...and I thought it was hard the FIRST time I lost weight.

Hi all,

I'm new to MFP but not losing weight or using internet forums for help. Back in '07/'08, I got motivated and finally got working on my health. I used a simple food-logging strategy, got on my elliptical, got a few free weights and got accountable to someone. I joined a community called Reality of Weighting. They were a great bunch of folks but it appears that their group is gone now. I found that my two best tools to help me lose weight steadly was my Polar HRM and a food journal. If you are honest about your exercise (getting that HR up there where it belongs) and are honest about what you're putting in your mouth, the weight will come off. I love the MFP food journal, it's exactly what I was looking for.

From May '08 to today, I've managed to put on 65-lbs. I have completely erased all the hard work and effort I put in to lose all that weight. There are many reasons why I got off track, I lost some family members, a career change, general "life stress", etc. But none of those reasons, I mean EXCUSES, forced that cheeseburger in my mouth. None of those excuses reset my alarm so I couldn't get out of bed 30-min early to go run or push some weights around. I'm finally back in a place, mentally, where I want to get this weight off. I'm, once again, motivated and ready to put in the work to reach my goal. I'm looking for help. I'm looking for some accountability partners. Someone who will hold my feet to the fire.

A little about me. I'm a guy. I live in central Kentucky, USA (the Bourbon Capital of the World). I'm married 17 years with two boys (9 & 7) who I love with all my heart even though they completely WEAR...ME...OUT. If you are looking for someone to motivate you when you miss your exercise or go over on your diet, add me. Someone to do it honestly and with a little humor thrown in, add me. And, someone who wants you to come strong with the motivation, add me.