2 Weeks and Already Losing Faith...



  • StacyPervis
    I think everyone on here has had setbacks and issues. If they didn't, they wouldn't be here. All of us have tried and failed before. Failure is not absolute but quitting is!!! Don't quit, keep going back at it until you work thru it. If you are really ready to meet your goals, you will succeed. Its mental, not physical. You have to wrap your mind around this process before your body will follow.
  • FungusTrooper
    FungusTrooper Posts: 227 Member
    I keep on track by wanting to lose weight. I want to lose weight more than I want to eat junk food. If I wanted to eat junk food more than lose weight, I would be in the same boat.

    Keep reminding yourself why you signed up in the first place. If that isn't a good enough reason to refuse the rice and the pizza, you need to rethink your priorities.
  • LooneyBruni
    LooneyBruni Posts: 52 Member
    Don't lose faith! I did not lose a pound In a month and I kept going!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    ruhroh honey... half a slice of pizza = GOOD. 3 bowls of rice, not so much... you can cut it back to a half a cup , or a one whole cup to start... YOU CAN...sooner or later you'll be eyeballing quantities and it'll feel goo.. ROCK IT SISTER
  • sheshemac2012
    sheshemac2012 Posts: 12 Member
    You have to find what works for you. It's a process that will change over time. Don't beat yourself up for any mistakes you 'think' you made, like someone else said, forgive yourself. Every moment is a new moment to re-commit. I personally prefer not to weigh myself every week. I don't want to be disappointed. Your journey continues. There is no giving up, only temporary lapse.
  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    A lot of people will disagree with me here, but this is the only life I have to live. Yes, I want to be thinner and healthier, but I refuse to give up a lot of the stuff that I enjoy. Feeling like I can't have M&M's or some cookies or whatever makes me very resentful and I tend to binge eat when this happens.

    Go ahead and have a small slice of pizza - just log it. Go ahead and have some rice, but know that 1 cup is a serving size and try to stick with the one cup. If you go over, LOG IT. Learning about serving sizes and such is a key to being successful. Above all else, forgive yourself. Overeating is an addiction and it takes awhile for us all to adjust. Be patient and be kind to yourself.

    Good Luck.

    AGREE!!! That's been my plan through the 360+ days I have been loggin and I slowly and very effectively lost 22 lbs to put me at goal. As for the workouts: calories in calories out=balanced approach to eating. Do your workouts in the morning BEFORE work so you can't use exhaustion as an excuse. The plus of working out before work? You have energy thorought your shift AND you will be more apt to stay on your eating plan because you will think about how much work it was to do your workout. :) Hang in there, losing weight is a journey and not a race. Slower is longer lasting ;)
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    hang in there! you gotta give it more time, the fact that you lost that amount in 2 weeks is amazing!
  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    A lot of people will disagree with me here, but this is the only life I have to live. Yes, I want to be thinner and healthier, but I refuse to give up a lot of the stuff that I enjoy. Feeling like I can't have M&M's or some cookies or whatever makes me very resentful and I tend to binge eat when this happens.

    Go ahead and have a small slice of pizza - just log it. Go ahead and have some rice, but know that 1 cup is a serving size and try to stick with the one cup. If you go over, LOG IT. Learning about serving sizes and such is a key to being successful. Above all else, forgive yourself. Overeating is an addiction and it takes awhile for us all to adjust. Be patient and be kind to yourself.

    Good Luck.

    AGREE!!! That's been my plan through the 360+ days I have been loggin and I slowly and very effectively lost 22 lbs to put me at goal. As for the workouts: calories in calories out=balanced approach to eating. Do your workouts in the morning BEFORE work so you can't use exhaustion as an excuse. The plus of working out before work? You have energy thorought your shift AND you will be more apt to stay on your eating plan because you will think about how much work it was to do your workout. :) Hang in there, losing weight is a journey and not a race. Slower is longer lasting ;)

    Not sure what happened, but I was quoting chevy88 and it doesn't look that way, for the record, I'm agreeing with chevy88 in the first 2 paragraphs through the last paragraph ;)
  • MissyMastery
    MissyMastery Posts: 13 Member
    If you're 2 weeks in and you're losing faith/giving up, then you're not ready and you don't want it enough. Blunt, but true..

    I never said I was giving up...I was just a little bummed.
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    It's an attitude adjustment, lifestyle change, whatever you want to call it. It can take time to get in the right frame of mind. The beginning is hard. It's hard changing the way you eat and live. You're going to have bad days and bad moments. Don't quit. Don't give up. Get right back on the wagon and keep going. Eventually you'll grow accustomed to your new way of eating, and you won't think twice about it.

