Sticking to diet no cheating

Finding it very hard to stick to a healthy diet but i give in too easily what suggestions can u give me to avoid bad food i know i can have a treat but thats a saturday night and would like to be able to stick to that. Sorry if this has been said before


  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Don't buy unhealthy food, don't keep bad food in the house. Aside from that, it's just willpower(like when you're out and there's pizza joints calling your name).

    Make it easy on yourself when you can, eat regularly so you don't feel the need to binge, take snacks with you in your bag when you're out and about or at work and eat them when you're hungry or feeling tempted.

    Let yourself have the occasional treats, don't deny yourself too harshly :)
  • JulyMamma17
    JulyMamma17 Posts: 13 Member
    yes definitively the way to go but it really is all to do with will power
  • Sue_Sunshine
    Sue_Sunshine Posts: 82 Member
    I try not to think of it as a diet for a start - I don't rule any foods out cos that only makes me want them more but I have changed some of my choices based on the cals I've discovered in my fav foods. I usually try to plan each days food in advance - that way I can try to stick to my cals. Also if I know I've an event or just wanna eat something higher cal than normal I make sure I squeeze in an extra walk. Try figure out you triggers to eating "bad food" and try doing something about that - use the practice for giving up cigarattes - drink (water), delay (say you'll eat it if you still want it in half-an-hour) or distract (get busy clearing out that press or doing something else).

    Hope this helps and that you get some more good tips.
  • JulyMamma17
    JulyMamma17 Posts: 13 Member
    Sue Momma that a great tip to delay eating it and if i really want it in half an hour ill have it. I do drink loads of water but love my diet coke may get off that. Thanks for your advice
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    planning is the key, always plan ahead 1 day at a time,also be good for one day and day 2 is much easier ect!!
  • Sue_Sunshine
    Sue_Sunshine Posts: 82 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of carbonated drinks - have the very rare diet coke but I prefer to mix fruit juice with some sparkling water. Key is to take it all one step at a time - don't look at the big picture - plan a day ahead and stick to it.