I cant do moderation



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    frustrating does not even start to describe it. at 24 I've experienced way too many drastic weight changes. I'm honestly tired. If someone offers me candy next time..I'm just going to say NO....

    Seriously OP, that is what I have to do now, it is not worth (for me anyway) to struggle through the rest of the day with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other having set-tos that go along the lines, something like this:

    devil: one bit won't hurt
    angel: you will regret it, don't do it, be strong
    devil: one bit won't hurt, try one bit....
    angel: visualize yourself after having eaten it, you know how bad you will feel

    pmsl it's like a constant tug o' war :laugh:
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    All I know is that when I am done with my diet and other changes right now..That this site I will be a forever memeber.

    I will ALWAYS have to log my food. u.u

    This is how I'm feeling, too. Although losing weight is hard, KEEPING it off is 200 times harder. People try to argue with me saying that once I get to goal weight, I'll know how to eat right, but if history has shown me anything, it's that that is just not true. I've gained it back (and then some) every single time. And I'm at peace with the idea of logging my food for the next 10 years, 20 years, whatever. It's obviously what I need to do.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I very much used to be an all or nothing kind of girl. I was ON or OFF. When I was off ~ I was REALLY off. When I was on ~ I was obnoxiously ON! ~Sound familiar? Relatinships even changed depending if I was off/on It sucked. It took me two years to break that. There is such a thing as moderation ~ but it just doesn't happen. YOU have to choose it.

    I eat ice cream with my husband and kids. They have a their's in a cup ~ I have mine in a silver condiment cup.
    I eat chips with the family. I put some on theirs ~ I count out six for me.
    I eat hamburgers with them ~ I cut mine in 1/2 eat 1/2 and either throw the other half away or put it away for later.

    1. The stomach does NOT have tastebuds! ONLY My mouth! Usually if I eat that ice cream slowly ~ I ENJOY every single tastebud that gets tickled! I am satisfied at the end.
    2. I love chips (crisps for the UK), but really if I eat six (not popping a whole one in my mouth but breaking that chip into 2 peices) and eat it slowly I enjoy the salty crunch.
    3. 1/2 a burger is enough. Logically I know that!

    YOU CAN choose to embrace moderation, or you choose to live in the hell hole of all or nothing. THERE is no in between!

    Logically, this all makes perect sense but I'm generally on my own (no kids and husband works away) so it's all up to me... And if I go off track its really very ugly... Sometimes my self control is astounding - even to me! But when I'm on the downhill slide its definitely not pretty...
  • letsgetskinny88
    lol....funny thing is... to get out of that 'cycle' i have to drastically change my life to working out full time and eating very very healthy.

    i've told my friends and family about my binges ....but when I want to do them....if they tell me off...I get pissed off and do it even more. I feel like I'm a different person when I have my binge episodes. The only way I'll snap out of it is when everything is back stable again in life (post exam period)...and i've realized holy crap i'm fat !
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    I don't know if I'm allowed to recommend this, but it can't hurt - but if you want to change your habits I suggest getting Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin (including the book and CD, I got it for less than a tenner on Amazon) - it helps break the diet/gain cycle by changing your eating habits.
    Seems to be working for me so far - I'm only using this to make sure I'm not eating too few calories whilst using his methods.

    I find when he states...`ITS NOT YOUR FAULT` really amusing...Lol
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I usually have the same pattern of weight gain:

    skinny --- > getting busy in life ---> stops working out ---- > starts eating crap ---->fat
    >x REPEAT
    If you think you are fat weighing 145lbs at 5' 6", then I think you might have body dysmorphia.

    Sure, you might not be as toned as you want to be, but if you are swaying regularly between 132-145 lbs then that seems fairly "normal" weight range for someone of your height and age. Of course I don't know you personally or your build, but your profile pics certainly wouldn't suggest you have any serious weight issues.

