Carbs Needed for Brain Power?



  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    if i remember right the most important thing for brain power isnt the carbs, but some vitamins and proteins..
    will check that tomorow and will either post here or PM you with what i've found.
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    You body does indeed produce its own glucose when carbohydrates are low. Low carb also causes ketone bodies to be released which are used by pretty much every other part of your body as an energy source, reserving ALL of the glucose made for brain function. I would have liked to have seen a 3 month study, most low carb diets recommend a couple of weeks to convert your metabolism over to ketosis. During that time, I could understand people not performing as well if their processes haven't switched.

    Also, none of the popular low carb diets restrict carbs to 0, Atkins allows for 20g durin the first 2 weeks and additional carbs in the following weeks. Some lifetime atkins people are consuming 50-60g easily.

    I personally have remained under 20g for the last 3 months. I ALSO take a Nootropic that causes my brain to consume MORE glucose and choline than normal. I do take a choline supplement, but I have not had to increase my carb intake at all and my mental prowess has increased. I no longer have a mental fog and my moods have also stabilized. It was noticable to my wife even though i did not tell her I was changing my diet. It took me a week before i noticed an improvement.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yes, your are correct in that. Humans actually do not need carbs for proper brain function.

    I have been low carb off and on for the past 6 years. My hubby notices big differences in my mental abilities when I am low carbing (no brain fog - mental clarity, better memory, sleep better, not near as moody)

    In another thread, I posted the scientific evidence of how ketones are converted over to glucose, however it was quite a long read. I can post the link to the article if anyone would like to read it.

    In addition, if proper quality protein intake is eaten, we do not need carbs at all. We can get every single nutrient (vitamin and mineral) from eating a pure protein eating plan.

    Since last December, I have kept my carb intake between 5 and 12% of my daily food intake and I feel great.
    You body does indeed produce its own glucose when carbohydrates are low. Low carb also causes ketone bodies to be released which are used by pretty much every other part of your body as an energy source, reserving ALL of the glucose made for brain function. I would have liked to have seen a 3 month study, most low carb diets recommend a couple of weeks to convert your metabolism over to ketosis. During that time, I could understand people not performing as well if their processes haven't switched.

    Also, none of the popular low carb diets restrict carbs to 0, Atkins allows for 20g durin the first 2 weeks and additional carbs in the following weeks. Some lifetime atkins people are consuming 50-60g easily.

    I personally have remained under 20g for the last 3 months. I ALSO take a Nootropic that causes my brain to consume MORE glucose and choline than normal. I do take a choline supplement, but I have not had to increase my carb intake at all and my mental prowess has increased. I no longer have a mental fog and my moods have also stabilized. It was noticable to my wife even though i did not tell her I was changing my diet. It took me a week before i noticed an improvement.