New Here

I am a Viet Nam Veteran, 65 years old. 300 lb, with Diabetes, Congestive Heart Disease, Coronary Artery Disease Pace Maker, and Asbestos Lung Disease. To change the habits of living is hard. I know it will take some time. I am also in a group at the VA called Move. and some in the group have lost almost 100 lb and all they did was to cut back on the calories that they intake. In this day and age with food given in over abundant amounts at restaurants, the change will come but only with hard vigilance and time.

Gustav Lockstein Jr


  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    Gustav, welcome and thank you for your service! It's never too late to lose weight, and it could definitely help your diabetes and eating mono fats instead of saturated can help your atherosclorosis.. I do want to watch your progress, so I'm sending a friend request! Be careful with exertion with exercise obviously, pace makers plus lung problems can result in hypoxic emergencies pretty quick...
  • GustavJr
    GustavJr Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks very much. This web site may be what I need to try to keep on track. after 65 years of eating anything I want and how much, now I have to have a life style change and eating habit change. but in time i might be able to accomplish this with the help of friends on this web site and this program. I love sweets they are my downfall. I am trying to eat a little sweets and most with zero calorie sugars to try to have less calories and still to fill that need for sweets that I have till I can get my head to crave them less. If I don't change my life will be shorter by quite a bit. I must try.
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    Gustav, hello and thank you very much for your service. I am working on getting in shape for my health also, which is why I joined this website about a month ago. This site has really helped me get a handle on how much I am actually eating and even my nutrition. I have also found having friends on this site to encourage me to be very motivating. Welcome to the site and good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation and support.