Hi I'm Dylan.

Just joined myfitnesspal a couple of days ago and wow, is this site handy! I've always had trouble with tracking what I eat, and have always wondered exactly how many calories I burn when I do specific exercises. For years I have had a pretty average body, and have been envious of some of my friends that are in good shape. After numerous half-assed attempts at getting healthy and in shape, it finally clicked a couple years ago. I have changed a lot about my life style over the course of the last couple of years.

-I stopped drinking soda
-I never get fast food anymore
-I actually eat vegetables now
-I eat WAY less sweets
-I've drastically decreased my sodium intake
- Fatty foods are a rarity
-My meat intake has gone down considerably
-And I exercise A LOT more!

This year I am finally starting to see muscle growth and tone, but I still have that little bit of FLAB around my abdomen!!
On monday I'll be undertaking a completely different work out routine that will hopefully get rid of the last bit of flab, and in the end I will hopefully be lean and mean!

So lets talk, and maybe we can help to motivate each other into healthier, more physically fit individuals!