About myself (need help!!)

ok well, i weigh 288 lbs and the thing is i been running for 30 mins -1hour a day 6 days a week, i have completely changed my eating habits i eat around 2000 calories per day, i drink about 96 oz of water a day, i have been leaning away from fatty foods and leaning towards rice, fruits ect. and i have been doing this for around 2 weeks now but i have not lost a single pound. nor gained one( thank god), and pretty much i am just asking around seeing how people felt when they 1st started losing weight!


  • laneydawn
    laneydawn Posts: 64
    Hi there! Im not sure Im going to be much of a help, but the fact that youre not gaining is a good sign! Maybe its that your body is just used to being a certain weight and it needs some jolting to start getting rid of the weight. My first week I lost 9 pounds, but then last week I only lost 1 - so its a crap shoot. But the best, and most effective, way to lose weight is slowly. Have you lost inches? From what you said, you seem to be doing all the right things. Its weird actually to see that dial on the scale going down. But so exilerating at the same time. Stick to it, and Im sure the weight will start to fall off quickly! For most of us, it took years to gain the weight we did, so we really can't expect to lose it all overnight. Good luck!
    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • sudniknico
    sudniknico Posts: 11
    well to be honest i actually have not measured myself yet, but all of my clothes are feeling bigger, it makes me feel better then i look at the scale and just stare at it like this >.> <-- angry face
  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    I would give it another month and see what happens. Are your clothes fitting better? If it was me and i saw 0 results after about 6 weeks I would definatly get a physical and make sure there is nothing medicaly going on that would prevent me from losing.

    Just do t give up 5 minutes before the mirical happens. You can do this
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, it sounds like you calorie intake may be too high. Try lowering it by 200 calories. Also, be sure to use this site to its fullest, but logging everthing you put into your mouth. Weight Watchers call it BLT's, or bites, licks, and tastes. Also, not sure if you are taking advantage of it, but this site's tools are very good at figuring out how many calories you should consume daily to reach you goal weight.

    One big thing I did a long time ago was to not "drink" my calories except for my morning coffee that has non-dairy creamer and a zero calorie sweetener. I realize I am restarting my journey, but when I was true to myself with my diet I was losing weight. It was only when I stopped caring that I gained it all back. Another thing I do is to eat my fruits and vegetables first This helps me eat less of the higher fat foods.

    By using the food log, it also helps you know how much fat, carbs, and protien you are consuming. You may be at the correct caloric level, but way too high on the fat content. Lowering that may be all it takes. Hope this helps.
  • sudniknico
    sudniknico Posts: 11
    thanks for the information!
    things i mainly eat on a daily basis is tomato soup, rice, water, some bread as a snack, fruit, vegetables. not so much on the meats, i eat peanuts a few times a week
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    It's hard to tell you what you could change if we can't see what you're eating. Log everything in your diary on MFP. Open up your diary and people can post suggestions on better alternatives.

    Try switching up your routine too, don't just run, do one day running, another day cycling, another day lifting weights (or buckets of paint or something at home). The changes in your fitness routine will help shake your body from it's plateau.

    I agree with others saying you may be eating too many cals. (I'm no expert - but I've been losing since I've started tracking and some of the things I was eating had scary amounts of sugars/fats/carbs)