just joined

Hello fellow fitness pals ,
just joined as a motivation tool to see where Im going wrong with tryig to lose my post baby weight two years after the gorgeous boy has arrived , mmmmm!
Am a very good girl Monday to Friday then its a 'see food and eat it ' issue at the weekends with being around family , being out and about and thinking that i should indeed deserve a treat ...or five .
Anyone else in a similar situation , need motivaiton , will power , brain washing etc , any suggestions of tales of success using fitness pal ?


  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Hello! I'm absolutely in the same position! Weekends are tough with our groups of friends and family who all enjoy a good drink, or four. And I think summer holidays just make it worse, damn the potato salad! I'm here for you!