounds but over 17 total inches from my body. I was wearing a 14 now into 8 with no muffin top or even tight.

    My goal is 14 more pounds or a size 6 whichever comes first. I then want to work on complete musske toning.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you want!
  • MiChaChelle
    MiChaChelle Posts: 125 Member
    i'm so happy to finally see your progress pictures! you are doing a phenomenal job mel !! keep up the good work, you look terrific!
  • braykay23
    braykay23 Posts: 28
    You're doing awesome! I feel the same way as you about the scale, I've been doing Insanity for 7 weeks now and I don't even think I've lost 5 lbs but I can tell I've lost inches(not measuring until I'm done) my jeans are so much looser and my love handles are disappearing. I hate the scale :)
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous! I love this post because I also freaking hate my scale. Congratulations on your weight loss and taking control of your body. You look beautiful. :)
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    Thanks so much ladies! <3
  • AmyS1975
    AmyS1975 Posts: 143
    Well said! Congratulations on your weight loss but mostly on your mindset ... It seems to be right where it needs to be. I can learn from you. Thank you for sharing!
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
    ^thank you so much!
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