How long till your body goes into starvation mode??

bwilton77 Posts: 93 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been really stressed lately and have no appetite at all. There were a few days my intske was only at maybe 700 calories I forced my self to eat yesturday but felt so sick. Today I'm tryin0g b.ut my intake is just barely over 700. Any suggestions I can't force the food in becasue I'm afraid it will just come back up but I don't want to go into starvation mode and have all my progress ruined either.:frown:


  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    that's not linear as everyone thinks it is...

    you can eat 700cals per day without going into starvation mode, and yuo can eat 1200 cals per day and go into starvation mode, it depends a lot in how much do you eat per meal, how many times you eat per day, how well your body can cope with lack of cals, etc..
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    he's right, it's not a line in the sand per say, starvation mode is a continuous evaluation that your body goes though.

    think about it like a percentage as opposed to a cliff you fall off.

    So say you had a bad day and ate under, well maybe that pushed down your metabolic rate by 5% today, and slowed your body's ability to burn calories by a few percent, and upped your body's fat storing metabolism by a few %. These all happen continuously.

    These are all just random numbers I pulled out of my head, and aren't necessarily accurate mind you. And it's different for you, then for me and for anyone else. The only way to truly know your limits are to go to a lab or a clinic and have a metabolic test done, they will tell you your RMR and (in some cases) your Oxygen efficiency (VO2 Max), with these numbers you can determine your TDEE and what kind of a deficit you can have without falling into the trap. Without this type of test, all you can do is go by well known averages and tweak as needed.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    wow, how long have you been sick??? Maybe you should see a doctor to make sure it isn't something worse than just being sick to your stomach or stress.

    I agree with the others...but you cannot continue to eat 700 cals indefinately without actually going into starvation mode. You might want to find out the cause of your sickness.

    Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I went through that a few years ago and lost something like 20 pounds in less than a month. My body didn't really go into starvation mode at all. It was stress-related, as well.

    You DO need to see a doctor to either get some counseling help or meds. Get thee to a doctor to get help. In the meantime, make sure you have gatorade on hand at all times, to keep up your blood sugar. It also helps with the nausea. I used to be ill every morning before work, till I finally changed what exacerbated the stress.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    I don't know about the starving mode situation but I looked at your Food Diary

    and at least you are eating regular meals and what you are eating looks healthy so that's good.

    Are you nauseated? It might not be just stress. Go to the doc if you can.

    Maybe more higher calorie foods like oatmeal, a protein shake, brown rice, or whole wheat bread to increase your calories.

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