Upper body workout for leg injury

I have recently sustained a bd sprain to my ankle (a week ago) that has caused me to be unable to do excessive walking, let along my usual "workout" I am nw expereicing pain in my knee of the opposite leg (due to overcompensating because of my ankle)... so.. my question is - what are some things you like to do that have little "force" on the legs but can still give a workout!?!? I feel like I should know this, but am at a loss... any help would be great!!


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Cardio boxing, swimming, yoga/ Pilates, situps/crunches, donkey kicks (I hope I have that one named correctly). Just some suggestions.
  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Wish I had some answers for you, I posted a similar question earlier today as I apparently tore my meniscus in my right knee during my workout Wednesday and am looking for any advice on a workout that can get my heart rate up but have no impact on my legs (I can't even straighten the one). Would you be able to ride a bike with the ankle injury? It's not upper body, but should be pretty low impact on your ankle. Good luck and kudos to you for trying to find something to compensate instead of allowing an injury to bring you down!
  • dawnivin2008
    dawnivin2008 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions - will at least get me moving!!!