How much?

TwistedKidd Posts: 37
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
What did you eat to day?
How many cals did you consume? ^_^


  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    a butt - ton! not sure how much that is, but it's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than I usually do....what's up with that???!!! :angry:
  • lol random question but uhm for breakfast i had peanut butter toast with milk
    a couple pringles for a snack
    turkey & cheese sandwich for lunch
    and idk what i'm going to eat for dinner.

    so as of now; around 900 calories.
  • Lol yea random hehe

    Ihad two servings of peas which = 120 and 4 cups of water
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Lol yea random hehe

    Ihad two servings of peas which = 120 and 4 cups of water

    Whoa... if thats all, you'd better run to the refrigerator and start eating!!!! :drinker:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Shredded wheat for breakfast
    chicken and corn for lunch
    a single serving pizza for dinner
    Apple for a snack
    A weight watchers ice cream cone for desert
    5 flipside crackers

    All that was under my calorie intake which was like 1666, I still have like 276 remaining.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    1538, and I'm still at a deficit of about 400. I'm going to go drink milk or something

    And if you click on my name and go to the profile my food diary is shared, you can see the massive amount that I eat. I still can't believe it. :)
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Lol yea random hehe

    Ihad two servings of peas which = 120 and 4 cups of water

    And I am so not going to comment on this, I'm starting to think you just like to get a rise out of us. You wouldn't happen to live under a bridge would you??

  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Lol yea random hehe

    Ihad two servings of peas which = 120 and 4 cups of water

    And I am so not going to comment on this, I'm starting to think you just like to get a rise out of us. You wouldn't happen to live under a bridge would you??

    I had a friend in HS who had an eating disorder and she would also do random questions like this to get attention, I read the whole post the other day and that's exactly what I thought. Wow, this poor child needs some attention from her parents and some protein, LOL
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    After dinner, I'll be at about 1300 calories, and here's what I ate:

    Bran flakes and 2% with half a banana sliced on it, sprinkled with flax seed for breaky.

    Banana and 5 saltines for mid-am snack.

    One slice of Aunt Millies 12grain bread and 1/2 cup homemade low fat chicken salad, plus
    a half cup of spaghetti and meat sauce for lunch.

    Navel orange and low-fat yogurt for mid-pm snack.

    6" Subway chicken breast on wheat with a gommel of veggies and flax sprinkled on it, plus sliced tomatos from my garden for dinner.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I also was wondering if you just wanted to get some attention from us. I read the whole post about what you eat and even though I don't know I worry about you. :flowerforyou:
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    It's so obvious that you are trying to get attention, I feel sorry for you but I also think that starting this particular post just seems another way of getting the attention you obviously need. Either you have an eating disorder or you are just making it up for attention, either way you need to get some help.
  • Attention? I could see how you can think i would want some but no i don't want any of that. That is what i have friends for and even if i did want attention i wouldn't go to internet nobodys for it. No offense. Im not calling anyone here a nobody i'm just saying only having Internets friends are nobodys.

    I just wanted to see what everyone ate today. It might give meh ideas for tomorrow.

    I honestly don't care to get a "rise" out of any of you.
    As for the other post, they asked what was our intake and i said what it was. I wasn't playing games i was just answering the question.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    It's so obvious that you are trying to get attention, I feel sorry for you but I also think that starting this particular post just seems another way of getting the attention you obviously need. Either you have an eating disorder or you are just making it up for attention, either way you need to get some help.

    Sara_LM, your comment is not supportive at all. And the purpose of this message board is to support one another through our journey. This is an eighteen yr old girl trying to get information to help herself. She asks one innocent question and answers that same question truthfully and you just tear right into her without a second thought.

    TwistedKidd, please don't let this one person deter you from asking questions.
    You can click on anyone's screenname and if their food diary is public you can click on it to see what they eat. HTH

  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I wasn't refering just to this post, I was referring to a whole separate one which I do not know if you have read. I am not trying to tear into her but if you read that it certainly seems as though she has an eating disorder and I do think she needs to get help for that. Although on rereading it it may have come across as unnecessarily harsh for which I am sorry but I did not respond based 'on one innocent question', I responded based on the fact she eats less than 500 calories a day and she keeps telling us how all she eats is sweets and occasionally a bit of veg.

    Twisted kid, I am truly very sorry if my post hurt your feelings I am only trying to get you to realise that eating less than 500 calories a day is certainly not healthy however I obviously was too blunt in how I said it.
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    Thank you.

    I did read the other thread and since then I have been messaging TwistedKidd to help her as much as I can. You may be right about a eating disorder but all we can do is be as supportive and helpful as possible.

  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I really didn't mean she needed to get help like something was wrong with her, I just meant that she really needs the support of a professional, I know I sounded like a bit of a b*tch, (I'm really not), I just felt frustrated because I wanted to help her too and it came across badly (sometimes things written down come across differently to how you think they;re going to).
  • Lol yea random hehe

    Ihad two servings of peas which = 120 and 4 cups of water

    And I am so not going to comment on this, I'm starting to think you just like to get a rise out of us. You wouldn't happen to live under a bridge would you??


    I have been thinking this since the last thread she started. Didn't want to sound rude but she was given so much good advice on the last thread and she continues talking about her poor eating habits. Kinda gets me heated :explode:
  • I really am trying =[ I felt like everyone were judging meh and you all don't know the story.
    I perfer not to jump from less than 500 to 1200 i rater increase it slowly. I was saving most of my cals of dinner. We were going out to eat. I look up what i was having i had a total of 850+ ^_^
    I came here for help, not attention or to get bashed on.
    I was going to talk to my parents but someone told meh about this site and i thought ill give it a try before telling them. I know i eat poorly but healthy and yeah i might have an eating disorder and if it worsten i will get help.

    Demetria- Thank you so much. Haha you know one of my close friends name is Demetria:wink:

    Sarah_LM- It's okay. Im a very understanding person. I listen to everyone. I even bookmarked some pages that were sent to meh. Im trying to listen i honestly am. I more of a night time eater anyways so most of my cals come from dinner
  • If you have an eating disorder wouldn't it kind of be bad to hang out on a 'weight loss' message board?
    Seems like it would make your problems worse. I know people here are very intelligent and informative but i don't think anyone here is qualified to give advice to someone with your issues.

    (I may be wrong-we might have an eating disorder expert. This site always amazes me)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Kidd, my suggestion is to raise your calories up slowly (like 50 calories a day) until you get to 1200. I had to do this too, I started at 700-800 and gradually increased so I wouldn't gain a bunch of lbs. I'm up to 1,450 now and finally losing weight! :)

    But in order to do that, you really have to eat the right things. Nuts, eggs, cheese, milk, plus veggies and fruit. Just a slice of cheese will help or a hard boiled egg.

    The problem is that our bodies simply must have enough protein (and some carbs and some fat) in order to function. If they don't, our brain starts shutting stuff down to conserve energy. Not only will you not lose weight (because your body is saving everything due to you starving) but your organs will stop working...little by little.

    Log what you eat and make SURE you eat something (doesn't have to be a huge amount) every 3 hours, all day long. A slice of cheese and 5 grapes is a snack. A couple of almonds and 1/2 an apple is another. Meet your goal every day and tomorrow increase that goal by 50 until you get to 1200. THen we'll stop bugging you :tongue:
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