why do people say A calorie is a calorie, a carb is a carb.



  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Bro/Ho science on this forum perpetuates such ridiculous myths.

    Yes, eating 1 calorie of a macronutrient is a calorie, the grams are what most ignore. Like those who say they eat what they like and as long as they are under their daily goal then everything is good.

    Really? Absolute nonsense.

    A body built on 2000 kcals of fat will be just that, just because you haven't exceeded your calories doesn't give an excuse to eat rubbish and feel pleased about it. And yes, there are good fats and bad fats HDL and LDL and carbohydrates that are absorbed quickly and those that are slow release in the GI scale.

    80% of your body is built in the kitchen, the other 20% in the gym. You feed your body crap and that's what you'll get in return. Too much viral information on here, if you don't eat correctly with the right ratio of macronutrient suited to your goals you will never get anywhere and end up moaning and complaining and posting countless rants in the motivation forum.

    Ensure you have sufficient protein and carbohydrates, these are the main two requirements. Fats in the form of HDLs to keep your body functioning as it should.

    Anything else and you are wasting your time.

    Well said!
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I ran across that great article the last time

    Interesting, thanks for the link.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Too many people act as though those who say a calorie is a calorie are overly dogmatic or stupid about it. None of them are going to suggest that you get your entire daily intake of calories by eating bags of table sugar or tubs of lard. They understand that different MACROnutrient sources provide different levels of MICROnutrients and that said MICROnutrients play an important role in creating a better "environment" for body composition change. They generally will say that you should start a nutrition plan with ~1g pro\lb of bodyweight, ~.5g fat\lb of bodyweight, enough carbs to provide energy, enough "good" food sources to provide enough micronutrients, and then whatever you eat BEYOND that up to the calorie intake that you need for your goals largely does not matter in relation to BODY COMPOSITION (general health aside).
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Bro/Ho science on this forum perpetuates such ridiculous myths.

    Yes, eating 1 calorie of a macronutrient is a calorie, the grams are what most ignore. Like those who say they eat what they like and as long as they are under their daily goal then everything is good.

    Really? Absolute nonsense.

    A body built on 2000 kcals of fat will be just that, just because you haven't exceeded your calories doesn't give an excuse to eat rubbish and feel pleased about it. And yes, there are good fats and bad fats HDL and LDL and carbohydrates that are absorbed quickly and those that are slow release in the GI scale.

    80% of your body is built in the kitchen, the other 20% in the gym. You feed your body crap and that's what you'll get in return. Too much viral information on here, if you don't eat correctly with the right ratio of macronutrient suited to your goals you will never get anywhere and end up moaning and complaining and posting countless rants in the motivation forum.

    Ensure you have sufficient protein and carbohydrates, these are the main two requirements. Fats in the form of HDLs to keep your body functioning as it should.

    Anything else and you are wasting your time.

    Nothing like blasting broscience, and then laying down a bunch of your own broscience. I believe that's called irony.