Counting calories vs weight watchers



  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    My feeling is that whatever way works for you is good. However, I prefer logging calories because it makes me more aware of what I am actually ingesting - what's in the food that I'm eating. Plus, this makes me aware of how much fat, sugar and sodium I am consuming.
  • HoneyIShrunktheMom

    I'm a big advocate of Weight Watchers having successfully lost weight with them in the past. However, I am now learning more and more about nutrition and fitness and have cancelled my subscription as I'm now eating a totally different way and it's incompatible with WW.

    I would rather be strong and fit (and maybe weigh a little more) than thin and unfit..............................but that's just my personal view.
    (?) I'm quite curious what type of eating you're doing now that is incompatible with WW. WW encourages fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and healthy fats. Personally, I can't think of another type of nutrition that is better than that. Please share your situation as I am genuinely curious.

    In response to the original poster:
    I lost my first 40 lbs. doing WW and then cancelled my membership and switched to MFP. The only reason I do so was for cost savings. I have learned the importance of eating well and also what that actually MEANS and because of WW I learned how to make that happen in my daily life. I still eat according to the WW good health guidelines but instead of figuring points I count calories. I try to keep my fat, carbs, protein, fiber and sodium in a specific range as well, but my main priority is calorie counting while focusing on the WW good health guidelines.
  • FightingFox
    I liked weight watchers and it worked for me but for maintenance, the $30/month fee was too much, and I love to track on my gadgets and go. I haven't been here long enough yet, but it seems fine. I like how they give you more calories on days you work out because I am famished on my heavy workout days, and would be terribly discouraged with my need to go over my daily goal regularly if they didn't do this.
  • Ramshots
    Ramshots Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing WW for 31 weeks and I am transitioning over to MFP because of the expense. I am amazed at the amount of misunderstanding about the WW program and a lot of it seems to come from people who say they have tried it. The gimic of free fruits and veggies being 0 points is a psychological ploy to get you to eat healthier. The points or calories for the 0 point foods are taken into account before they give you your target points goal. You can say it's like pre-paid calories. The part most people miss is the part that says 5 servings of fruits and veggies are recommended. If you snarf down all the fruits and veggies you can stand, then it won't work and that is not following the WW program. If all you eat is fruits and veggies then you should track fruits and veggies you have over the 5 servings. I've lost 48 lbs. on WW. IT WORKS. It seems that most people WW it doesn't work for really miss the whole concept and think they are following the program but they are not. WW is a calorie counting program just like MFP. They just convert calories into smaller numbers and call them points. A point is 40 calories about 98% of the time. Basically they calculate your BMR, subtract an amount of calories for the 5 servings of fruits and veggies, then convert the calories left into points and that is your goal. Both programs work if you work the programs because they both do the same thing. They both restrict calories and encourge activity. Some people need the accountability that WW brings with going to a meeting and facing the scale in front of another person.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Stupid ie. Anyway, I lost 33 pounds on mpf and couldn't have done it without this site. I never tried ww though. Why? You have to pay something.

    Free is always good.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I lost over 100 pounds per pregnancy with weight watchers. The old system worked wonders for me and I am trying to figure out the calories in and calories out system with MFP. I think mfp adds more calories than ww but either way I am still losing weight..I used to know eactly the points in foods too. Why choose mfp over ww even with my success is because mfp is free, plain and simple and also the new system is to confusing. I like mfp and I eat the same as being on ww. I haven't lost 2 to 2.5 pounds a week like on ww but I am eating more food too...I was on 24 to 27 points and I would add in my few points for exercise and if I over ate I would exercise more..the problem with MFP is that their exercise calories versus their calories consumed is way off. As a matter of fact it is half of what they say..based on my HRM on my elliptical and other more accurate websites so I don't count the exercise and just have it preset for 1.5 pounds a week.
  • Poetry_In_Pics
    I've done both WW & MFP and have found them to be very similar. The one difference is that most fruits & veggies on WW are 0 points whereas on MFP they are worth calories. I switched over to MFP because I like using the FitBit tracker with it versus the WW ActiveLink tracker ~ FitBit is much more detailed and gives me a clearer overall picture. :smile:

