Body Dysmorphic Disorder



  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    I think you look excellent.
    But whats really important is, how do you feel?
    Do you have more energy?
    Does what you eat make you feel good?
    Eating healthy makes me feel good, it's almost like a dietary anti depressant...

    Check it out... :)
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    My problem is that I don't see the same person in my head that I see in the photo. In my head I am thinner, when I look at myself I see thinner then when I see a picture. I just cannot associate myself with that picture of myself. It is insane.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    This worked against me when I was on my way UP in weight - maybe it's related to this comic:


    I had my "image" of what I looked like, and utterly failed to notice 10 years of weight packing its way on.

    And now as I go back down (thanks to friends, family and MFP for getting me back in this habit btw) I swear I don't see the changes. Clothes fit better, scale reads lower, I "look" the same.

    Every so often, when I'm not in a familiar situation - visiting out-of-state relatives, maybe, or the mirror in a changing room - I'll catch sight of myself out of context and get a glimpse of what I guess everyone else sees, but it's rare.

    (Although very rewarding when it happens ;)
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I can tell you that for me it's the opposite - kind of. I love how I look in the mirror, but then I see pictures and FREAK OUT!

    ^^ This for me... When I look at myself up and down or in the mirror I feel I am getting slimmer and look better than when I started, but seeing pics of myself I get all sad. We had a family get together a couple weeks ago and I felt pretty good about myself there and when I saw some pics my cousin took, I was embarrassed and kind of upset that I still looked fat. I some times wonder if its just all in my head ..
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    One thing that's helped me (and was suggested to me in my early 20's by a great therapist... and that I put off doing until my 30's) is to examine yourself mercilessly in front of a full length mirror, naked... do this for days and days and really have it out with yourself... I was hateful & angry for a couple of days at least while doing it... see all your perceived "flaws" and.... then see all the things you love about yourself as well... try to pull it all together as a whole. This helped me tremendously. I still do it.
  • slobkat
    slobkat Posts: 15 Member
    Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a complete nightmare to live with. If you do have it I seriously suggest you see a doctor because that **** will not go away on it's own and it will get worse. Even though it still affects me a lot, I'm a lot better than I used to be but there were days I couldn't even leave the house because I thought I looked so hideously ugly and I would just stay in and cry about how ugly I felt. This had nothing to do with my weight at all, in fact I'm pissed off that I've started to even worry about my weight since it was never a concern of mine until recently, out of nowhere. If you think you have it, get help before it gets worse because it will and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Thanks for the comments, everyone. I really appreciate it. I'll definitely take some of this advice and put it to use. Good luck to everyone else who is struggling as well. Nice to know i'm not alone... :heart: