Acupressure point advice needed

Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
I have a tender spot on the inside of each knee, its been there for years and never hurts unless I press in it with my fingertip, even a light pressure will start to cause pain. In the last few weeks I have increased my walking intensity and distance to 3-5miles per day, 60-90 minutes, and have no problems with my knees and no pain - unless I press on it with my finger.

I had thought that the exercise would reduce the sensitivity.

Has anyone with knowledge in this area got any ideas?

(Yeah I could stop pressing with my finger and there would be no problems.)


  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm a layperson, no expertise, but I've experienced similar things. Have you had an injury anytime even semi-recently anywhere from your hips downward? I had knee and hip pain result from being rear-ended in March. It was intermittent, and not severe, but I couldn't believe how much it hurt when the massage therapist got in there. My knee pain originated from my quads and hamstrings, and I was only feeling it where they connect. I'm not saying I think this is what's going on with you, but if you want to know what is causing the tenderness, I would go to a massage therapist. Doctors know anatomy, but massage therapists can feel where your pain is without input from you. Having the massage therapist work on those muscles also improved the issue considerably (still not done healing).
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    The strange thing is that there is no pain unless I push, my knees don't hurt there when I walk or stair climb. Also the pain is on both sides, and I have no real pain in any other muscles.

    I used to have an incredibly good massage guy and I would have called him, he was an expert on indirect pain- e,g.. the pain in my hip would be from a twisted ankle making my walk off stride. Sadly he died prematurely, and its hard to find a qualified practioner

    I might try and track down an acupunturist I used to know - its more likely an accupoint than an actual muscle.
  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    I have tender points there and other areas because I have fibromyalgia. Do you know if you have any other tender spots on your body?
    There are other symptoms and issues associated with Fibro but it wouldn't hurt for you to look it up and see if anything fits.
    It also could be because of weight(too much strain/pressure on the joints) or because of an old injury. If you are really concerned about it you should go in to your doctor. Hope that helps :)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Thanks - I will check out fibromyalgia. As far as I know I don't have any tender spots like this. Its a good question, since under normal circumstances the inside of my knees would never get pushed, and unless I knew that angle and position to press, I would be unaware of the issue.

    I have a great doctor in many respects, but I have found (at least where I live) doctors are not good at these kinds of issues. Generally poor with muscles and pressure points.
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