Pet Peeve

I know we all have them. Mine is when I see parents smoking in a car with kids. I mean, if you want to kill yourself, go ahead, just leave the innocent kids alone and let them breath freely.
So what's your pet peeve?


  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    People who throw trash out their windows. Not just gum or cigarettes, but cups, bags, large items. Things of that nature.

    Oh, and people who text while driving.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    When there are 8000 threads about Pet Peeves.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Chewing with your mouth open. I've ended dates over it.

    People being careless with my stuff and breaking/ruining it.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    I hate it when you go to the party and some hussy is wearing the same dress that you spent hours picking out. I mean, look at her over there at the snack table eating crackers like she's better than me. It's enough to make you want to cut a *****.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I hate it when you go to the party and some hussy is wearing the same dress that you spent hours picking out. I mean, look at her over there at the snack table eating crackers like she's better than me. It's enough to make you want to cut a *****.


  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    When parents don't teach their kids the best brands of cigarettes to smoke. If they did this, the kids would make much better decisions as to what cigarettes taste the best when they are older.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    When parents don't teach their kids the best brands of cigarettes to smoke. If they did this, the kids would make much better decisions as to what cigarettes taste the best when they are older.

  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    When parents don't teach their kids the best brands of cigarettes to smoke. If they did this, the kids would make much better decisions as to what cigarettes taste the best when they are older.

    Right? I'm like.... benson & hedges, really?
  • hungryhungryhypocrite
    hungryhungryhypocrite Posts: 13 Member
    Whispering. I hate it.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I know we all have them. Mine is when I see parents smoking in a car with kids. I mean, if you want to kill yourself, go ahead, just leave the innocent kids alone and let them breath freely.
    So what's your pet peeve?

    ^^^ THIS! Also when I see kids in a car not in a child seat or buckled up!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    When people do not use their turn signals on their vehicles - Like you were supposed to read their mind that they were turning...
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    My pet peeves...late people, racist people, and people who chew with their mouth open.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    When you are surrounded by people who speak english and another language and proceed to speak the other language so you can't understand what they are saying. #whitegirlproblems
  • sweetk1969
    sweetk1969 Posts: 112 Member
    Movie talkers. I can't stand people who constantly ask questions and yell out unnecessary comments during a movie... that just pisses me off.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    When the kids are "holding" and won't share!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    When parents don't teach their kids the best brands of cigarettes to smoke. If they did this, the kids would make much better decisions as to what cigarettes taste the best when they are older.

    Right? I'm like.... benson & hedges, really?

    HEY! My dad STILL smokes Benson & Hedges, I was the little girl in the candy store buying cigs for her daddy. They knew what I needed before I opened my mouth. When I started buying for myself at 14, I told them he switched brands...HA!

    So, I hate it when stupid clerk at the counter asks my dad why he suddenly changed after so many years and calls me out like that....*kitten*!
  • StephMcw
    StephMcw Posts: 22 Member
    dumb people
  • Aryel168
    Aryel168 Posts: 126
    People who think they know it all
    Idiot drivers
    Bras that are uncomfortable
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    People who leave cabinet doors and drawers open.. *come on its not that hard to close them*....

    Also Idk why this drives me nuts.. but LONG SOCKS... with sneakers and shorts... Its not a good look LOL
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I have a HUGE issue with parents that allow their children to run around in restaurants and stores. These are not playgrounds people! This is a big pet peeve for me and we do not allow our children to do this. Parents are extremely irresponcible these days and oblivious.