Is it just me

I stopped working out for 4 days in a row over my wedding weekend. That was a week ago. Now trying to get back on track is harder then hell. It seems I am out of shape for my work outs. I struggle alot more then I did when I left. Does anyone else have the same problems as I do or is it just me. I feel like all the work I put into working out for 4 months was stopped in 4 days of not being active.

Any idea's or motvators around or anyone else experiance the same thing with a couple days of rest.


  • ktaylor1188
    ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
    it is so hard to go back to something when u quit for a while. i think its half mind set too. im sure after a while you will be back to your old self! it is so much easier for the body to adjust to being at a rest, and so much harder after that rest, no matter how long it may be. i went only 3 days one time, and because i was used to getting exercise mind and my body found it tough to get back into it. just give it a couple weeks...keep up the awesome exercise i know you can do...and you will be back to good ole insanity gordie :D