Not Enough/Too Many Caloires??

alord426 Posts: 129 Member
So I already tracked all my food for the day since it's planned for the week and after dinner I will have 568 calories left!!! Does that seem right?! Even if I eat a snack after dinner it won't be no where near 500 calories. Suggestions/Comments please?!?!


  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Are you hitting at least 1200?
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    I'm in the same postition. I set my goal of 1050 calories and at least one hour of cardio. But I feel fine with it. Just the lingering question of is this helping or hindering...
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I am barley hitting 1,000 :( this is what I would eat daily/plan daily while doing WW. I guess that is why I stopped loosing and have been maintaining?? So I should atleast be hitting 1,200???
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Why is your limit so low?? You're hurting your metabolism/body by doing that, laurac7888.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I am barley hitting 1,000 :( this is what I would eat daily/plan daily while doing WW. I guess that is why I stopped loosing and have been maintaining?? So I should atleast be hitting 1,200???

    MINIMUM is 1200. Your body burns more than that just to live. You end up hurting your metabolism.
  • AGoodie
    AGoodie Posts: 3 Member
    I've read online that eating anything less than 1200 calories/day (before subtracting exercise calories) puts your body in starvation mode....wish I could find the article I read.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree Dawn. On WW I had 29 points and this is what I would eat and would always hit my 29 points and use some weeklies. I guess my calorie intake has always been this way when I was following WW. That is not good at all! I am definitley learning now and I guess I need to incorporate more foods through the day to at least hit 1,200.
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    I don't feel hungry though. And I'm not trying to hurt myself so when I'm hungry I eat. But I'm also exercising. I do an hour in the morning of cardio and usually a half hour or walk a mile at night. I do go over the 1050 but make It up with the workouts. Do you think I will be more productive by increasing?
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I don't feel hungry though. And I'm not trying to hurt myself so when I'm hungry I eat. But I'm also exercising. I do an hour in the morning of cardio and usually a half hour or walk a mile at night. I do go over the 1050 but make It up with the workouts. Do you think I will be more productive by increasing?

    You make it worse by working out and not eating more. You should be NETTING 1200:
    meaning what you eat - exercise calories = net.

    That's why MFP sets your minimum at 1200 net calories.
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    I just started on Wednesday and my net was super low not that I look at eat but went out of town for the weekend and splurged so my net went as high as 1600. MFP let me set my calories on 1050 so I wasn't too worried. Thanks for bro gong this to my attention! I'm completely new so any advice will be great! I guess in my head the lower the better and the fact that I wasn't starving meant I was doing ok.
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    Sorry I meant "bringing this to my attention"... Auto check lol :)
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Eat more to lose more ;-) Or...... Fuel the machine (your body). You're working out, which is great. Make sure you're giving your body the nutrition it needs to handle keeping you alive and working out