Trouble sleeping...

Noyt sure where this should go, so here it is. As far back as high school, I've had trouble sleeping at night. During the day is no problem, but at night I toss and turn for hours and hours before I finally crash, and then its not quality sleep. It feels like I have my wires crossed somehow.

Anyone else have/had this problem? Anyone overcome it?


  • Bump.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have had this problem for years. If you figure out how to cure it drop me a line. Frustrating to say the least.
  • I have had this problem for years. If you figure out how to cure it drop me a line. Frustrating to say the least.

    Most definitely. I ended up taking night shift jobs for years because of this, until I went into management. Even when I go to work at 5 am, I still can't get to sleep at night.
  • smuckyrun
    smuckyrun Posts: 30 Member
    Maybe you have sleep apnea. My husband uses a cpap now and he has been sleeping alot better.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about it? If I didn't get enough sleep I would be a freakin' Zombie....hope you can find an answer soon! :flowerforyou:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Well, it really depends WHY you're not sleeping. There can be a lot of different reasons. If it's been going on that long, I'd talk to your doctor about it. S/he can probably hook you up with a sleep specialist for an accurate diagnosis. I just recently found out I have insomnia too. I have no trouble falling asleep, I just can't stay asleep. So here are some things I've done and my suggestions to you:
    Do NOT sleep during the day. ie. NO NAPS!
    Ear plugs and eye mask
    Sound therapy machine
    No tv or computer allowed in the bedroom
    Try to go to bed around the same time every night
    Run a fan for noise

    Hope some of these help you. But seriously, talk to a doctor.
    *Edit for typo
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Had this issue for over a decade, and I am afraid I resorted to sleeping pills for now. I don't know how or if I will ever get off them (Temazepam) as I have been taking them for sometime now. I hate not being able to sleep, and end up agitated and upset on the occasions(like last night) I can't get to sleep, even with my medication. It feels like the end of the world when you know you will feel like c**p for the day ahead and the more you think about it and fret, the harder it is to sleep. I tend to get up, get back in, get up, get back in etc, rather than going to do something else for a time though.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    A cold room with an industrial fan blowing RIGHT in my face and this has been helping me. This might sound kinda nutty but, I put my legs out from under the cover untill they are really cold and I'm feeling drowsey-ish, I then tuck them under the blanket and the warming up process usually makes me feel.....content? Kinda snuggly I guess. At any rate, it often works for me.And I have a friend who grows her own lavender and swears by tea made from it. Good luck.
  • Had this issue for over a decade, and I am afraid I resorted to sleeping pills for now. I don't know how or if I will ever get off them (Temazepam) as I have been taking them for sometime now. I hate not being able to sleep, and end up agitated and upset on the occasions(like last night) I can't get to sleep, even with my medication. It feels like the end of the world when you know you will feel like c**p for the day ahead and the more you think about it and fret, the harder it is to sleep. I tend to get up, get back in, get up, get back in etc, rather than going to do something else for a time though.

    This is exactly what I do. I get up, get back in, get up....on and on. I don't like sleeping pills because the make me feel groggy in the mornings. But i know exactly what you mean.

    I've done a sleep study, which yeilded nothing except that I don't have sleep apnea. It's been suggested by others that my circadian rythms are off. I don't know what to believe. I just know that at night, my brain just doesn't want to sleep. My inner voice refuses to stfu. During the day, it's no problem. I can comfortably maintain a daytime sleeping schedule indefinitely, but when it comes to night time, it just doesn't stick.
  • mikhar
    mikhar Posts: 8 Member
    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 4 years ago. It was pretty severe. I was snoring quit a bit and sorta waking up and not really getting that RIM sleep. I was stopping breathing on average 75 times a hour for upwards of a minute. Needless to say My efficiency and utilization of oxygen was about 66%. With the introduction of the cpac machine it was like night and day. I started sleeping soundly throughout the night. I don't doze thru the day and I don't drift off unexpectedly.
    I lost a considerable amount of weight in 2010 but gained back about half of it when I quit smoking. Hence the reason why I joined MFP
    I use the cpac mach probably 3-4 times a week, and especially if I really want a good night sleep.
    You may want to have your family doctor refer you to a sleep clinic.

    Good luck .... mike
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I have trouble sleeping at night thinking of this

  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    Consider trying melatonin, safe and effective, over the counter at most drugstore chains. I think CVS has different "strengths", 2 mg, 5 mg or more.....try one about 20 minutes before you retire. Drink a full glass of water with it is what I have been told. I know many people who travel use it when in a new time zone to get adjusted and solid restful sleep. No groggy or after effects like a sleeping pill. Melatonin is produced by our bodies, you might just a little bit more.