Help wtih calorie intake for short person! 4'11"

Just joined this website a few days ago and i'm still very confused about everything. I want to make sure i'm doing everything the right way without eating to much or putting myself into starvation mode ( I was only eating 600 calories a day or one meal a day for a couple of months.) I lost about 16 pounds eating that way but gained it all back (I weighed 112 and got down to 98). I now know that was NOT the right way to loss weight.
Age: 18
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 95
Goal weight: 88 lbs or 90 lbs (I know its not much but just a few pounds on me looks like a lot more)
Would like 0.5 lb a week

By checking a few different websites my BMR is around 1117 and my TDEE is 1340. ( I sit at a computer all day)
So how many calories should I be eating to lose half a pound a week? And when I workout do I eat all those calories back?
Please help me with this! :smile:


  • rohmaansarii
    rohmaansarii Posts: 39 Member
    Add your goals and goal weight and MFP will tell you how many calories you should be eating. It's that simple :) And yea exercise as well, even if it's just 10 mins of walking.. JUST DO IT! You'll start losing those extra pounds in no time. Oh oh and also, DON'T starve yourself but dont overeat either.
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Hey we can be friends. I'm 4'10" and I'm 88 pounds. My goal is to be 85 pounds but it's so hard. I'm a licensed Zumba instructor and I work out more than I eat. Lol. I do 4 classes a week plus I teach one. I am also starting yoga this week. I look forward to try something new but I am also trying to find my balance. Feel free to add me and look at my food diary for tips. 80% is exercise and 20%is diet. Your diet matters!!

    I was your weight at your age, you can loose the weight. Just keep your head up!!