Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 16

RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member


  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You guys did great-congrats! I'll weigh in next week for sure.TOM of course.Keep going, I'm still hangin there.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey Rach-I wrote a huge post, poured my heart out, and you switched the thread!:tongue:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    so what another day that I had again today. So I wasn't suppose to drive my Durango because it overheated lastnight. Well I woke up this morning and my wisdom teeth are coming in. Normally I can deal with it but it has been bothering me for a couple of day and this morning I couldn't talk (not that my family seemed to mind :laugh: ) So I had to go into town. I went in early because a friend of mine was in there and thought we could get together. Got to Fleet farm and my Durango overheated AGAIN. So I had to call my mom and dad who had to come and get my daughter and I. She did all my little errands that I had to do since we had to wait a couple of hours to let my SUV to cool down. She dropped me off at the dentist. Well she dropped me off too early but I couldn't tell her because she was talking on her cell. She came in to get me and I told her my appointment wasn't for a while yet. She had to go to work. I told her I would just walk to where my Durango was if she would take my daughter with her and have my dad watch her. Finally, got into the dentist they did more x-rays and they looked and I have an infection of course and I need to get my wisdom removed. (I already knew that but was waiting as long as possible because of other health issues) He gave me some pain meds and some stuff to get rid of my infection. I walked over to my Durango went into Fleet Farm and my husband is telling what to get and then telling not to get it. Let me tell you guys I was ready to bang my head against a wall. I saw my uncle and had him show me where to go and what to get. Got it put it in (all by myself :bigsmile: ) Then went to wal-mart to get my pills filled. Went on my way because I was going to go on a girls night out. Got on the interstate got to the off ramp and my Durango starts to smoke REALLY bad again. I wanted to cry :sad: So I called my DH I was stranded at this point. So I had to call a tow truck and a friend to come and get me. My teeth hurt, I'm stressed to the max. I'm surprised I didn't have a seizure. Then my DH tells me not to get it towed to where I got it towed after it was towed. :explode: I got home and of course i was hungry. I couldn't eat anything but ice cream. Ugh. Now this weekend I have people coming over to side my house and have to feed them. Good luck to me for eating good. I did end up having a seizure today. With all the walking I did however in the last two days of my Durango breaking down should count for all my exercise for the week. :sick:

    So Monday is going to be a new week for me and I'm starting all over AGAIN. Sorry team for not pulling my own. I will make up for it.

    Everyone else you are doing great and way to go. :drinker:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Great job everyone!! :drinker:

    Kath - Congrats to you & your girls!! How awesome that they like to kick butt just like you!! You must be so proud!! Sorry about your bad day. Feel better!! :flowerforyou:

    j_g - hugs to you!! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone - Here's to a new day & new week!!!!vv:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Jess - it's tough days like that that show what we are made what if you had ice cream - todays a new day.

    san - you are so close to your goal - I am so jealous!!!!

    kathy - Your girls are awesome! Sounds like they are extremely determined! Just like Jess you came out on top of a tough day.

    I did group power last night - I've hurt my elbow so any upper body stuff makes it tough so I increased my weight on the leg and back stuff...I SO BADLY want to lose 1.9 more pounds before 8/31 - I really think I can! That will be 80 pounds in 1 year. My anniversary to this new life is Sept 1.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    j_g - wow, well... at least life isn't boring, right?! :wink: Just think of the ice cream as a treat for all your crazy day. :flowerforyou:

    hmo4 - TOM is evil. :devil: :laugh:

    chrissy - You can do it!! 1.9 pounds compared to the 78 you've already lost is NOTHING. 80 pounds - or even 79, 78, 77, 76... in one year is amazing! I love your new pix, btw.

    sanifrey - how many pounds till goal for you?! Wow!! :bigsmile:

    Everybody - hang in there!! I've had a tough week. A little bit of boredom at work... waiting for a couple assignments to be handed down... so, I've snacked lots. But, I've also been really, genuinely hungry! But I weighed this morning and am still doing fine. Hoping to be down at least a pound at tomorrow morning's weigh-in at WW. A friend of mine said when I reach 40 we're going for Nutella crepes at IHOP. :laugh: I prefer not to use food as a reward, but I think I can make an exception for Nutella!! :love:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Wow what a week some of you are having. Hang in there, it can only get better right.

    I am supposed to run my first 5K tomorrow, but not sure if I am going to make it or not. I have horrible morning sickness from 3am to 12noon and the race is at 8am. I am going to try and i know my time will suck because i have to keep my heart rate below 155 but i am going to try to do it.

    Here is to a new day and it is FRIDAY!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    j_g, at least you didn't gain. When I have stressful weeks and don't eat well I swear I increase at least 2 lbs. :tongue: You are awesome though. I probably would have just sat down and cried:sad: And then looked for a new car. :bigsmile:

    The group is doing awesome--down 145 lbs, wow!! Keep up the good work!:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Aww j, I feel so bad for you. When it rains it pours (literally too), here in my life, but you'll just get tough skin like I have now and almost learn to expect the worst. Then when things work out, the Shock and Awe of it all makes it that much better!:flowerforyou: Men-he sounds a bit like my hubby.:grumble:

    alapointe-I love the preggo ticker!:flowerforyou:

    WTG Sani, still losing, you're awesome!

    Last day of hockey camp today-yay, I'm tired of driving 1-2 X across town, especially with construction everywhere!

