Getting rather frustrated

Okay.... I've been at this MFP thing since 7/24. I'm riding a Lifecycle 50-60 miles per week in 3-4 increments. I've recently adding in curls and such to work my arms and get them more toned.

I've been good with my calories, for the most part. I think I've gone over maybe 2 or 3 times. I'm on a 2lb/week loss goal so I'm eating about 1,500 calories a day. I've noticed some inches loss around my waist (about 2), hips (about 2), and neck (about 1.5 to 2) but I've only lost about 10 or 11 pounds - based on my scale. I'm almost convinced my scale is evil. I can get on, weigh one thing, get off and then back on again, and I will have gained like 2 or 3 pounds. UGH!!!!!!!!

I'm getting discouraged. I mean I have 100 pounds to go and at this rate it'll take me until I'm 105 to lose it!!

I have celiac disease so I don't have bread and I have a balance between vegetables, meats, juices, fruits, etc. There are some days where my carb intake is on the high end (within my range) but my other numbers are less than what is 'required' daily. I usually get REALLY close to my 1500 cals so I don't go into 'starvation' mode.

Suggestions? Testimonies about this kinda thing? Encouragement?


  • amylynne26
    amylynne26 Posts: 195 Member
    So you've been doing this for a month and you've lost 10 pounds and 4-6 inches??? That is incredible!! At that rate (even accounting for slowing down as you get closer to your goal) you'll lose that 100 pounds in a year. For more motivation and someone who's been there/done that, look up Tamtastic. She's been around for a while and lost I think 135 pounds over a year and a half or so... there are others too.

    YOU CAN DO THIS! :happy:

    Oh, and scales ARE evil. I stick to the tape measure. :laugh:
  • proctor0828
    If you are fairly new to the exercise scene you are gaining muscle and that weight more than fat. It's frustrating but muscle also burns fat faster so in the long run it's rewarding....

    Hang in there, your body will catch up
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    My gosh, you sound like I was last january. I hardly lost any pds in three months. But I went down three sizes. Everyone said, wow, how much I had lost and how good I looked. But all I could see was the pds 0n the scale. Sooooo, I quit weighing for a while.

    You're right. That scaled is an evil thing. Look at yourself in the mirror. Really look. And go and try on clothes. Do anything you can to show yourself how you are doing besides the scale. I argued with everyone that if I were doing well, the scale would show it. but I was wrong.

    You know what? I am so glad you wrote about your struggle because you have made me re-live what it was like and how far I have come. I've been stuck for about 3 months and actually put on 8 pds. Thank you for showing me what worked and how I need to get at it again. God bless and please hang in there. I will too. kc
  • GabeTJC
    GabeTJC Posts: 1 Member
    Wow it sounds like the same exact thing I do. I work out 3 times a week...stair stepper and I life weights. Then I also try to stick to about 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I can do it and other times someone else will cook and I don't know how many calories are in the food. When I start losing weight, it usually starts about 2 - 3 lbs a week...which is really good. You will plateau at some point...but just keep pushing. Someone once said...when you're not losing weight, you're probably losing inches. It's actually unhealthy to lose more than 2 lbs a you're on the right track. Just keep it up. Just think...soon you'll be able to buy clothes soon that you normally couldn't fit in.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Losing 10 lbs in 4 weeks is great, do not be discouraged! I know you want the pounds to come off fast, but if it comes off too fast it will probably be because it's happening in an unhealthy way and there will be more chance of it coming back. I'm glad you commented on trying not to go below your 1500 calorie goal because so many people eat too little and that will backfire. Just keep up with it, you are doing fine!
  • kimberjones
    I just don't understand why the weight isn't coming off if the size is changing. :grumble: It was great to put on a pair of jeans today that used to be painful around the waist when I drove for long periods and were difficult to zip and have no problems with them. :happy:

    I'm just confused as to how the whole process works:noway:

    I appreciate the encouragement....I definitely need all I can get. I've been told since I was a 14 year old kid (by my dad) that I was overweight - I was a little but still was active and healthy. Each year he'd look at a picture from the previous year and tell me how good/pretty I looked the previous year. I want to have realistic expectations but I want to challenge myself. I'm the only one in my family who is doing this so it's reaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to stay motivated to exercise when everyone else is laying around. My husband and youngest child do martial arts 3-4 hours a week, my oldest child hates sweating and my middle child plays softball so she works more on grip and strengthening than cardio. I'm the only one who really looks at calories....ugh
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I know fat cells once they are formed empty but don't go away. At first when they empty there is some water. But the whole process really isn't as important as you feeling good and getting healthy for that beautiful family of yours.

    This might sound corny but the better you feel, the more you will exercise and run around with your kids. Then you will in turn lose even more weight.

    I kinda figure it like this. When I was eating poorly and putting on the weight, I'd eat something and sometimes not put on weight. I'd 'get away with it." Well, maybe in reverse you've got to have patience taking it off. But go for the health. Make it your top priority when counting calories. The rest will follow. I

    I am telling myself this just as much as you. Just make your focus beyond the scale. And write to me tomorrow. You and I sound like we are struggle in the same area. So hang in there with me.:flowerforyou:
  • dlestermfp
    dlestermfp Posts: 106
    Weight loss isn't a race. I doubt you gained your extra 100 pounds very quickly, and you don't need to lose it quickly either.

    I just decided, in December of 2007, that I was tired of living the way I was. I changed the way I ate, I pretty much stopped using the car (bicycle instead), and I changed what I did with my weekends (more outside, less inside).

    I am still not down to what I would call an optimal weight. I am not even sure at thsi point what my optimal weight will be. I do know that no matter how long that takes I will be the same age when I get there as I would have been had I done nothing.

    So will you.