    When I was in my 20s I thought I was fat - I was certainly a few lbs over-weight and I didn't do any strength training so I was squidgy and never toned, but because I believed I was fat, when I did start to pile on the lbs, it didn't register because I had convinced myself I was a whale. It's taken me a lot of effort to lose 60lbs and I need to lose another 30 to get to a normal weight.

    I think you need some positive reinforcement to make you aware of how wonderful you are and stop believing you are fat.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    lol....funny thing is... to get out of that 'cycle' i have to drastically change my life to working out full time and eating very very healthy.

    i've told my friends and family about my binges ....but when I want to do them....if they tell me off...I get pissed off and do it even more. I feel like I'm a different person when I have my binge episodes. The only way I'll snap out of it is when everything is back stable again in life (post exam period)...and i've realized holy crap i'm fat !

    Again, I relate... This is definitely something that is emotionally linked for me but its a 'quiet' anxiety response - unlike when I am really stressed because then I'll stop eating altogether. But like you say, I find the best way to stop is to catapult myself into the other extreme i.e: I'm no stranger to the lemon detox diet which I've frequently done for periods of up to 14days. The thing about that is that after a few days of not eating ANYTHING , I start to crave healthy foods and it sort of 'resets' my system so I can happily start eating healthy again... But here I am binging again after 4mths or so of healthy eating and consistant weight loss... Urghhhhh!
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    I don't even think I have cravings as such - I just see something and think "oh dear shouldn't eat that" and then eat it anyway. I hate, hate, hate being fat and yet I eat things I know I shouldn't and have the time I don't really want. Definitely a mind set problem for me. Thinking of hypnosis. Anyone tried?
  • letsgetskinny88
    I don't even think I have cravings as such - I just see something and think "oh dear shouldn't eat that" and then eat it anyway. I hate, hate, hate being fat and yet I eat things I know I shouldn't and have the time I don't really want. Definitely a mind set problem for me. Thinking of hypnosis. Anyone tried?

    LOL I downloaded a weightloss hypnosis thingy on my iphone. lol I'm sorry to say ...DOES NOT WORK...:P
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I can stay in my 'super healthy' phase when I avoid all junk, eat within 1400 calories...but when I'm back to being a size tiny I'm like...hey I can totally afford to eat a chocolate bar...which becomes 8...if not more.

    Chocolate is my vice. I also ate soooooooo much ben and jerries for this weight gain.....like 2-3 times a week!!! POUNDS CREEP ON!!!

    chocolate philidephia on toast as a treat!!
  • letsgetskinny88
    I used to do 'special K bars' as treats...lol soon when i'm skinny i want the GOOD STUFF....i think ' hey i lost all this weight....i deserve it...'.....that never goes down too well.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    You can't do what you say you can't do - you train your body, you have to train your mind... you will be fine... as long as you justify your actions with the I CAN'T, you WON'T
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I can stay in my 'super healthy' phase when I avoid all junk, eat within 1400 calories...but when I'm back to being a size tiny I'm like...hey I can totally afford to eat a chocolate bar...which becomes 8...if not more.

    Chocolate is my vice. I also ate soooooooo much ben and jerries for this weight gain.....like 2-3 times a week!!! POUNDS CREEP ON!!!

    we all have our drugs of choice. Mine are made by Hershey's and Godiva :D I must have better will power than I thought, because even though I am attempting to eat low carb, I CAN stop at a few chocolate pieces, a handful of chips, a few fries, etc. This weekend I helped my mom move, and she bought pizza for everyone who helped--I stopped and got a salad on the way home with the pizza, so I had A slice of pizza and my salad.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Hiya I am the one in the black t-shirt :happy: I cannot do moderation either far from it. Like yourself when I am in healthy mode I am great but when I am in a eat what you want mode I go way over board! At the moment I am on holiday with my family and friends on the Isle Of Arran,SCOTLAND. So I had the rule eat what I want but OMGosh I have taken the p*ss! :sad: All this tasty food and I have went into the eating monster.:frown: You can look at my diary from Saturday until today and you will see what I am talking about!:drinker: I feel disgusted with myself but at the same time I am still doing it! :ohwell: Just cannot do moderation I am a GREEDY MONSTER! :noway: I want to be skinny but I cannot just have one slice of cake I need to eat it all!:sad: It must be a psychological problem I have! You are not alone! :tongue:

    ^^umm this is me^^ Yeaaa that's why I have to be on a strict eating plan, b/c if I stray OMG...
  • skinnyskittles
    The Topic of My Life!!!

