looking 4 help to change my horrible eating habbits :(

Hi, I'm new to mfp. As much as I love working out, I have an addiction to chocolate (a real addiction) I even went to my doctor about it. I eat it so much, doctor says my sugar was getting high and I developed serious headaches after I eat it. Like everything in life, all addictions can be broken, but where to start.... I don't know because if I don't eat a little, I start to get irritated and edgy YUK!!! Anyway, I need some inspirational buddies :) I'm a very nice girl looking for people with big hearts as I promise to try and help you in anyway I can :) xoxo


  • jachales
    jachales Posts: 6 Member
    Sent a friend request. I have the worst eating habits too. Chocolate is my main problem too. Kind of thinking I just need to stop eating it all together.
  • I know exactly how you feel! I work right in the middle of our town's fast food circle, any fast food restaurant you can think of are side by side (by side of my work.) And I get off work, and I am SO hungry! So where do I go? To the delicious comfort of fast food, only to feel guilty and angry at myself. Let's do this together....request sent!
  • I love chocolate mega addiction for me but I found I was suffering from massive energy slumps in the day from eating too much sugar not just chocolate but fizzy drinks, white bread, crisps etc after lunch I would crash. I switched to a low GI diet and its made such a difference my energy levels are so much higher and I've lost half a stone. Just got the last little bit on my lower abdomen to go. Reserch low GI this website is fab and there is still so much you can eat http://www.lowgidiet.net/. Switch milk chocolate for dark chocolate about 70% cocoa solids it satisfies the craving but not as bad I tend to have 5 squares after lunch and then have had my chocolate fix. Also if u are an iphone or user download the bbc good foods healthy app so many delicious recipes that are low calorie.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    welcome! sometimes i have eating addiction too.. i will would eat and eat until my tummy feels it's gonna explode.. some days are better.. some kind of craving.. not sure what.. anyway.. good luck on your journey! my goal is to stay healthy and eat healthy! let's do it together :) cheers :))))
  • winabe1
    winabe1 Posts: 5
    Maybe instead of thinking to stop it at once. Do it slowly, allow yourself to still eat it but everyday/week cut some out. Then mentally you will not feel deprived, and you doing it slowly let your body to adjust to the "lack" of sugar. Have you ever consulted a nutritionist, often if we want something so badly it is usually a lack of something else... Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had a lifelong sugar addiction. I broke it easily once i set my mind to it. Here's what I did:

    Monday: waited to eat chocolate until after lunch.

    Tuesday: waited to eat chocolate until after lunch.

    Wednesday: waited to eat chocolate until afternoon snack.

    Thursday: waited to eat chocolate until afternoon snack.

    Friday: waited to eat chocolate until after dinner.

    Saturday: waited to eat chocolate until after dinner.

    Sunday: didn't want chocolate after dinner.

    Seriously, that's how I finally did it. Now I am able to eat sweets in moderation. I can even have cake in the refrigerator and not feel compelled to eat it.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    when I started on this healthy eating journey a few years ago, I didn't think I could go with out my mid afternoon chocolate fix....I exchanged it for a sweet crisp apple - that REALLY helped...determination also helped :) You have to set your mind to staying away from foods that cause you to stumble. It might take a few days/weeks...but it can be done...do you want it bad enough? SURE you do!!!! You can do this!!!!

    another thing...don't totally deny yourself....eat some treats...just make sure to include them in your caloric intake....they might not help your body, or be very healthy, but you need a "relax" day sometimes :)

    Good luck!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hello! Sending you a friend request. My addiction was coffee and peanut butter. I had to stop coffee cold turkey due to my heart condition, and peanut butter I know only eat 2 times a year. I just can't handle it. If you truly want a change you can do it!
  • silverokami02
    silverokami02 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a sugar addiction too. It is definitely hard to overcome and I have overcome it mostly before. When I last did so, I ended up having to go cold turkey for about a week. I was irritated a bit and would pace the kitchen trying to find something to curb that craving. (Was hard cause I wanted the sugar) Now, I don't go after too much chocolate but I still love ice cream too much. I'm working on curbing that down at least. I did find that making home made treats with fruits and local honey actually helps. Just still can't have them all the time anyway. Plus the local honey helps with any allergies if you have them too. :) I'll send a friend request too!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Hi and welcome. Although I hate chocolate and any type of sweets other than fruit snacks, feel free to add me, I am very supportive. You CAN do it!!!
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Sounds like you are having withdrawal symptoms - Could be from the caffeine or the sugar in the chocolate. If you can deal with it for a couple of weeks, or slowly ween yourself off of it, that will stop :)
  • carolsatt
    carolsatt Posts: 4
    When you feel like eating chocolate, try eating a small portion of protein instead. This will calm your cravings and allow weight loss. I have the theory, I just need to put it into practice.

