Toddler snacks~ Clean eating vs. Gerber aisle~ Ideas?



  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Sounds like you are feeding her well with the fruits & veggies.

    My pediatrician told me not to worry about giving the kids 'infant snacks' -- that the yogurt melts & puffs were sold for convenience, not because babies need 'special baby food snacks' . He said the same is true for my big kid too -- that marketing agencies have promoted the idea of 'kid food', when in fact all children need is good food, i.e. fruits, veggies, proteins that have not been created in factories.

    So keep up the good work!
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Baking your own muffins granola bars, etc would be the way I would go. I used to get together with a friend about once every couple of months. We bake up a storm without our kids around, and fill our freezers. We also used to make homemade mac & cheese, shepherd's pie's, lasagna, and other casseroles, and freeze them in single size portions.