Going on vacation..worried about gaining

I joined here May 29th and have been faithful with changing eating habits and exercising. I have almost lost 10 pounds so far. But we are leaving on a family vacation soon on a cruise and I am so scared about making good choices. A young guy at my gym went on the same cruise and gained 7 pounds. Of course he says he did not work out and ate and drank like a rock star every night.

I am planning on hitting the gym every morning ( my family sleeps in late) as I am an early bird. Eating a nutrition bar. Having lunch at the buffet. I love fruit and veggies. so I think that will be easy. But hoping with calories burned I can do a sit down meal with the family and try to stay at half portions staying away from heavy sauces. I think I am going to totally pass on alcohol, I just got back my first test in a year from doctor that blood sugar was normal. I really have given it up for over a year and have not missed it. I am just not going to go to midnight chocolate buffet...I do not have THAt kind of will power.

Has anyone else been on a cruise in the beginning of their life style transformation and how successful were you? I know I have to change my mindset for the rest of my life. This is not just a diet. I am much better about thinking about food as fuel not my crutch and reward for getting through the day. But it has been hard and I am concerned about being inundated with food 24/7.

Any advice from someone that has cruised lately?


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    I went on a cruise last year (about 2 months after starting on my healthy lifestyle). At the end of the 3 days cruise, I actually ended up losing one pound. I found the time to get in a workout every day (in the morning) at the gym. Also, we walked and went swimming every day. In terms of food, there are some great healthy options available. At the cruise that I took, there were light menu choices for dinner (which were delish). For buffet lunch choices, I tried to stay away from creams and heavy food and went with good proteins.

    Just try to do your best. Try to make good choices and if you do gain, you can get back into this when you get back as one of the most important thing to remember is that you are on vacation and this healthy lifestyle is for the rest of your life so don't be so hard no yourself. Have a great trip.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Read my blog it will help you to stay focused, also it's a holiday, I'm off away next week, im on holiday from everything until I get back... sod the diet, if I put weight on I work harder once im back. We work hard to go away and it's not cheap either, so enjoy it, if you want to diet, do so, but walk a lot or swim, run anything to keep you on track, but most importantly.... enjoy your holiday.
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Besides hitting the gym on the ship, walk the upper decks. The food is fabulous on cruise ships, you just have to remember to eat in moderation. I walked/strolled the outside decks at night and it really helped.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    I'm gonna be a little blunt...

    Relax! Your going on holiday! Don't worry about it now worry about packing the right knickers!

    Seriously though if there is a gym there and you can get a work out in then great :-) Your obviously completely aware of the good foods and bad foods so I actually think you have the will power to avoid the temptation! Your already planning in advance with nutrition bars and things, why don't you have a look at a few low cal drinks too so you know the best thing to order at the bar.. I'm sure lunches and dinners will all have salad and healthy options and you sound like your aware of the right ones to choose..You want to stick to it then I'm pretty certain you will. Remember on here there is a large defecit, have a couple of weeks of being really good before you go and then allow yourself the odd treat.

    Lifestyle change is tough and scary but you really seem to have it sorted! Stop stressing over the food and get back to enjoying the fact that YOUR GOING ON HOLIDAY!

    We will help you back onto the wagon when you get back but honestly you sound like you already know the right choices to make so that if you do fall off I very very very much doubt your falling far :-)

    Enjoy yourself!
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Sounds like you have a great plan in place! I have no doubt you'll be successful.

    I'm off on vacation in a week and will be gone for 2. I plan on doing so much walking and sightseeing and so on that it will take care of any "extra" calories consumed. I sit at a desk 7-8 hours a day at home, I'll likely be walking at least 4 of those when I'm away. That's a big difference. I'm planning to eat reasonably, like you, and since I'm going with a group of foodie friends I know I can always get a taste of what they've got instead of ordering something too crazy.

    Enjoy yourself. It's vacation.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Lifestyle change is tough and scary but you really seem to have it sorted! Stop stressing over the food and get back to enjoying the fact that YOUR GOING ON HOLIDAY!

    Exactly. Exercise good portion control, make healthy choices for most of it, indulge in small amounts of really good foods and treats, and don't obsess about every calorie.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    Plan to walk the deck. That will be a nice long walk. I have seen folks doing that on cruises before. There are alwasys choices at the meal, so just watch what is on the menu, take you time and make the best choices you can. Lots of temptations on cruises.

    After meals I was full and did not take part in all the extras they offer. When you are full, just stop eating.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I think with your plan you will be fine. I went on my honeymoon (a cruise) 2 months into this journey...both me and my husband lost several pounds while on the cruise because we kept to our routine...we still went to the gym every morning and afternoon - he always went twice so I couldn't avoid it and ate what we wanted. Well, we were conscious of what we ate but didn't avoid stuff either.

    The last December we went on another cruise. Both of us maintained our weight, no gaining. He went to the gym still but was recovering from an illness so I didn't go because I didn't want to get sick again...it works, you just have to make good decisions
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I went on a 7 day cruise - Carnival....it was a total food orgy!
    I ate 5 times daily until I just hurt each meal.
    After each binge, I walked the whole ship - an hour, so I was exercising 5 hours each day walking up and down and around the decks. IT WAS WORTH IT!
    I gained a total of 5 pounds - NOTHING! I I was in great shape at the end too.
    Why go if you're not going to indulge? Cancel the vacation and do something else like hiking or something.
    That's fun too!
  • Ghewlett
    Ghewlett Posts: 22 Member
    I agree that the main thing here is to remember you are on holiday! Yes, it's best not to go too mad but the last thing you want to do is come home and feel like you haven't got the most out of your break...if you feel like you've really deprived yourself you won't feel as relaxed and happy as you should on & after a holiday!

    I joined MFP at the end of January as it was exactly 3 months before a 2 week holiday to Florida (I'm from the UK). I lost 32 pounds in the 3 months before my holiday and put 10 back on while I was away. I had a fabulous time and didn't regret a single pound of the weight gain. And as I had such a good time I've been able to knuckle down since I got home and after 5 weeks I've lost 9 of those extra pounds....would do it again tomorrow if I could!!

    Have a great time!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    holidays are there to be enjoyed. Try new foods just leave out the really heavy ones. I expect you will be able to get omeletes at breakfast, fresh fruit day and night and lots of different spicy and not so spicy food from around the world so enjy. Have a starter of soup or salad before your main meals so you dont eat as much.
    As well as the gym, use the boat to do lots of walking, dance the night away, take part in fun group activities deck games, swim everyday and eat what you want within moderation. Visiting different places too, make sure you do lots of walking.
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    I went on a cruise last year (about 2 months after starting on my healthy lifestyle). At the end of the 3 days cruise, I actually ended up losing one pound. I found the time to get in a workout every day (in the morning) at the gym. Also, we walked and went swimming every day. In terms of food, there are some great healthy options available. At the cruise that I took, there were light menu choices for dinner (which were delish). For buffet lunch choices, I tried to stay away from creams and heavy food and went with good proteins.

    Just try to do your best. Try to make good choices and if you do gain, you can get back into this when you get back as one of the most important thing to remember is that you are on vacation and this healthy lifestyle is for the rest of your life so don't be so hard no yourself. Have a great trip.

    AWESOME!! -- Heading on a cruise this weekend and am looking for tips/suggestions/ideas so as not to go "overboard" and comeback having gained 5 pounds!!:mad: :noway: