What is your daily routine?

I have recently moved and fell out of my daily routine. Now I have a 40 minute commute to and from work and keep making excuses why I can't fit in a workout.

I'm curious to hear some of your daily routines. What time do you wake up? Do you eat breakfast? Do you work out during your lunch hour? What time do you go to bed? LET'S HEAR IT! I need some motivation!!


  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    I have a 40 minute commute too. I park my car away from public transit and walk 1/2 mile each way and then get off farther away from work and walk another 1/2 mile each way. I use to try and walk during lunch but it was to much and in the heat I would come back nasty to work. I try to take the stairs to the upstairs bathroom at work as well. For breakfast I have a carnation instant breakfast (no sugar added) and lite soy milk. This gives me my vitamins and it is on the go meal.

    Getting exercise in after work is hard because I am so tired from my long day. I am still trying to figure that part out. I use to go to the gym at either 5am or directly after work before I got on the metro and went home but the cost was to much.
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    I run for atleast an hour a day in the morning and I do Insanity in the evening. My GF does the same, but she only runs for 30-45 minutes in the morning. She wakes up at 445 to run, I dont.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I agree, I am very tired/lazy when I get back from work. After I cook, clean, etc around the house, all I want to do is crawl in bed.

    First thing in the morning might not be a bad idea. I'm afraid I will have to wake up at 4am to accomplish that though!
  • goodcoffy
    goodcoffy Posts: 25
    I'm an early morning riser so I'm at my best before anyone in the house is up and alert, even before the sun rise. I swear there are times I rather stay in bed and sleep for an hour or so, but if I'm going to do something good for myself I get up at 4:30am -5 and stretch, get some walking and running in which takes about 30- 45mins. If that's all I'm going to do, that's fine at least I did something. By the end of the day, I am exhausted to do anything for myself, but sleep. So that's my routine. I do manage to get my 8 hours of sleep in. Now I'm going to try and find a little more time to get in a physical workout aside from running and walking.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I wake up (without an alarm) somewhere between 5 and 5:30. I use the bathroom, weigh myself, shower and get dressed. I feed my cats and feed myself. If it’s not raining I ride my bike to work (about 2.5 miles). If it is raining, I hop on the bus.

    Work is work, I sit most of the day but try to fit in a walk when I can. I work in a huge office building and always take the stairs if I’m going up 2 flights or down 3.

    After work I bike or bus home. I decompress and make dinner. If I bussed and the weather is now better I’ll go for a bike ride or walk. If not, I don’t worry about it and do whatever I feel like. Sometimes I’m hanging out with my bf, sometimes I read or watch tv, etc.

    Weekends I go hiking, go for long bike rides and am generally more active than I am on weekdays (since I sit in front of a computer and in conference rooms all day).

    In a few weeks I’m starting up my yoga practice again. I’ll do that 1-2 days a week in addition to the bike riding.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I am always taking the stairs. I work on the 3rd floor and usually go up/down about 3 times a day. That is a good suggestion. I usually wake up at 5am no alarm too. I'm sure I wouldn't have a hard time adjusting to waking up earlier for a workout, but I am intimidated! 4am just seems nuts! I remember the days I would just be going to sleep then!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    No routine as that would have me bored and quitting. But thinking about it I have some set things....

    I've stopped snacking - I now eat 3 meals a day that keep me satiated until the next, it's brilliant.

    If I'm working from the office I'll be walking to and from meetings so that will be my exercise for the day.

    If I'm working from home and haven't moved from the dining room table very much then I might go for a run/walk/half hour gym workout, but then again I might not.

    Weekends I'll have one evening out with chums, drinking and/or eating. This will probably inspire me to do a bigger workout at some point during the day. Weekends I also tend to have brunch and dinner (which are bigger than my mid-week meals).

    I'll probably have one completely sedentary day.

    Just for info, I'm in maintenance and have been for a while now. I'm planning to run a half marathon in September.

    (edit) also to add - I weigh in about once a fortnight when I 'feel like it'.
  • powellnut
    powellnut Posts: 5 Member
    Wake up at 8-830, weigh myself, green tea, go for a 2-4 mile jog or do 30 minutes of yoga, then eat breakfast and make lunch, go to school, work, etc, get home around 7-8 then make dinner and do homework. On the weekends, life varies, but i always have a long jog.

    I've kept this up since August and having a pretty solid routine really helps me in my weight loss.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Sunday: Grocery shop and meal prep lunches.
    Monday-Wednesday: Up at 7, eat prepped lunch, arrive to gym at 5, commit to an hour, home, cook dinner.
    Thursday: Bowling league in the evening (might as well be a drinking league).
    Friday- Same as Monday-Wednesday, but with a meal out.
    Saturday- Brunch! Hike! Enjoy myself. Sleep in. Socialize. Clean house? Watch football!

    My Fitbit (and the challenges with my friends) motivates me to get 10-15k steps a day. That's the one thing I force myself to do, even on the off days.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    semeyer wrote: »
    I agree, I am very tired/lazy when I get back from work. After I cook, clean, etc around the house, all I want to do is crawl in bed.

    First thing in the morning might not be a bad idea. I'm afraid I will have to wake up at 4am to accomplish that though!

    I have this problem too- Once I get home, I'm most likely not going to leave again. I pack my bag and drive directly to the gym after work to combat this.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Early riser here too.. I run for an 1 hour starting at 5:30, rinse off shower and drink coffee. I work at home so I get my schedule ready for the day if I did not do that the night before.

    9:30 I lift. then shower and eat.. Then back to work.

    ** not kids in the house.. grown and in college..
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri - up at 5, drive to bootcamp (eat a banana in the car), workout for an hour, drive to work (have protein shake on the way), shower at work, work 8-5, then home for chores/dinner/laying out clothes and packing a bag for the next day.

    Thursday - no bootcamp, up at 6:30, spin class after work. Usually an easy dinner that can be made in 10 minutes when I get home (sandwiches, leftovers etc...)

    Saturday - Up at 7, drive to bootcamp (eat a banana in the car), workout for an hour, drive home (have protein shake on the way), shower and go about my day.

    Sunday - rest & grocery shopping.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Let me start by saying, I work from home so this is my typical work week, I don't have kids (yet), I am seriously Type A and take my routines seriously so that I can enjoy my weekends without stuff hanging over my head. :D

    6:15 - wake up, take my temp, weigh myself
    6:30 - start work
    9:00 - 10:00 - eat breakfast (sometimes this is a little later, depends on the day)
    12:00 - small snack
    12:30 - 1:30 - lunch break (most days I ride my bike for 40 mins or walk for exercise, then quick shower)
    2:30 - small snack
    3:30 - clock out, prep for dinner, work on cleaning checklist (I have a weekly routine for that too!), unload/load dishwasher
    5:00 - start dinner
    5:30 - 6:00 - have dinner
    After dinner - DH and I take the dog for a walk most nights
    7:00 - 9:30 - DESSERT! Then hang with DH, catch up on TV, read, bubble bath, etc.
    9:30 - head to bed, usually asleep by 10:00
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I wake up at about 8:30-9, depending on when my kid wakes up
    Drink some water
    Get kid breakfast
    Make coffee
    Get ready for work
    Make lunch, and then premake dinner for work lunch
    Go to the bathroom a few times
    Hate the world for being tired
    Drive to work, about 15min
    Sit down for 8 hours, walking for a few on my breaks, snack at 3pm, dinner at 5pm, maybe a snack around 8:30pm
    Come home at 10:30pm
    Leave house no later than 11PM to walk dog, sometimes leave earlier
    Get home no later than 11:59pm
    Have a drink
    Think about going to bed early
    Goes to bed at 3AM
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    4:40 wake up
    5:15 leave the house
    5:40 get to the gym
    6:25 head to locker room to get ready
    7:00 get to work
    3:00-5:30 head home
    10:00 go to sleep

    I do that Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday Some days I also add in a 30 min walk during lunch. I run on Saturday around my neighborhood usually.
  • MissJay75
    MissJay75 Posts: 768 Member
    Stay at Home Mom here -

