5'6" ladies?

lula2515 Posts: 13 Member
Could really do with some support from ladies a similar size to me. Im 5'6" and at the minute 185lbs. I initially lost a stone and have been stuck at about this weight for aaaaages. Id love some friends of a similar height to me who are on the same path and/or much further along their weight loss journey so i can get some inspiration from your pictures!
So add me :-)


  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 5'6 as well. lost 90 pounds over 3 years and have been hovering between 175 and 169. I want to get back down to 155 (this time last year). love to chat to other ladies that are on the same path...
    BMI says 155 is the top of my healthy weight range, but I think BMI can stuff it. I looked good and had a lower bf% then, but not scary ill. if i get any lower than 155, i look positively skeletal. i have a large frame. I'm no little bird.
  • sindeyp1
    sindeyp1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I am 5"5" and currently at 185. I lost 25lbs last summer between the months of May-Aug. I have managed to keep them off all but 7lbs. that I have gained over the course of the winter. I am making it a special PRIORITY this year to get down to 175! It has been really hard to move a single pound this time around. So starting today I am logging all my foods and stepping up the exercise routine, because I feel my body may have gotten used to my new way of eating etc. over the past year!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I am 5'6", I started at 245 last April and currently sit at about 162lbs. I plan to get to 155.
    I feel really good and think I look good, I am struggling becuase I had twins in 2005 and can't accept (just yet) the stomach it left me!

    Good luck ladies.
  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    Hi I am 5'6-7 and currently 159LB trying to get to 154LB not much to go no! been here for 6 months so my weight comes off very slowly! I am a very supportive friend, but I do hope for support back xx add me if you would like x
  • sulci
    sulci Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5"5 and started at 180.. down a few pounds now... I also want to get down to about 150!
  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi I am 5'6" too
    SW 245 lbs
    CW 198 lbs
    GW -140-155 lbs.

    I have lost 46 lbs in 3.5 months by eating right & working my butt off.
    I am 31 yrs old & I am the mother of 4 munchkins.
    I will send a friend request add.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'6" and at 189.
    I'm attempting to get down to 168 (at least) and perhaps lower once I see how my body is shaped. I could definitely do with friends along the same path.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Im 5'6", and current measurements are: 33-29-39.

    my highest weight was 180 in Fall 2010. In Spring 2011, I worked down to 140 but slipped up over this past winter and gained back 25 lb.

    I count 165 as my MFP starting weight, and Im already down 12 lb since I joined in March.

    Im not 180 now but it was the turning point in my life :) Add me if you like!
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 5ft 6 and currently at 149 lbs and my highest weight was 170lbs.

    My goal weight is 120ish lbs. I have a really small frame but I'll stop when I feel I look best seeing as I've never been in the 120's before so if I look better at 130 then that's fine also!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Ltitus01
    Ltitus01 Posts: 4
    All of you ladies look amazing! Kimad what a journey for you, I get so much inspiration from your story and photos. This time last year I was at my heaviest of 235, I tried the 17-Day Diet and lost (and kept off) 15 lbs; however, it is with MFP that I have been able to lose 27 additional lbs since mid-March. Today I am down to 192 which is the lightest I have weighed in over five years. I am 5'6 also and would like to get to the lower end of the recommended weight range, so I may still have another 50-60 lbs to lose.
    It is so nice to read these other post and see each of you who has lost that weight, kept it off and continuing on to lose those 10-20 lbs.
  • I'm the same height and weight! I'll add you! :)
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I'm 5'5", just under 200 (highest weight was 208). My goal is 135 (I have a very small frame in reality), but I'd be totally pleased at anything below 145. I'm finally starting to lose some weight and it's pleasing as heck!
  • I'm 5'6'', started losing weight at 160lbs and now 118lbs trying to maintain/lose a couple more so I have room to manouvre!
  • TaterFace
    TaterFace Posts: 5
    I'm 5'6 currently 197 and my highest is 204....
  • im 5'5" 1/2 i started out about 186 after my baby was born aug 2011. i am now down to 161. my goal weight is 130-140. feel free to add me if ya want :)
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    Hi, I'm 5 6 1/2 and currently at 152, i've been a lot heavier than this (180 ish) & not happy & a lot smaller than this before at around (137) but hungry all the time :frown:
    I'm currently aiming for about 142 which i think suits me best and easier to maintain - feel free to add me I'm always looking for new friends who are on the same path for support x
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Hi! I'm 5 6 as well currently 133. I have been in maintenance for about a year but still log every day as it keeps me accountable. My highest pregnancy weight was 233 and my highest non-pregnancy was 220. I have gotten really into fitness and love to exercise. It's nice to continually push my body to see what it's capable of. Feel free to add me!
  • kateshape
    kateshape Posts: 25
    5'6, started off as 155 as my highest weight, and got down to 140. Took some time off from MFP for about 6 months and maintained my weight and now I'm looking to get down to 130 or 125. I'm doing it slowly though, and am about 138 right now. I am hoping for .5lbs loss a week.
  • mbcasey2009
    mbcasey2009 Posts: 52 Member
    5'6" here and have been stuck at 136-140 for a year now. Would love to be closer to 130. I run a ton but I need to lift more so that's what I'm struggling with so far. I hate lifting! :) Good luck!
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone. Im 5'5 1/2". My heaviest has been 183 (well technically 209 after I gave birth). However I lost 7 lbs without realizing it in 2011. When I started on MFP I was 176. I went down to 169 in 5 weeks. I am back up 2 lbs although Im not sure if its because I slacked off for a few weeks or what.

    I am looking to get on the right track and lose 14 lbs. I feel like I am comfortable at 150-155. I dont want to get too skinny.