6 weeks to OMG

I'm on day 2 of 6 weeks to OMG - Venice A Fulton, and although admittedly I shouldn't obsessively weigh myself, I have already
Managed to lose 1lb of fat in 2days. Feeling very encouraged, and although the cold bath takes time, I kinda enjoy it.
Anybody else on this diet?


  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Never heard of it until now. Sounds ridiculous, sorry. Absolutely bloody ridiculous.

    From an article:
    - 'Six Weeks claims that fruit juices and smoothies cause overeating and that the carbohydrates in broccoli can be worse than those in Coca-Cola"
    - Fulton says plunging into cold water will cause the "metabolic rate to shift to overdrive"
  • heidimaggott5
    Read a write up about it and laughed out loud, often
  • MrsTudyk
    MrsTudyk Posts: 1
    Unless you burned 3,500 calories in 24 hours, you haven't lost a pound of fat. It'll just be water weight. This book is populist diet crap at its worst and the tag-line "Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends" is a horrendous attitude to be promoting. If you'd really like a good diet book to get sensible advice from, I'm sure the people on this site can recommend a few and even provide the right advice themselves. Being healthy and strong is the attitude we need to spread, not that skinny is what we should be aspiring to. OP- if you really need to lose a few pounds, talk to the people on these boards for far more support and useful advice than that book will give you.
  • monkeybutter
    Hi Bellasbum :) I have been doing this diet for about a week and am finding it helpful myself. My body doesn't accept excessive carbs very well and so I find that this method can be very effective for my body type. I have lost about 2kg in a week so far and am also having to keep myself off the scales as much as possible but have been pleasantly surprised to see the numbers go down.

    I understand that there is a lot of criticism about the plan but taking in the full book, not just reading the cover explains much, much more about the brief snapshot the cover reveals. Besides, I believe that those statements are mainly meant to catch people's attention anyway. I also don't listen to anyone who casts judgement on any book without taking the time to fully explore what they are actually judging.

    Everyone has their own way that they are happy with when it comes to the task of losing weight. If it's not for you, just don't do it and continue with your own method if it works well for you.

    Well done on your success so far xx
  • spicone1
    spicone1 Posts: 2
    I read this book and lost 15 lbs in 3 months after hitting a stall on the atkins. Alot makes sense...exercising when you wake up and waiting 3 hours before your first meal so your body turns to your stored fat for energy. It has worked for me.