Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • cc_campbell81
    You can log it as circuit training which would be about 175 calories depending on your weight.
  • cc_campbell81
    Tip- calf stretches before and after!! If they hurt take hot baths and massage them with lotion.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    How many times per week, are you supposed to do it, and how long should you stay at each level?
    I can handle level 1, except for the push ups -- I have to do them on my knees.
    I would hate to think I should stay at level 1, until I can do them on my toes.
  • cc_campbell81
    My goal is 5 days per week and I would give each level a week or two depending on how difficult it is. But you should tailor it to you.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    Another question -- I have about 40 pounds to lose. Quite a bit. Is 'shred' more appropriate for people who don't carry as much extra weight, but just want to shape up? Is it too much to expect to notice a change?
    It just seems like a lot of the people doing this are not that overweight.
    I mean, obviously, I know I'm not going to be 'shredded' in 30 days, but do I burn enough calories with this? I can always tell when my muscles get stronger, but it doesn't show. No one else can tell, because of the fat.
    I know strength training is important, no matter what your weight, but I wonder if I would benefit more from more cardio, at this point. Should I just try and do some extra cardio, or do you think that 'Shred' is enough?
  • graegirl
    graegirl Posts: 23 Member
    I just saw a picture of myself from a wedding last weekend and I have not looked so fat in many, many years. It was a BIG (no pun intended) wake-up call for me. I got the DVD and am starting the challenge tomorrow! I've also got the cardio kickboxing dvd on the way so that I can change it up a bit. I plan to take one day off a week, but I will double up on 3-4 days a week with Bikram yoga class AND the shred. I am also going to drastically reduce my sugar intake and focus on veggies and lean protein.

    I'm so excited to start---i might have to do level 1 tonight!

    Good luck everyone! I look forward to reading about your progress. Thanks for being out there and for shredding with me.
  • graegirl
    graegirl Posts: 23 Member
    I'll post my measurements tomorrow. I've decided to focus on inches lost rather than pounds lost.
  • cc_campbell81
    Another question -- I have about 40 pounds to lose. Quite a bit. Is 'shred' more appropriate for people who don't carry as much extra weight, but just want to shape up? Is it too much to expect to notice a change?
    It just seems like a lot of the people doing this are not that overweight.
    I mean, obviously, I know I'm not going to be 'shredded' in 30 days, but do I burn enough calories with this? I can always tell when my muscles get stronger, but it doesn't show. No one else can tell, because of the fat.
    I know strength training is important, no matter what your weight, but I wonder if I would benefit more from more cardio, at this point. Should I just try and do some extra cardio, or do you think that 'Shred' is enough?

    This is my first time trying this but it seems like it is geared toward people trying to drop the last few pounds and tone up. I have 25lbs to lose still. However I've read strength training and cardio together are important. If nothing else you will get stronger. I would try a combination of cardio and the strength/circuit training and see how it works.
  • Chickiebabe151
    In my opinion, if you want to see results you need to do an hour of cardio a day. I do this video then a 1 hour (5 mile) run. And 3 days a week I do 1.5 hours of weight lifting at the gym in addition to 30 min eliptical and a 5 mile run in the mornng. And I am barely seeing results. Everybody is different though. Maybe I just have a harder time losin weight.
    Another question -- I have about 40 pounds to lose. Quite a bit. Is 'shred' more appropriate for people who don't carry as much extra weight, but just want to shape up? Is it too much to expect to notice a change?
    It just seems like a lot of the people doing this are not that overweight.
    I mean, obviously, I know I'm not going to be 'shredded' in 30 days, but do I burn enough calories with this? I can always tell when my muscles get stronger, but it doesn't show. No one else can tell, because of the fat.
    I know strength training is important, no matter what your weight, but I wonder if I would benefit more from more cardio, at this point. Should I just try and do some extra cardio, or do you think that 'Shred' is enough?

    This is my first time trying this but it seems like it is geared toward people trying to drop the last few pounds and tone up. I have 25lbs to lose still. However I've read strength training and cardio together are important. If nothing else you will get stronger. I would try a combination of cardio and the strength/circuit training and see how it works.
  • flipflopgirl72
    today was day 2 for me and i could totally tell a difference in my stamina in just one day! i have about 40 more pounds to go and the way i look at it is, i want to start on the inside making those muscles stronger so as i lose the weight it won't look like flabby skin and it will be toned, this is how my trainer showed me about working out. i have lost about 30 pounds so far and no loose skin yet so i am thinking this method is working well, atleast for me.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    In my opinion, if you want to see results you need to do an hour of cardio a day. I do this video then a 1 hour (5 mile) run. And 3 days a week I do 1.5 hours of weight lifting at the gym in addition to 30 min eliptical and a 5 mile run in the mornng. And I am barely seeing results. Everybody is different though. Maybe I just have a harder time losin weight.

