Jogging/running for bigger people



  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I see a lot of people recommending the C25K program and I'm sure it works great for a lot of people. But some people are too out of shape or too big for even the C25K to be a good starting point. Jogging or running when you are really big plays hell on your joints. I'm 422 now, down from 465. I walk a lot, ride my stationary bike and hike. I've tried jogging but it's a bit too much of a pounding for me right now.

    However I am building up stamina and muscle with my routines now that when I do drop more weight I believe it will factor in a lot when I start jogging.

    I agree here. I was 237 pounds when I first started my weight loss journey two years ago. I knew that walking alone probably would not be enough for me so I used the elliptical since I also knew that jogging would be too tough on my joints.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member

    Only the OP knows their health/ fitness levels and personal circumstances - personally I just started running (my 200yrds!) and have never encountered any problems- no knee pain, no muscle pain to speak of, no back issues etc despite the fact that until I made it to 30mins/2miles I was still wearing my REALLY old trainers that were so totally unsuitable.

    If you think you can do it - do it! just one minute of running is better than none You can do intervals with walking if you like. I found that the moment I started walking I could never motivate myself to run again, so I've just run.....

    Right, I said I was assuming. Also why ask the question if they knew their fitness level. I'm no no way saying don't, i'm just saying dip your toe in before tackling the high dive. looks to me like you just want to brag about what you can do, instead of providing the OP useful info.
  • Fatty_Fatass
    Try running a lot further than a 5k.......... but do it slowly...... start with a 5.4 - 5.5 mph pace and run a short distance...... maybe 4 or 5 miles............ keep it up 3-4 days a week........ then cut the distance in half and bump your speed up to 6 mph (which is really not very fast, but, it will feel that way when you start) and once you have done that for awhile slow down again and run UP SOME HILLS.....then take a few days off, go to your local high school track and do some fast laps.......... find your best speed and work from there....... you will have days when you want to run fast and other days when you are just sorta jogging........ but....... it will all be comfy for you if you hit it hard at the start.......... thats how I got started anyways.....
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    woops double post
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    HA! I also go out early in the morning - I was over 200lb when I started running, and having never done ANY running before I started by going round my tiny block - about 200yrds.....

    It almost killed me:laugh:

    I did the same distance for a week, then edged it up a little at a time, keeping to the same distance for at least a week each time, then adding another 100-200yrds

    There's been several stops and starts over the months, but it's been about 5 or 6months altogether and I now run 2.5 miles most days:heart:

    Start with whatever you can manage, - the secret is to keep working at it so that you get to manage more:flowerforyou:

    Great info, thanks!
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    I am 242 lbs. I was 260+ when I did my first 5K in March of 2011. I felt like the biggest heifer out there (even though I wasn't). However, I realized that the desire to run (jog) was in me and I was going to finish that race even if it killed me.

    I came in at 44 mins (and some odd seconds). Definitely didn't win any awards for THAT time. But I did gain something else. Pride. I felt great that I could complete 3.1 mi willingly. Even if it was incredibly slow and included a LOT of walking.

    I tried the C25K program and it did not agree with me. My body can't do the stop and go method of jogging/walking/jogging/walking. I'm more of a "Jog until I can't jog anymore...then walk...then start again two days later".

    3 years ago I could barely jog 30 seconds before I wanted to die.

    Yesterday I jogged for 36 mins straight (at around 4.5mph) and it felt great!

    My advice is to listen to your body. If it says to go faster, go faster. If it says to slow down, slow down. Don't worry about others around you. I promise, no one is judging you and many of them admire you for being out there.

    Sign up for a 5K. Experiencing that is truly amazing and you will see that runners come in all shapes, sizes, speeds, and age. You will never be the same again! :flowerforyou: