downside to loosing weight for me :(



  • BeesKnees
    BeesKnees Posts: 25
    I have a lot of them too. My lower stomach has some, but My upper arms have them the worst. I lost a lot of weight in the past (and gained some back, but not all), and they are now white/silver. Forever I have HATED them. So much so that I would never (ever) wear a tank top. When I got thin, they were still there, but hidden and waaaaaaay less noticeable. As I gained weight back after my daughter was born, my arms got bigger again and they are more noticeable.
    I live in Nevada. It's 103 degrees today. I have FINALLY grown some cahones and let them show. I decided that I am just going to rock what I got, and work on things day by day and hopefully get back to where I'm 100% confident. Right now though, I'll take 75% confidence.
    Once you find some level of self acceptance, it makes bearing those stretch marks so much easier.

    And also, I think you'd be surprised by the amount of people you know who have them, that are just not talking about them.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    They will fade, bio oil and cocoa butter can help.

    Losing / regaining weight quickly will not help so aim for a slow, steady loss so your skin has chance to catch up!