Nerd looking for other nerdy weight loss buddies :)



  • Audrey403
    Audrey403 Posts: 50 Member
    All things Whedon type of nerd here. On my third round watching Btvs, watched Firefly 3 times, Dollhouse twice, in love with cabin In The Woods and The Avengers!
  • Dani_Luers
    Total LOTR nerd among other things. I admit to having the Evenstar necklace that Arwen wears. Shhhhhh! You're in good company.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Who me, a nerd? <.< Maybe. :)
  • jenafey
    jenafey Posts: 10
    I'm totally a nerd too! Love so much of what people have already listed - huge Dr. Who, Torchwood, HP, anything Joss Whedon fan just to name a few things. My little brother wasn't even a Dr. Who fan and ended up rooming with one of the cast members. I was soooo jealous!
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I have a star wars themed christmas tree (my yoda tree topper is the best purchase I ever made..even if it is "new" yoda and not the orignal trilogy) and I was almost born on the hospital lawn because the new episode of Dr. Who was on and my mom HAD TO stay home and watch it. So yeah, I was born a nerd.

    I love lotr, and I'm a late bloomer and getting into HP, I dont play rpgs like wow but I do play my classic nintendo more than my wii lol
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    HP, doctor who, star wars, star trek..... I love it ALL
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Jonesy! I would love to be your friend!!!! I'm a bookworm, HP fan....
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member


    I must join in on this thread.

    HP is my biggest love but I'm a huge fan of Sherlock and Doctor Who. And more recently, LotR - I bloomed late XD A Song of Ice and Fire anyone? Not to be a book snob but the books are better xD Don't judge though if you're into the books or the tv though, just always seems to be my view.

    I just had to quote this for the pure enjoyment of watching Orlando Bloom.

    I notice the definition of "nerd" has really evolved since I was a kid. I was considered a nerd just because I liked to read, liked to do well in school, and had glasses. I don't think I qualify as the new-fangled type of nerd. :drinker:
  • SusuAtta
    SusuAtta Posts: 56
    Yes, I love fantasy! Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings especially. Sometimes, I imagine myself in the worlds that these amazing authors write up, and get depressed when I have to come back to reality and walk past the litter on the ground outside as a baby cries in the background because his mother won't give him a candy bar. Video games, too! Skyrim and a bunch of different RPGS. I also like MAGIC (the card game).
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I'm a bibliophile! Not much of a gamer though.
  • beccaboo0713
    Total nerd here!

    HP, Martin, actually any fantasy, gamer - WoW, Consoles, DnD, Star Trek, Etc.

    If it's nerdy, I like it. :)
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Totally nerdy in our house, hubby and I are in IT and I just loooooove to read!! We both play games, wii, PS3, Xbox, Gamecube, PC, Mac you name the game console, between the two of us, we've owned one!

    Bring on all the sexy, fit and healthy nerds!

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. Us nerds need to stick together!
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    Hey! welcome!

    Im a:

    gamer - WoW, CoD, ect...

    geek - techie

    and a sideshow and magic performer.
    it doesnt get more nerdy geeky!

    hahah love meeting people, so add me and lets talk!
  • Jumpinsticks
    Wow... Reading down that list of replies and I'm like woah... So many people like a lot of the same things I do :) Thought I was all unique and stuff :) Feel free to add me anyone :) I'm a gamer. We won't go in to all the games I play/have played in the past... And that's all I'm admitting to for now :P
  • jonesygetshealthy
    jonesygetshealthy Posts: 66 Member
    ah! so many nerds.
    happiness :3
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I guess I'm not nerdy enough :grumble: lol
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have a star wars themed christmas tree (my yoda tree topper is the best purchase I ever made..even if it is "new" yoda and not the orignal trilogy)

    Oh, god, I feel like I need to add that to my collection of all things Star Wars. I shall look for it on amazon.
  • MrAllia
    MrAllia Posts: 60 Member
    I'm into Anime, photography, working out, I was a DM for a few years I own just about every 3.5 book in existence. Star Wars, LOTR fan I love Bleach and into cosplay, I'm an avid Facebooker, I sing in my church choir, I'm a music hound with 3,546 songs from iTunes, I lost some weight, and am determined to loose more, once I set my mind on something, nothing stops me. Sort of like the Juggernaut of motivation. I have ton of comic books that I never read, only admired put in plastic and acid free backing and stored at room temp never exceeding 90 degrees or falling below 30. I like to dance, party, walk around NYC and meet new people. I prefer PS3 to XBox or Wii. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Moxylein
    Moxylein Posts: 52
    another nerd over here :)
    LOTR, Star Wars, Sherlock, Zelda, Gaming ... just all of it :D
    Reading all these replies really is encouraging, so many people with the same interests and the same goals, thank you guys for just being there.
    Feel free to add me as well, really gonna enjoy the time with you all
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I game (mostly RPGs though), I attend renaissance faires in full garb, read manga and watch anime. Add me if you want. :)