    7:00 am up with the kids.
    7:00 - 9:00 they eat and play while I shower/do chores.
    9:00 - 11:00 I homeschool so we do lessons then break for lunch.
    afternoon T/Th we do martial arts together, and I do insanity after martial arts
    afternoon M/W/Fr we do lessons from 12:30 - 3:00 with a snack break around 2.
    On alternate Wed we also fit in my daughter's therapy
    3:00 - 4:00 is free time for kids I work on household stuff.
    4:00 - 4:30 is dedicated time for me to play with my kids. They take turns choosing the activity
    4:30 - 6:00 fix & eat dinner, (Dad comes home around this time.)
    6:00 - 7:30 family time, (a show, a board game, computer games, talk, or read together). Monday night I do martial art as well.
    7:30 daughter goes to bed
    8:30 son goes to bed.
    8:30 - 9:30 Hubby and I watch a show, then he goes to bed. (He's up at 4:30 am)
    9:30 - 10:30/11. This is my downtime I watch netflix or play video games, and eat all the calories I saved up for nighttime snacking.

    I also use a mini cycle while watching TV or on the computer. Burn an extra 200-300 calories per day this way.

    Weekends are always filled with chores, errands, social activities, guitar lessons, church, volunteer, etc. No real set schedule.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    On Monday/Wednesday I get up at 5:30, put on my workout gear, down a coffee, some water, and a protein bar, and leave at 6:00 to walk to the gym (30 min, connected to my office building.) I hit the treadmill for whatever distance I need to do, then shower and head to work for 8:00 AM. After work at 4:30 I can just walk home and veg if I want.

    Tuesday/Thursday I get up at 6:30 instead and have a more leisurely breakfast, and I go to the gym on my lunch break. I strength train on these days and don't get as sweaty as I do running, so I have time to get presentable again to go back to the office.

    Fridays I work half-days and don't work out at all, but it's my cleaning day at home and so I change sheets, do all the laundry, and deep-clean the bathrooms and kitchen.

    Saturdays I do a long run first thing in the morning, and Sundays I run as far as I feel up to depending on how the long run the day before went.

    I work regular office hours and I don't have kids or evening commitments so making time to workout isn't super difficult or anything for me. Keeping my husband fed and the apartment clean is pretty much all I have to do at home, fortunately. Still, I prefer to work out earlier in the day while my motivation is a little stronger and so I don't have it hanging over my head as an unfinished task.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Monday and Thursday it's usually up at 6:55, shower, breakfast, pack bag, and ready to drive to work at about 7:50. Work 8:30-4:30, then stop by the gym on my way home or run when I get back. Wednesday I very often go to the gym at 6am before work, and I start at 9 Tuesday and Friday so take that opportunity for more sleep. I finish work at 4 on a Friday so sometimes take that opportunity for a long run. I take turns cooking dinner and doing general household chores, and am out of the house socialising 2-3 weekday evenings usually.

    Saturday I either go for a long run if I didn't go Friday afternoon, or get involved in my local Parkrun. Sunday is often gym/swimming, or sleeping off a hangover!
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Work days I'm up at 6am at work for 7:10 ish on my feet (hca) till 20:00 home by 20:30. First 1/2 hour break I go for a walk and have a snack around 10 or11. 2nd 1/2 hour break (anytime after 14:00) I have lunch. I tend to walk any were up to 9 miles each shift 3-4 times a week.

    At the moment I have no exercise routine as I'm not too well at the moment or I'm working extra shifts. If running it's either treadmill or early outdoor don't run later than 9 as I like empty streets.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    edited October 2015
    5:15. Wake up and get myself and my 2 1/2 year old daughter ready. I usually dress nice for work and do my make up. But sometimes I just wear our company shirt and scrub bottoms. I take my daughter to daycare at 6 or so.

    From 6:30-7:30 I assist a young lady with cerebral palsy to get ready for work.

    8:00-3:30 I go to my office. Sometimes I have lunch with my boyfriend. Sometimes I go for a walk.

    After work, I change clothes and work out/go to the gym for 20-30 minutes. Then I pick up my daughter from daycare and grocery shop if needed.

    5:00 we have dinner and hang out. Take a bath or whatever. Clean house. Laundry.

    7-7:30 she crashes. If my boyfriend comes by, we hang out from 8-11. If not, my daughter and I will watch tv and go to bed around 8. Some nights my daughter goes to her grandparents and he and I have dinner at home.

    Weekends is kinda whatever... My daughter usually stays with grandparents and I stay at his house. Past 2 weekends, we took 2 mini road trips to see roller derby. I'll usually sneak in a work out then at the gym or do a DVD at home.