    Maybe you should get your thyroid levels checked. With that much activity you should be seeing results.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I do think I will alternate this, with some good old cardio. The Shred will really help make me stronger, while the cardio will help me burn more calories.
    I know we all have to do both -- and for me, the hardest thing of all -- is eating right. And I know when I do that right, I will see the results I want.
    Thanks for all the advice.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    She makes sur your heart rate stays up in this video like when you do cardio.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    Yes -- and my heart rate is definitely up. I huff and puff and quite literally pour sweat, but I'm not sure that 20 minutes is long enough. I'm sure it's good for me, but I think alternating this, with longer cardio workouts might be the best thing for me.
    I think if I only had 10 or 15 pounds to go, or was better at eating cleanly, than I am, that this would probably be quite enough.
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Has anyone had any pain from doing this video...esp in ball of foot? I am wondering if I am getting plantar faccilitis (unsure of spelling)? I really like the video but notice doing a video in my living rm jumping up and down a lot hurts versus jogging outside or bike riding, etc. I have 2 pairs of shoes I wear too but I wonder if I have to invest in shoes specific for this condition- if I have it? Anyone else experience this?
  • cometnurse
    cometnurse Posts: 62 Member
    Yes! I have been doing it at night after I put the kids to bed for the past two weeks. I had been getting up in the morning before the kids wake (see a pattern here :tongue: ) to do yoga. I decided to switch them and do the Shred in the morning. I have about 37 pounds to lose. I'm thinking I have to do more than the shred video alone. My goal is to get in 3- 20 min workouts throughout the day!!!
  • Chickiebabe151
    I have had planter faccitis for a botu 8 monthsnow. This video doesnt seem to bother it much though. My feet hurt really bad after a long run. Do they hurt most in the morning when you get out of bed? Thats the true indicator of planter faccitis. There are shoes that have better arch support than others, and those are what I buy for my condition. Also, after each workout stretch the foot (find stretches online for planter faccitis) and roll your foot over a frozen bottle of water to help the inflamation.

    Has anyone had any pain from doing this video...esp in ball of foot? I am wondering if I am getting plantar faccilitis (unsure of spelling)? I really like the video but notice doing a video in my living rm jumping up and down a lot hurts versus jogging outside or bike riding, etc. I have 2 pairs of shoes I wear too but I wonder if I have to invest in shoes specific for this condition- if I have it? Anyone else experience this?
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    a few years ago I tried some of Jillian's videos-- one called 'Front', the other 'Back'. They were geared to work the muscles in the front of your body, and the other the back -- I guess.
    I didn't do them long, because all the jumping gave me plantar facsiitis. It was bad, and would not get better until I only wore good quality shoes, and stopped all impact. I couldn't even walk for exercise -- my feet would hurt so bad. So I started riding bike. I also did research on line, and would do what they recommended -- ice the area ( I froze a 24 ounce plastic bottle of water and just rolled my feet on it -- felt sooo good), and even bought some inexpensive inserts for my shoes. And it did get better.
    I would say if you think it's starting to bother you, stop, before it gets really bad. That was my mistake. I thought it would get better if I just pushed on through the pain.
    So I'm cautious with these. It hasn't bothered me yet -- but that was one of the reasons I hesitated with one of Jillian's videos -- I thought it might be too high impact.
    But anyway -- listen to your body and don't aggravate an injury.
  • graegirl
    graegirl Posts: 23 Member
    In my opinion, if you want to see results you need to do an hour of cardio a day. I do this video then a 1 hour (5 mile) run. And 3 days a week I do 1.5 hours of weight lifting at the gym in addition to 30 min eliptical and a 5 mile run in the mornng. And I am barely seeing results. Everybody is different though. Maybe I just have a harder time losin weight.

    Wow. You are a star!! It's shocking that you haven't seen better results with that kind of effort. Whenever I've been able to put in anywhere near that much work on a consistent basis, I've seen DRAMATIC results. It may not be a bad idea to talk to your doctor...
  • cc_campbell81
    I just started level 2. Not that much harder. I have had some pain in the inside of my right calf however i had the pain before so I think this just irritates it. It does seem like some of it's high impact. When I feel pain like during the jump rope part I try something else.