Is it realistic to believe I can weigh what I did at 17?



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Yes and no. Were you in good shape then and skinny? I've had 4 babies since, and was in good shape then, so of course my hips aren't going to move in and all that. I look better than I did in my 30's and 40's. But, you know, I feel as good as I did then once I get my arthritis going in the morning! I'm eating healthier, and exercising regularly, so I've feeling better than a long time. Generally, you can build muscle until you hit somewhere in the upper 60's-early to mid 70's. My oldest daughter weighs less than she did at 16, but she's 27 and never had kids. .Now should I weigh what I did when I was 17? According to my body fat %, no. I wouldn't have a healthy weight. Check all the tools out here and see what you think your new you should weigh!

    I'm betting I could fit into my 20 yr old wedding dress. 50 yr old lady instead of a healthy, muscular 17 yr old that could eat 3500-4000 calories a day and stay thin. Yep, not the same people.
  • secretbutterfly98
    secretbutterfly98 Posts: 1 Member
    My saying is that anything is possible. You do have to be realistic though and realize that your body has changed and developed so you might not get back to that exact weight.... I would continue to shoot for the goal though and accept what ever happens whether you make it or not... Never give up without trying....
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I weighed 185 when I graduated high school 30 years ago.

    I'll be 48 soon, and I weigh 193.6 right now. Hitting 185 isn't a goal for me. I have to agree with others, why target the number, go for healthy.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Same dress size, maybe. Lots of cardio and lifting heavy.
    Same weight? Maybe not.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    anything is possible. however as we age, it becomes more difficult because we are losing muscle so our metabolism lowers & not to mention that on menopause we lose estrogen so hence the weight gain & that's the reality that we need to accept. however that doesn't mean that you will never be in the best shape of your life. sure you may not weigh the same as when you're young but you can definitely look incredible at a weight that your body is comfortable with.

    i'm only 33 & the lowest weight that I've ever been when I was a teenager was at 50kilos or 110 pounds for you back when I was 19 but at that time i was under the influence of diet pills, drugs plus ED but i was something like 30" waist & never went below size 6. now at this age, i weigh 54.2 (120 pounds) but has 26" waist & is at size 2, the same size when I was 12 years old. size matters to me the most more than the weight because now i have more muscle whereas before i was the classic skinny fat.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Thanks guys and gals, I looked healthy at 17 and was in great shape, fit into size 7's , sometimes 6's. I want to get into a size 6 again and think I would look great at that size!! I'm really short so a size 6 is not too skinny for me. It's not so much the weight as it is the size I want to attain again. I know I would feel so much better about myself if I could do this, so I'm going to try my best and stick to the plan and see what happens. My hubby is away taking care of his dad and will be back on Thanksgiving. My first goal is to lose 15 pounds by the time he comes back, surely that is attainable for me with months to go. Thank you for all of the support and advice, I really appreciate it!
  • ThatsNotMine
    ThatsNotMine Posts: 75 Member
    I"d love to be at my teenage weight but wont ever happen. My body is just different now...

    I go by body measuements. If I can get back to a 25-26inch waist (when I was at my smallest), I'll be thrilled.
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    I know that for me, my high school weight is just not going to happen. I have to remind myself that I was not a healthy eater during those years either. I never ate breakfast, had cookies for lunch and maybe a fast food burger for dinner.
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