    Let me know how you get along. Stay focused.
  • jgunn81
    jgunn81 Posts: 243 Member
    Maybe instead of thinking to stop it at once. Do it slowly, allow yourself to still eat it but everyday/week cut some out. Then mentally you will not feel deprived, and you doing it slowly let your body to adjust to the "lack" of sugar.


    I used to eat junk foods all the time. I started slowly pulling back and replacing with healthy options. Now, i rarely even crave the bad stuff. Although, when i do get that occasional urge, i indulge, but i have noticed, even when i do that, its not nearly to the extent that i used to. Those little indulgences are important to success as well, you dont want to make yourself feel "deprived" of anything. I found it is all about slow and steady replacement and retraining your brain. It may seem foriegn at first, but eventually it will become second nature if you stick with it.

    You can do it!!!

    also feel free to add me if you want.
  • As always, moderation not deprivation. But, as I know too well, moderation is extremely difficult for someone who's really addicted to something. That's why an alcoholic can't drink just one.

    If you don't want to deny yourself completely, buy 1 or 2 INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED small pieces of chocolate on grocery trips to be eaten THAT DAY. Buy small amounts to be eaten immediately, not very large amounts to keep over time. I also recommend dark over milk.

    DO NOT buy chocolate to be kept in the house thinking you will have the willpower to not eat it. It just ain't gonna happen. I know, believe me. If you don't have it in the house when a craving hits, you are much less likely to get in the car and drive 15 minutes to the grocery than walk to the pantry.

    As for how to get through a craving when you've already eaten chocolate that day, breathe deeply and ask yourself if you're really hungry or you're just jonesing. If you're really hungry, fix a healthy alternative. Decide then and there when to POSTPONE your craving until. Your mind will accept "I will buy a piece of dark chocolate at the grocery store tomorrow for a treat after tomorrow night's dinner" MUCH better than "I will not have any chocolate at all."
  • eh_no
    eh_no Posts: 1
    eat small amounts of dark chocolate once a week. and think about the crap youre putting into your body. you should try to take care of it.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Mmm...chocolate... I too have a chocolate addiction! Have you tried dark chocolate? I eat a small square of 85% dark chocolate at least 3 times a week. (Sometimes it gives me migraines though.) Try switching to that? Also, I've found that the healthier I eat, the less satisfied I feel when I have junky sweets (such as milk chocolate, candy bars, ice cream, etc.). I still get cravings and I still indulge (a little too much, as of late!), but I feel physically sick afterwards, which makes me not want to eat those things ever again. Just stick with it and soon the cravings should dissipate. And try dark chocolate...it really helped with my chocolate cravings!!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    This is me!
    I totally transformed my horrible eating habits and am a food Nazi compared to how I used to eat.
    I eat whole grains, lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, fruits and veggies.
    If man makes it, don't eat it.
    I allow myself one "free day" every week which has psychological as well as physiological benefits.
    People argue about this, but results are all that matters.
    I lost 70 lbs eating right all but one day where I eat anything I want - as much as I desire -- LOVE IT!
    That worked for me - GOOD LUCK!
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    With chocolate, I made myself a bargain:

    I buy one "fancy" chocolate bar a week, they usually have 8 squares. If I am under my calorie budget for the day, I reward myself with one square (which is usually around 50 calories.)

    I eat it slowly and try to savor the flavor. I also try to buy dark chocolate, as that tends to be more satisfying than milk.

    This may not work for you, many people don't quite have the self control. It's possible you might just have to go cold turkey, like I did with soda.
  • atilajam
    atilajam Posts: 2
    Thanks every1 for help and advice. I tried sugar and fat free, dark chocolate, moderation, but it didn't work (just a taste and I become Homer Simpson): however a fitness pal suggested I try give it up COLD TURKEY 5 days and the addiction will go! WOW, NEVER TRIED THAT!! This is gonna be tricky. Ok, day 1 6/20/12, lets see how the day goes.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    As always, moderation not deprivation. But, as I know too well, moderation is extremely difficult for someone who's really addicted to something. That's why an alcoholic can't drink just one.

    If you don't want to deny yourself completely, buy 1 or 2 INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED small pieces of chocolate on grocery trips to be eaten THAT DAY. Buy small amounts to be eaten immediately, not very large amounts to keep over time. I also recommend dark over milk.

    DO NOT buy chocolate to be kept in the house thinking you will have the willpower to not eat it. It just ain't gonna happen. I know, believe me. If you don't have it in the house when a craving hits, you are much less likely to get in the car and drive 15 minutes to the grocery than walk to the pantry.

    As for how to get through a craving when you've already eaten chocolate that day, breathe deeply and ask yourself if you're really hungry or you're just jonesing. If you're really hungry, fix a healthy alternative. Decide then and there when to POSTPONE your craving until. Your mind will accept "I will buy a piece of dark chocolate at the grocery store tomorrow for a treat after tomorrow night's dinner" MUCH better than "I will not have any chocolate at all."

    I'm gonna seek you out for advice if I need it someday :)