    All I know is that when I am done with my diet and other changes right now..That this site I will be a forever memeber.

    I will ALWAYS have to log my food. u.u

    This being only my second day on this site, I feel like I've got someone helping me with what to eat yaya.
    Now to start exercising again.....
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    how about cheat day once a week (I do Friday) when you eat that whole bag of doritos and whole choclate bar?

    Doritos/Snickers combo - that used to be me ALL the time. However, I once I thought I was eating well during the day, but this site has shown me I wasn't! Now I am eating properly all day, and if I grab a bag of popped chips (not Doritos) and a half a dark choc bar (not Snickers) once or twice a week, I can still lose weight steadily and feel like I've indulged.

    The best thing about this site is the education I've gotten about the food I actually eat. Now I can eat well and when I do indulge it is GUILT-FREE!

    Freedom - it is so awesome!!!
  • melhmltn2
    melhmltn2 Posts: 32 Member
    I can be like this. I've been changing my habits. Some of the things I did was look at what I can't control. For me it's ice cream, chocolate, and cookies. So, I purchase types that I don't like, but the boys do. Then if I'm really craving a cookie or ice cream, I go to DQ or bakery and buy one. Take it home to eat it, this way I can't say I'll have another, I would have to drive back to get seconds. The other thing is I've found a really expensive chocolate that comes in bite size pieces, I freeze them and allow myself one a day. Knowing how expensive they are keeps me from eating all of them,

    Then there are things that don't bother me. Like chips, I enjoy them occasionally and I can keep bags of chips and never feel tempted. Hope this helps
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I eat ice cream with my husband and kids. They have a their's in a cup ~ I have mine in a silver condiment cup.
    I eat chips with the family. I put some on theirs ~ I count out six for me.
    I eat hamburgers with them ~ I cut mine in 1/2 eat 1/2 and either throw the other half away or put it away for later.

    I find it quite wasteful that you would throw it away, why would you purposely throw food away. Just keep it for later more, or freeze the rest.

    Everyone CAN have just one slice of cake, not doing so is not 'a personality trait' or something you HAVE to do, its just daft and unnecessary. Would you ever say you couldnt just have ONE partner, you had to have more. i imagine not, so why is food any different.
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I've never read it, but I came across a recommendation by a weight loss blogger for a book called "Brain over Binge". She recommended it to her readers and they all raved about it.

    Mind you, even though it resonated with her, she continued to struggle (although not so much with the bingeing anymore, just not making great choices) and not long after, sold her domain/changed the scope of her blog from her totally relatable personal journey to basically an infomercial for diet pills, protein powders etc. Ugh. It makes me feel mad just thinking about it!
  • letsgetskinny88

    I eat ice cream with my husband and kids. They have a their's in a cup ~ I have mine in a silver condiment cup.
    I eat chips with the family. I put some on theirs ~ I count out six for me.
    I eat hamburgers with them ~ I cut mine in 1/2 eat 1/2 and either throw the other half away or put it away for later.

    I find it quite wasteful that you would throw it away, why would you purposely throw food away. Just keep it for later more, or freeze the rest.

    Everyone CAN have just one slice of cake, not doing so is not 'a personality trait' or something you HAVE to do, its just daft and unnecessary. Would you ever say you couldnt just have ONE partner, you had to have more. i imagine not, so why is food any different.

    I disagree. Certain personality traits do force you to act a certain way...coined in psychiatry. just sayin'. Obviously its up to me to stop myself and I CAN...but it is hard to.