Bathing suits don't fit, need motivation!

Hey there! I'm Jeanette. I'm 26, a registered nurse (I feel bad telling my patients they need to eat healthier, I need to take my own advice!) and currently living in Lexington, KY with my husband, P. We're both originally from Michigan, but P's getting his PhD from University of Kentucky, so we'll be here for the next few years. It's super awesome here and I love every minute of it. We actually really close to the Arboretum and it's quick and easy to head over there for walks and runs (not that I'm running, oh no, it's flab city and no one wants to see that). So, that brings me to my dilemma....

P and I are going to Vegas in August (I know, I know, who the heck goes to the DESERT in August) and I was getting out the bathing suits to see what kind of selection I had. And omg, it's just depressing how small my bathing suits from 2 years ago were. They're my honeymoon bathing suits and even though I did diet down a little before getting married, I was super skinny (for me anyways)! I've always been, shall we say, lax about getting in shape and eating healthy. I actually ate healthier in college, mostly because it was cheaper than going out with my friends for every single meal. But now, I work 3 days a week, 12 hour days and I never ever feel like making dinner when I get home. And P's busy with school and grading and everything, so some days, he doesn't get home much before I do and neither one of us feels like doing anything, So we get fast food. Or carryout. And thus begins an endless cycle of eating like crap.

So, my goal is to start making healthy meals at home and actually using my gym membership that I pay for anyway. I just need a little kick in the butt every now and then. My biggest weakness is lack of motivation. And Raising Canes chicken fingers. I just need to be in the vicinity of them and my mouth waters. So, feel free to friend me and tell me when I'm eating like crap or not doing my 4 workouts for the week. :)