    My thought is that weightloss is a very personal experience, and you should choose whichever way works the best for you overall.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've been doing WW for 31 weeks and I am transitioning over to MFP because of the expense. I am amazed at the amount of misunderstanding about the WW program and a lot of it seems to come from people who say they have tried it. The gimic of free fruits and veggies being 0 points is a psychological ploy to get you to eat healthier. The points or calories for the 0 point foods are taken into account before they give you your target points goal. You can say it's like pre-paid calories. The part most people miss is the part that says 5 servings of fruits and veggies are recommended. If you snarf down all the fruits and veggies you can stand, then it won't work and that is not following the WW program. If all you eat is fruits and veggies then you should track fruits and veggies you have over the 5 servings. I've lost 48 lbs. on WW. IT WORKS. It seems that most people WW it doesn't work for really miss the whole concept and think they are following the program but they are not. WW is a calorie counting program just like MFP. They just convert calories into smaller numbers and call them points. A point is 40 calories about 98% of the time. Basically they calculate your BMR, subtract an amount of calories for the 5 servings of fruits and veggies, then convert the calories left into points and that is your goal. Both programs work if you work the programs because they both do the same thing. They both restrict calories and encourge activity. Some people need the accountability that WW brings with going to a meeting and facing the scale in front of another person.
    I agree 100% with every single thing you said :)
    WW works - if it doesn't work for you - you're not doing it right. Period.

    Yes, it costs money, but for some people, they need the help of an actual meeting and people face to face - rather than doing it ALL on their own with MFP.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    This is what WW says about the free fruits and veggies:

    How much 0 PointsPlus values fruit is too much?
    We’ll say it again: Yes, fruits and vegetables aren’t magically calorie-free just by dint of us making most of them free of PointsPlus values. We took this step to encourage people to eat more fruits and vegetables; foods that are nutritious, satisfying and help to encourage you to make healthy, lasting choices that will lead to weight loss.

    If you’re concerned that you’re eating “too much fruit," ask yourself if you’re enjoying what you’re eating, or if you’re honestly stuffing yourself with bananas because they’re “free." Or maybe you’re blending pounds of berries and bananas with ice into big-gulp smoothies.

    If you’re using fruit and veggies as a way to stuff yourself in lieu of stuffing yourself with less healthy foods, then it’s possible that you may be reaching the point of “too much." If you’re eating more than you used to, but you’re using them for healthy snacks, to bulk up your meals or as a tide-me-over when you’re down to the last few PointsPlus values for the day or week, then you’re probably OK.

    The bottom line? Let your hunger, and your weight loss, be your guide.
  • kellylynnlamb
    kellylynnlamb Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am trying to find the weight watchers 360 group
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    hello everyone and thanks and for the responses, they were all really good. I guess i am just trying to figure out what is best for me in the long run. I have been doing the ww points system but always, always seem to go way over my daily allotment. I also starting tracking on mfp and trying to decide which one will be most helpful in the long run.

    in the past they keep changing up the point system and making new points for the same foods. I guess so you have to keep paying them if you want tthe latest points for everything. The good thing about calories is they don't seem to change every few years.
    but ww is easy add the points up every day. hmmmm i guess i will just do both for a month then decide which one may suit me better in the long run...

    The problem here isnt with either *system*. You say you 'seem to go over' like that's something that just kind of happens, like you're not in control. Whether on mfp or ww, the system will only work if you make it work.

    To answer the original question - I've done both, and prefer mfp. It is a more transparent system of counting.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I don't like how WE gives you fruits and veggies for "free" in the real world, they still count.... it just doesn't sit right with me

    Same here. I thought it was very odd when I heard that they have "free" foods. What about the sugars, carbs, etc?.... I guess I'm all too accustomed to tracking my macros/micros for WW to make sense to me.

