Back Again, With Different Mindset

I downloaded this app on my phone last year, used it here and there, and then stopped. Now a year later I am back with a different mindset and determined to get some extra pounds off. I found out around August last year I have hypothyroidism plus allergies to a lot of different foods so in the last ten months I have had to re-evaluate my entire diet. I am now trying to eat foods in their natural state and to stay away from packaged foods as much as possible. My thyroid finally got back into the normal range in January and I have already lost 15 lbs since then without really trying. I was never taught good nutrition while growing up so it's been a challenge, but working on trying different fruits and vegetables. I have a tendency to emotional eat so I would like to find a diet buddy to help keep me on track when times are rough. So.. hello again and hope to see y'all around!


  • littleallie120
    Welcome! I've had the same problem with starting something so confident, only to give up and slowly break away. Let's do it for real this time around!
  • Kl3ve008
    Kl3ve008 Posts: 6
    I agree. I have had Gastric Bypass and lost over 100 lbs and when I revisited my doctor for my 4 year checkup and he told me that I gained approx 20 lbs in those 4 years, I envisioned how I felt at my heaviest and didn't want to be there again. I have made lists of why I want to do this, re-looked at pictures and emails I had sent when I was bigger and got motivation to push through. I often let myself "slide" with certain foods but have become more strict on myself and since have seen results. I have never been one to really workout but I have learned that if I come home from work/school and put on my workout clothes, I will get a sort of adrenaline to go work out. I also went and got new running shoes that really excite me and make me feel like Forrest Gump when I'm running/walking. No more aches and pains after or during. So do what is right for you to make you motivated and get back to it. We are here to support eachother!!