New, excited, scared, and 70lbs to lose!

Hey! I'm completely new to this. I started last wednesday going hard! I just recently quit my job because the position I wanted had been given to someone who had only been there a month and a half and I had been there 8! It was a buffalo wild wings and of course there is a certain look about the place. It gave me the kick start I needed cuz in the back of my head I keep thinking I didn't get it because of my looks. In today's world people actually judge you by these things! So I told myself I will never let the thought of me not being skinny enough factor into why I did not get my position. So here I am today! Support would be nice and just people in general going through this change. I'm only 23 but I feel my weight is interfering with everything! I avoid going out cuz everything just looks horrible on me anymore! So I'm ready to do this and feel amazing in a bathing suit by next summer! Gonna need some support though! Anyone out there who understands me??!!!!??!


  • nainaa22
    nainaa22 Posts: 33
    Hi there,

    It's sad to hear such things, yes that was unfair, but that's life sometimes. I agree though that our society puts quite a bit of emphasis on looks, and many people judge a person by what they see. Quite unfair of course.

    My goal is to lose 26 lbs and keep it off, and although I don't have the same goal as you do, this place has so many people with such goals. You just need to be dedicated to this, and start off with small steps. I did a big mistake when I joined and limited my calories right down to 1200 this was a big change from what I normally was eating, so I ended up losing around 7 lbs in a short time only to gain it back during my holidays. I think my best advice would be to start off taking baby steps and stick to this, that way you won't get bogged down by how difficult it is, and long term success will be more likely.

    Anyways, feel free to add me. I am trying to stick to this seriously this time round. Hope it works.
  • kcblasingame
    I'm new too...and I have about 80 to lose, myself...We can do this...encourage each other...:o)