    Think of it this way... that 80 calorie cookie is the same as that 80 calorie apple (well in reality I know its not the same but at this time macros just mess with my head)... to me that 80 calorie cookie is WAY more appealing than the apple. However on WW that 80 calorie cookie is probably 2 points... that 80 calorie apple is 0 points. I would be more inclined to eat the 0 point apple and save those 2 points from the cookie for a little more at dinner.

    I became so obsessed with numbers that I eventually had a nervous breakdown (not even joking). Switching over to the points really just gave my brain a break (I cannot explain it really well) you still can track your carbs and *kitten* if you want - make a spreadsheet, not that hard... also double logging is not that hard. I can pretty much tell the points based on the fat, fiber, carb, protein ratio in a food - thats how they figure out the points to start with.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    WW is very clear about fruits and most veggies being "free". They want you to choose to eat them over a 3 point cookie, for example. They also warn not to over do it on the fruit, you will gain weight if you do. So, it's about control (which I don't have) which is why i have to track. I like WW and dealing with points as 1200 calories on MFP is SO low..and WW gives you 49 extra points to use however you want during the week as well as gaining activity points. Like everyone is saying, just use whatever tool works best for you...
  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    Back when they had the Flex plan I lost weight everyweek. Signed up for Points Plus in October of this year and all I lost was $350.00. I basically pay $20 a week to step on a scale and be dissapointed.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    $20 a week? Wow. I pay $18.95/month and I think it works just awesome. The only reason I fail is when I quit.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm going to try to use both MFP and WW to see how I do. I really, really like MFP too..and it's free with great tools and community. Not crazy about the WW community...I drive myself nuts with these things...
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't get all the folks stating on WW they eat processed foods along with their free fruits and veggies. Makes no sense, why would anyone do that? Cindy has it right. People just aren't doing it right. Since now that I've signed up for the 3-month plan, I will compare to MFP and WW to see what I like to do best. The 1200 calories is very low, WW gives me more to eat and I lose doing that along with the add'l 49 you can but don't have to use and activity points. At the end of the day, it's the expense of WW that will get me I think. I agree MFP has a much, much better database and support community!
  • mrsricta
    I have tried both and have had far more success with MFP! I didn't like that with WW I really didn't have to pay a whole lot of attention to the nutrition of a food as long as it was within my points it was okay to eat. With MFP I have really gained a new appreciation for what my food is made of and how it makes me feel. For those saying that fruits and vegetables "count" as colories on MFP and you don't like that, not to be harsh but that's the way it is! I know that WW counts them as 0 points but in the "real world" those foods have calories too - but, very very low in calories!
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    Agree but WW is trying to make people make smarter choices all the way around. The way points are calculated is based not on calories but what they are made of (fat, carbs, protein and fiber). You chose foods with lower points which are healthier. Fruit and veggies are 0 so that you don't choose the 2-3 point cookie over a healthy apple. Works very well. Points doesn't mean that WW doesn't care what the foods are made of! I'm going to do both for now (since I just installed the chrome user script to also show points) to see what works best for me. Love MFP communities as well...and it's free :) It's just that 1200 is so low. Even WW doesn't go that low.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    Agree but WW is trying to make people make smarter choices all the way around. The way points are calculated is based not on calories but what they are made of (fat, carbs, protein and fiber). You chose foods with lower points which are healthier. Fruit and veggies are 0 so that you don't choose the 2-3 point cookie over a healthy apple. Works very well. Points doesn't mean that WW doesn't care what the foods are made of! I'm going to do both for now (since I just installed the chrome user script to also show points) to see what works best for me. Love MFP communities as well...and it's free :) It's just that 1200 is so low. Even WW doesn't go that low. Sparkpeople when I was doing that gave me 1500 a day, which is closer to what 26 points might equate to but you can't figure that out exactly because it make a difference of what the foods contain (fiber, protein, fat and carbs).