Hi everybody! Any Body Revolutioners?

Hi everybody!

I signed up for myfitnesspal ages ago, but just now getting into it. I'm looking for new friends on here. Please feel free to bombard me with friend requests. :)

Anybody else doing Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution? I am restarting the program tomorrow -- I got to week 5, but then got sick and got out of it. Instead of starting in the middle of the program and risking hurting myself when I'm out of the habit of the strength training, I'm just restarting the whole thing. I love the program though!

Looking forward to talking to you all!


  • susieque25
    susieque25 Posts: 11 Member
    hi Amy
    I like this website. It's pretty easy to follow, when I bother to sign in. All teh experts say writing down what you eat is a good tool.
    I live in Las Vegas.
    I wish I could find buddies here to walk with.
    Take care...
    Hello Amy!! Yes I am doing body revolution..I'm on third phase week 2 :) I love love love the program. I DEFINITELY enjoy Jillian Michael's workouts. I plan to start all over again after I finish. (: i have lost 20 pounds so far on her program. 49 total though! Still have a long way to go. (:
  • amykins514
    amykins514 Posts: 12 Member
    That's awesome! I'm a big JM fan, and Body Revolution is my probably my favorite thing she's done so far. Are you following her nutrition plan as well? I'm trying to eat things from the Master Your Metabolism cookbook, but it can be hard to find time to spend in the kitchen.

    Great job with the weight loss!!! :)
    No..I'm not following her recipe book AT ALL!! I'm not very good about trying new foods...lol But I'm eating really good. No white foods! No potatoes..no white bread..no white rice. Everything is whole grain. I do not eat red meat. I'm also eating Like 6 times a day. So far I'm very happy. I'm gonna continue this lifestyle change. It's an amazing thing (: