Anyone need to lose 100+ lbs. ?



  • RebeccaMT2012
    I'm a human yo-yo... now heavier than when I was pregnant. I lose, feel accomplished, and let go again. No more lose weight quick or through powdered drinks schemes for me. I have over 100 lbs t lose. Daunting, yes... but what else am I going to do this year? Besides, I'm making money for my favorite charity while sticking to my plan (which is ditching most processed foods and starchy foods from my diet).
  • soxx226
    soxx226 Posts: 89 Member
    You all can add me if you like I'm well on my way!
  • MernyMac
    MernyMac Posts: 37 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose.....I've tried other weight loss plans.....Started out gung ho, but soon went right back to where I was, when I didn't lose fast enough to suit me....I never journaled or logged in my food choices.....and I've NEVER in my life been as heavy as I am now !!.....I found this site thru a young friend, and I'm glad I did !!....I'm sure you will too....So many people to talk to, share with, learn from, and you'll find out your not alone !!.....I'm on my second week and have lost 6 lbs....I'm logging my food, actually enjoying the journaling, been the recipient of, and enjoyed giving feedback and encouragement !....Your more than welcome to add me as a friend.....Together WE CAN DO THIS !!
  • cflores88101
    That's inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    I am starting today. Scared. Jenny Craig, Medifast, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, mixed results every time. I lose 30 or so lbs., people comment on my weight loss and something in me snaps and I binge. I am hoping that by tracking real food and being able to access this site will set me on a new course for health. Has anyone with a similar history found success? I should also mention that I am a school teacher in an at risk district with paperwork that takes 5 hours a day to complete outside of the school day including weekends.

    Hi! Fellow teacher here and I feel your pain both in the weight department and in the paperwork area. I've been in almost the same boat of losing/gaining/losing/gaining ... giving up ... self-sabotaging ... self-loathing. Finally in March I had to tell myself to stop this vicious cycle already or I was going to die. Literally. MFP has really, really helped me remain accountable to myself and to my friends on here. You will find that most people are incredibly encouraging. I am here for the long haul. I'd like to lose 175 total but will re-evaluate after I lose 155 (already 47) and determine first how I feel and then how I look. If I need or want to, then I'll continue on with the last 25.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member

    I do the same thing even to this day. I work my hard at counting calories but once I see the scale moving down I eat anything I can get in my mouth. It is def in our heads. Just know that you are worthy of the weight loss. It is something to believe that you deserve it but you need to believe that you are worthy of having anything you want. This site has helped me learn to eat healthy, I absoultely had no clue before. It is a part of my daily life now and I make smarter decisions because of it. This definetly is not a diet plan, it is a way to live a healthier life.
  • McTootie
    McTootie Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm a newbie too. I joined about 20 mins ago. You can do it. I can do it WE WILLLLLL DO IT.
    I've set my goal to loose 77lbs but I could do will loosing about another 50/60lbs on top of that. But I figure 1 goal at a time. I'm 40 soon and I figure it's time to kick some butt. I've lost 6 stone previously and yep you guessed it put it all back on. But I'm determined to DO IT this time and to KEEP IT OFF..

    There's a great quote "Don't dream it, Be it"

    If you need a buddy then please add me :)

  • tonetta69
    tonetta69 Posts: 4 Member
    Im new to this also i need to lose 100+ i have lost 13 lb already and im taking it day by day you can add me as a friend if you want we can do it together
  • Krjones609
    I have had similar experiences losing weight and gaining it back...I was at my highest weight when I started MFP and have lost 6 pounds in a month. We all support each other and if we stay focused we can reach our goals and keep the weight off. Take it one day at a time and realize it's a journey not a race. This is a life long change. #94 pounds to go!!
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    I just joined the site and started over... i did the insanity for a while and was losing 5 pounds a week. I paid attention to what I was eating and made sure only homemade healthy food crossed my lips. But it all went to my head as I started to eat bad and exercise less. This made me stop losing weight and i became demotivated so I stopped exercising. Now I want to start fresh and stick to it. I think the problem is that we let the weight loss get to our heads and we stop paying attention to what we do. I plan to schedule in treats and breaks so i dont fee deprived or over worked. You should do the same too. Good luck.
  • ttiggerisbouncy
    ttiggerisbouncy Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I do for sure. I have been very ill and no one knew what was wrong with me, now they finally figured out why I was retaining so much fluid. So I am going to do my best to follow the low sodium recommendations so the fluid keeps comeing off. Breathing is actually a wonderful thing for a change.
  • Vanyao
    Vanyao Posts: 16 Member
    I have had some of the same experiences (loosing weight and then gaining it back.) I've tried so many things in the past that I lost count. Hopefully, this will be a different experience and the weight will stay off. 100+ pounds to go.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    You sound alot like me!! I have tried just about every program there is. I usually have quite a bit of success, but once I get to 150 I just totally binge and then give up. Here I am again - now with about 70 pounds to lose! This is only my third week, but so far I love it! It is easy to log calories and exercise, and I feel like I am actually learning a healthier way of eating. We'll see . . . . good luck to you! Feel free to add me if you are looking for some support!
  • ModerationCanBeDone
    That's a great suggestion about working out while watching TV.
  • LovinLife64
    Welcome, I am a newcomer to MFP too just his Sunday...I have to say I have experienced very similar results as you. Last August I did the HCG diet and did extremely well lost 42lbs in 10 weeks. However the said news is once i stopped starving myself I gain back 35lbs. I have never joined a support site like MFP before so I figured I'd give a try. So far I love it, lots of great tips, motivation and for me accountability is what i need. So this is helping me alot. If you would like add me as a friend and we can help one another. Good Luck with you new journey!!
  • Tmgallio
    Tmgallio Posts: 1
    :laugh: Are you in my district? This process has worked the best for me better than weight watchers.
  • ntw25
    ntw25 Posts: 149 Member
    I have a long way to go, but I am committed and am enjoying the journey so far. I am here every day and am an active encourager and poster. Always happy to have new friends, please feel free to add me.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Been there (WW) done that, yoyo'd back, re-lost (WW) yoyo'd back.....vicious cycle. Also have a lot to lose and relatively new here as well.

    Hated people that ended up sabotaging my efforts after I lost, i.e you are getting too thin, don't you think you should stop dieting now, you look anorexic (never in a million years would I be confused with one unless person was blind, I swear!) . And you know, after hearing this day in and day out, you stupidly believe it and blammo, you wake up with all that weight and then some right back on the thighs (and butt and gut).

    I was never motivated at the meetings and fell off the wagon each time I joined up. Been fighting the battle on the thghs (butt, gut you name it) for over half my life. I KNOW I can do it, I DID it before (of course I was younger and it takes a lot more to lose now I think than when one is younger).

    One day at a time...One pound at a time.
  • j2tyco
    j2tyco Posts: 42
    I have my goal set at 125 pounds right now but may want to try and lose another 20 once I hit that to get back to that "really happy when I was that size" weight I remember from high school. We shall see.

    Welcome to the site- feel free to add me-- Anyone on this thread really!!

  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome Aboard.... :smile:

    Been Here 120 Days...
    56 Lost With 100+ To Go.

    Very Motivated......

    Feel Free To Add Me....