Obesity Levels And The Demands on Global Resources

Overweight people could bring about the end of mankind by gobbling up all our food stocks, a shock study claims.
Scientists fear the soaring numbers of larger people will place crippling demands on the globe’s food resources. And they claim it could lead to mass starvation and an environmental crisis.
The study, by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said battling rising population weight is crucial for “food security”. Global resources are already predicted to be under threat with the world’s population set to soar by a further 2.3 billion people by 2050, according to the United Nations.
Prof Ian Roberts, who led the research, said: “Everyone accepts that population growth threatens global environmental sustainability.
“Our study shows population fatness is also a major threat. Unless we tackle both population and fatness our chances are slim.”
The world’s adult population weighs a mammoth 287 million tons — 15 million of which is due to being overweight. More than half of people living in Europe are overweight (55.6 per cent).
According to UN and World Health Organisation data UK’s average weight is 165lbs (75kg). America’s average weight is 182lbs, a third more than the average global weight of 137lbs (62kg). If the average global weight was equal to America, it would equate to 1 billion more people in population terms.
But obesity rates in China have surged over the years with up to 100 million people classified as obese — or nearly eight per cent of the population.


  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I find it really hard to believe food stocks are so depleted when I see programs like Man vs. Food where RIDICULOUS amounts of food is being shovelled and utlimately wasted.
  • logdunne
    logdunne Posts: 132 Member
    I think that the 'man v. food' mentality is probably why food stocks are depleted :-)

    I agree in general, more people with higher calorie intake = more food consumed globally = bit of a problem as there is only enough food to go around as it is (that is if it was shared equally- and its not!)

    Having said that, sasquatch burger is naughty but epic :-D