    What are you all making for supper tonight?:huh:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    j_g - someone decided we're going to Olive Garden tonight... :angry: I normally don't like to eat out the night before my weigh-in. Unfortunately, they have the unlimited pasta. So, I looked up the cals today for one bowl of whole wheat pasta with portabella sauce... comes to around 400... so, I think I should be okay to have one. I'm trying to keep snacking up to that time so just one will do! If it doesn't rain... like it has EVERY OTHER DAY THIS WEEK... I'm going to mow my friend's grandmother's yard... and maybe some of mine. So that should account for some extra calories! Yay!

    embarrassing q... I know I'm eating this pasta for dinner... and I know the weight of the pasta will still be in my belly in the morning when I go to weigh in... is it fair to take a laxative? :embarassed: I think I've taken one maybe only once in my life.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    j_g - someone decided we're going to Olive Garden tonight... :angry: I normally don't like to eat out the night before my weigh-in. Unfortunately, they have the unlimited pasta. So, I looked up the cals today for one bowl of whole wheat pasta with portabella sauce... comes to around 400... so, I think I should be okay to have one. I'm trying to keep snacking up to that time so just one will do! If it doesn't rain... like it has EVERY OTHER DAY THIS WEEK... I'm going to mow my friend's grandmother's yard... and maybe some of mine. So that should account for some extra calories! Yay!

    embarrassing q... I know I'm eating this pasta for dinner... and I know the weight of the pasta will still be in my belly in the morning when I go to weigh in... is it fair to take a laxative? :embarassed: I think I've taken one maybe only once in my life.

    I don't know if i would because that will just give you a false weigh in. Then if you gain next week you will be disappointed.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Don't do that! That's something people with disorders do! Just go and have the all you can eat salad, and a taste of your friends pasta. :flowerforyou:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I did it everyone! I finished my first 5K at 40 minutes even. Not my best time, but considering I was battling the morning sickness I consider it an accomplishment that i didn't get sick until I got home. That will be my last one until after the baby is born. Maybe next summer.:smile:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Great job! Well, more bad news for me. I'm going to have to go back the surgeons about my shoulder. It's killing me now for about 2 weeks, so I can't go to work.:cry: My bladder also is keeping me up all night-just not emptying. I guess I'll have to return INSANITY when it comes, I'll never be able to do all the heavy duty workouts I used to be able to do.:sad: :sad:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    j_g - someone decided we're going to Olive Garden tonight... :angry: I normally don't like to eat out the night before my weigh-in. Unfortunately, they have the unlimited pasta. So, I looked up the cals today for one bowl of whole wheat pasta with portabella sauce... comes to around 400... so, I think I should be okay to have one. I'm trying to keep snacking up to that time so just one will do! If it doesn't rain... like it has EVERY OTHER DAY THIS WEEK... I'm going to mow my friend's grandmother's yard... and maybe some of mine. So that should account for some extra calories! Yay!

    embarrassing q... I know I'm eating this pasta for dinner... and I know the weight of the pasta will still be in my belly in the morning when I go to weigh in... is it fair to take a laxative? :embarassed: I think I've taken one maybe only once in my life.

    Sooo, how did it go?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks for the advice, guys! I just had a the salad and a little of the whole wheat pasta. Thankfully, it wasn't very tasty, so I didn't have much. I kept waiting for some kind of flavor... but... nothing! And, even after that, I was down a pound at my weigh-in! 39 pounds gone. :bigsmile: I am *so* thankful and happy.

    I'm making spaghetti squash and washing clothes as we speak. Hoping it'll be better than the pasta at OG. Ick.

    hmo4 - I'm sorry you're having all these medical probs. :frown: Don't give up, though! Look at you - you're hot! :bigsmile: Take care of yourself!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    alapointe - congrats on the 5k!! I hope you're feeling better, too! :flowerforyou:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Thanks for the advice, guys! I just had a the salad and a little of the whole wheat pasta. Thankfully, it wasn't very tasty, so I didn't have much. I kept waiting for some kind of flavor... but... nothing! And, even after that, I was down a pound at my weigh-in! 39 pounds gone. :bigsmile: I am *so* thankful and happy.

    I'm making spaghetti squash and washing clothes as we speak. Hoping it'll be better than the pasta at OG. Ick.

    hmo4 - I'm sorry you're having all these medical probs. :frown: Don't give up, though! Look at you - you're hot! :bigsmile: Take care of yourself!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    alapointe - congrats on the 5k!! I hope you're feeling better, too! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks my dear. I'm proud of you-way to go! My eating has been going well now at least, but went for a power walk and now my hip is killing me from my fall. So my left side is screwed up totally.:grumble: .Uggh, thanks for listenening. Tomorrow I'll be phoning my various Doc's, Surgeons, etc offices. Thank God for Canada's Health Care. :happy:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Thanks for the advice, guys! I just had a the salad and a little of the whole wheat pasta. Thankfully, it wasn't very tasty, so I didn't have much. I kept waiting for some kind of flavor... but... nothing! And, even after that, I was down a pound at my weigh-in! 39 pounds gone. :bigsmile: I am *so* thankful and happy.

    I'm making spaghetti squash and washing clothes as we speak. Hoping it'll be better than the pasta at OG. Ick.

    hmo4 - I'm sorry you're having all these medical probs. :frown: Don't give up, though! Look at you - you're hot! :bigsmile: Take care of yourself!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    alapointe - congrats on the 5k!! I hope you're feeling better, too! :flowerforyou:

    WTG on the 39lbs.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gang! I went for a little run/walk this evening. Trying to get motivated to move my butt again. Also have been going through a lot as far as figuring out who I am and trying to be myself. I decided I need to stop caring so much what other people think so in a moment of confidence I went and got all my hair chopped off!!! I've always wanted to try it reeeeally short, to where I could fauxhawk it and so I went for it! I always avoided it because it's not the 'norm', but I'm sooo glad I did it and I'm rockin' it!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    j_g - thank you! :flowerforyou:

    Rach - your hair is awesome!!!! :drinker: