2140 Calories per day, too much?

Saken Posts: 476
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys, i am wondering, in MFP program they advice me to eat 2140 cals per day to loose 1.5lbs per week, but i am finding 2140 too much, is those values the correct values?
I am a Male, 27 year old, 135kg (294lbs) and almost 6" tall


  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    What did you set your activity level at? That may make a difference in the caloric intake.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yeah, sounds about right. I started at 5'8, 270 pounds, and it had me on about 2100 or so to start. 294 lbs is a lot of meat, and it takes a lot of energy to heat/cool/circulate/respirate all of that.

    Don't worry, as you lose weight your BMR will decrease and MFP will adjust your intake down accordingly. Mine did, and I had to start earning some exercise calories to avoid being miserable :smile: (Best move I ever made too...)
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    What did you set your activity level at? That may make a difference in the caloric intake.

    no activities, since i work in a call center for 10 hours a day, but i walk 30 minutes per day every day
  • What did you set your activity level at? That may make a difference in the caloric intake.

    no activities, since i work in a call center for 10 hours a day, but i walk 30 minutes per day every day

    I work in a call center too! Yeah, that sounds about right.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Damn you men are lucky. We get so much less calories!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Damn you men are lucky. We get so much less calories!

    I was just thinking that!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yeah that sounds about right. My boyfriend is having a similar issue of so many calories to eat. Except that because he has an active job, he requires even more (like 2500) When eating junk food that total is no problem to reach, and even exceed. But when eating healthy, he's finding that he's going to have to eat more food in volume, but food that is lower in calories and more rich in nutritional value.
  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    sounds right..try it! log everything you eat- you'll be suprised!
    measure things too!
    if you find you can stay within the calorie limits easily, drop it down by putting 2lbs lost a week
    and your calories will reduce as you lose weight
    good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Damn you men are lucky. We get so much less calories!

    trust me, it's not so fun. Besides the fact that we get just as hungry as you guys because we have more muscle mass burning up those calories, it's EXPENSIVE to try to eat that many calories a day and be healthy.

    I am now trying to gain a little muscle (after losing 55 lbs over the last 2 years) and that puts me at about 3300 calories a day, you have NO idea how hard it is to fit 3300 healthy calories in a day, AND buying that much healthy food costs about twice as much as I used to spend. Plus, healthy food doesn't last as long as the crap I used to eat, so I can't buy as much stuff in bulk.

    It's not all roses on our end either! But we all have our crosses to bear. I'll take paying more and trying to squeeze in the healthy food any day over what I used to look and feel like!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hey, have you logged in a typical day of how you've been eating?

    Try that and you might be surprised. A full day, accurately (including nibbles & snax), of the way you used to eat. I was blown away. I had 5000 calorie days there,,, which is how I got so heavy. You can easily have a 2100 calorie LUNCH at most fast food places. McD's has a milkshake that's over 1000. :noway:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I didn't realize men got to eat that much more. Grr. :tongue:

    Give it a try, and see how it works for you. MFP's guidelines seem to be pretty right on from my experience.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Hey, have you logged in a typical day of how you've been eating?

    Try that and you might be surprised. A full day, accurately (including nibbles & snax), of the way you used to eat. I was blown away. I had 5000 calorie days there,,, which is how I got so heavy. You can easily have a 2100 calorie LUNCH at most fast food places. McD's has a milkshake that's over 1000. :noway:

    Try putting in a large Blizzard from Dairy Queen.... You are looking at about 1400 calories. That used to be my big treat. Even scarier ...chicken wings and nachos with beer.BAD BAD BAD
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    Hey, have you logged in a typical day of how you've been eating?

    Try that and you might be surprised. A full day, accurately (including nibbles & snax), of the way you used to eat. I was blown away. I had 5000 calorie days there,,, which is how I got so heavy. You can easily have a 2100 calorie LUNCH at most fast food places. McD's has a milkshake that's over 1000. :noway:
    hi, yes i am using the journal to log everything.
    most stuff i dont know for sure how much kcals they have so i usualy add +/- 100kcals to the sum of each item.
    For instance when i eat my cereals with milk, they say that 30g of cereals + 125ml of milk is about 100kcals, i am sure i dont eat 3 times that, but what i have in my journal is about 330kcal's anyway just in case!
    As for mcdonnalds, we dont have those milkshakes in here, our large fries are the american "medium" fries.
    i had a meal at mcdonalds once in this diet, spend 800kcal there! 500kcal on a bigmac about 300kcal on small fries that i ate about half of them, and 0kcal on diet coke., not too bad!
    Yogurts, i eat aobut 1 or 2 per day, 100kcal each.
    Snacks , a small cheese sandwich, i reckon it's about 250kcal per sandwish.
    Cheese croissant, about the same 250kcal , i do think i got these things right!
    here's what's in my journal today:
    Cereals - Oats, corn puffed mixture, presweetened, single brand, 3 cup (1 serving) - 389Cals
    Lunch - Venti Pizza - Porter Ranch - Pizza Slice - Cheese and Veggies, 1 slice - 440Cals (This is not 100% true, i ate a small thing that looked like a pizza, with chese and vegetables and a slice of bacon, it's not quite a pizza but it was close, i still wonder if that even has 440cals since it was such a small thing).
    Canneloni, 4 tubes - 880Cals (this is actually a home made vegetable canneloni, i doubt it has 880cals, but still!
    Croissants - Cheese, 1 oz - 117 Kcal . i think it would be about 250kcal
    Minipreço - Yogurte Liquido - Banana, 180 g - This is acurate it's one of my added foods 108Cals
    Today's Count: 1944 Calls 216 Remaining, and i dont need to eat anything else today.

    So what do you think?
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