    Oh, and don't obsess over the scale. Take your measurements once a month. That's a much better indicator of how you're doing. Example; I just finished day 8 of 30 day shred (level 1). I haven't lost any weight. But I've lost 5 inches. If all I went on was the scale, I'd probably feel dejected and want to quit.

    You can do it.
  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    Thumbs up to all the supportive comments above. You've just started this journey and you're looking for help, MFP is here for you.

    I am wondering if you should also consider upping your calories and eating smaller meals throughout the day. First of all, I don't think a half a slice of pizza is bad at all. But the three cups of "yummy" rice... was a splurge of calories I'm guessing and I tend to eat those meals when I'm starving and not making rational decisions. Since I've upped my calories, I no longer have cravings and don't overeat nearly as much. Also as I've been tracking on MFP, I've come to learn the calorie cost of things- and that will only come to you with time.

    I suggest you read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/488227-eating-back-calories-1200s-a-day?hl=eating+back+calories#posts-6770960. It discusses why you need to eat more than most diets make you think.

    Here is a blog I posted about my experience with eating back my calories. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jenmfpal/view/my-experience-with-eating-back-calories-275271

    Good luck!
  • jenniferlmartinez
    jenniferlmartinez Posts: 95 Member
    You dont know how many times I've lost faith and started over again and again and again and again. You just have to get you rhead on straight. I decided this time I wont let myself stop. I posted the reason "WHY" I wanted to lose weight all over my house, in my truck, and at work in my locker. I even took a picture of myself in a bra and underwear just to get close to the reason why i need to lose weight.
    Hold on it will be a bumpy ride but in the end you'll be glad you did.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I'm a bit over two weeks in, myself, and lost 3 pounds. But, I've lost 2 inches from my waist! Take your measurements and log those in. Then, if you don't see the scale moving, you can measure and see those moving! :-) working out is going to build some muscle, so you might not see the scale move if you're having a great week at building muscle, but the tape measure might show it! :-D
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Today starts my 3rd week...I lost 9 lbs the first week and NOTHING the 2nd. I found myself being bad already! My family got pizza and even though I wasn't hungry I ate a half a slice. My mother made some awesome rice and I ate 3 bowls of it! UGH!

    How do you stay on track?

    I want to exercise but my work schedule leaves me exhausted...

    What can I do to make this work??


    PS-I like friends so feel free to friend me and join my journey :)

    Wow, 9lbs in one week? that is pretty freaking amazing. The first week I started, my family ordered pizza (NY style too...*sigh*). It was my dad's birthday so there was pizza and cake. I didn't eat a damn slice of either. Willpower.

    My work schedule is very hectic and add in thryoid issues w/out medication which ends up me being exhausted during the week. I don't work out during the week. If I feel up to it, I'll go for a quick walk (20-30 mins). Majority of the time, I don't. I do all of my exercise on the weekend. I usually do 2-3 different workouts. On Saturday, I did some kickboxing and swimming. Today, I went for a 30 minute walk, 20 minutes of kickboxing, and an hour of swimming. I'm beat.

    I think what you need is some willpower! It's hard, we all know this. You have to believe in yourself.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    We all Lose it!! Once in awhile...What helps me stay on track is to have suppourt of friends who are in the same boat as me, and when I start going down I say hey I need help, I cant seem to stay on track and you get talking to your friends and before you know it you are back on track..:smile:BTW Friends are welcomed in on my Journey:heart:
  • Shannangirl
    Don't give up. Just start again. Even if you have to start anew each day. Planning and preparing my meals ahead of time is the one thing that really has helped me most. All you have to do is make a plan and then DO it. Decide you CAN. Walking 2 miles a day each morning will help you feel so much better. You dont have to go fast at first. JUST GO. You can do this!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    The only person that can lose weight is yourself. You must understand its a lifestyle change. Now there is a couple options eat the 1/2 slice of pizza but you'd have to exercise it off. At first just worry about hitting the target calories and slowly adjust to healthier foods. Make sure yout happy. Losing weight should be fun.
  • sillygoose03
    Do beat yourself up too much. We didn't wake up one morning and look in the mirror and say "Dear God, what have you done to me?!" We've put weight on over time and it's going to take time to lose it and get healthy. It's hard to say no when your family is eating and you're not that hungry. If/when that happens again, have half of a half slice. Or simply get yourself a glass of water or diet soda and tell your family you're not hungry but you will sit and enjoy their company. The next time your mom makes her amazing rice, ask her for a smaller portion of it so you don't overdue it. Hang in there!