Spraining/Rolling my ankle! Prevention....

I've never had issues in my life and have done this 3 times in the last few months. I've also never really ran in my life either...but could it be the shoes I'm using and is there anything I can do to stop this. It hurts. =/


  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member

    The IMG has to be in lowercase :)

    That looks really swollen!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    My son got some shoes recently and he has complained that they make his ankle roll. He says it feels like the base of the shoe is smaller than the sole of his foot, causing his foot to "roll off".
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    The IMG has to be in lowercase :)

    I think you lost some of your pic. It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at. That looks really swollen!

    Thanks! Yeah, it hurts and I keep doing it with the same foot, too!
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    First off, Ice and rest, get shoes properly fitted and designed for running, also strap your ankles.

    The website below shows how to strap correctly

    hope this helps
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    RICE. Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation! Do this to help the swelling go down. It could be your shoes. You might possibly have a weakness in your ankle now than won't fully recover. I always have to run with a support on due to an old injury. Just look after yourself, and give it time to get better....don't want to make it any worse :)
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    My son got some shoes recently and he has complained that they make his ankle roll. He says it feels like the base of the shoe is smaller than the sole of his foot, causing his foot to "roll off".

    Yes, I feel like that may be the issue. But, wasn't sure this was really happening. I am willing to buy another pair id this is the cause. I seriously DO not want to attempt anything until I do.

    What brand do you suggest. My mother swears by the shoes at Big 5, but I cannot remember the brand she is using.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    First off, Ice and rest, get shoes properly fitted and designed for running, also strap your ankles.

    hope this helps

    Easier said than done. My son went to Fleet Feet and spent $140 and tried over a dozen pairs of shoes recommended by the "fitter" and still got a crap pair.
  • mollysonnotice
    owie owie owie!! That looks like it hurts!!

    I'd just say to go to the nike store and get some good running shows for like $50. I have some serious support because my ankles got ruined when I danced Ballet and Tap. They work amazing.

    Hope you feel better...

    EDIT: Oh, and an ankle brace may be good for you when you go running. My Cross Country running best friend always uses them. He says they really work. (He should know, he's done so much damage to himself x/ )
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    My son got some shoes recently and he has complained that they make his ankle roll. He says it feels like the base of the shoe is smaller than the sole of his foot, causing his foot to "roll off".

    Yes, I feel like that may be the issue. But, wasn't sure this was really happening. I am willing to buy another pair id this is the cause. I seriously DO not want to attempt anything until I do.

    What brand do you suggest. My mother swears by the shoes at Big 5, but I cannot remember the brand she is using.

    I don't know enough about the "good" brands to recommend anything. And really, it's going to be different for every person.

    I will tell you that the brand my son got was Brooks.

    I also got a new pair that I'm not happy with, Asics. They felt good (on the inside of the shoe, to my feet), walking around the store, but trying to DO anything in them feels like I'm wearing huge clown shoes.

    I have a pair from last year that I bought off Amazon without knowing anything about them, other than the Amazon reviews, and I love them. They are Saucony Pro-Grid Razor. LOVE THEM. They're also waterproof which is awesome for when I go hiking.

    BUT, despite any names/brands you might hear, you'll only really know through trial-and-error.
  • phatycake
    phatycake Posts: 216
    Thanks! I think its New Balance. I've heard great things about those. I need to go try them on and see. Thanks for all your suggestions and input.