Thoughts PLEASE!!!!! :(

Ok, I need some serious thoughts about my non weight loss. In the last 6 months I have lost 2-3lbs. This doesn't seem right to me! I feel like something is wrong with my body! I know losing weight is not easy but this seems ridiculous! I track everything and briskly walk/jog/run most days at least 3-4 miles.

One example of my normal daily food would be...
Breakfast: fried egg (with the tiniest amt of evoo) on a piece of whole grain toast with a teaspoon of grape jelly and a banana
After Run: Green Apple with 2 table spoons crunchy peanut butter
Lunch: Salad with lots of veggies with a can of tuna in water OR a healthy turkey sandwich on whole grain bread OR hummus with whole grain pita with grapes
Snack: 1/2 serving of Dannon Light and Fit vanilla yogurt with 1/4 cup oat and honey granola
Dinner: Tilapia Fillet with Sauteed Squash, Zuchinni, Half Onion, and Bell Pepper
Snack: 1 cup of Silk Vanilla Light

I only drink water!

A few years ago I lost 80lbs but wasn't healthy doing so. I ran a LOT (5-6 miles each morning and 13 miles once or twice a month while eating under 1000 calories and didn't count any exercise into the food intake equation. I know how unhealthy that was and don't want to do it that way again though it seems to be the only way I have been able to EVER lose weight in my entire life (I have ALWAYS been over weight). Both sides of my family are heavy...from parents to grandparents. I have fought it my entire life and am really down about it since I feel like I eat healthier than a LOT of people and am seeing such small results.

On the occassion we do eat out it's normally at the Schlotzskys Deli close to our apt. I get the lowest calorie sandwich they have at around 380 calories.

I understand muscle weighs more but I am not feeling a lot of difference in my clothes either. Sometimes I am not good at recording my weight into the tracker because it yoyos down a pound, up a pound back to where it started. I keep a weekly journal of my weight loss (or in my case non-loss). What was depressing is that I found a journal from last year at this time and my weight is the same....same non moving number...same story... It's like my body refuses to be below 195lbs. It was sad, depressing, frustrating, and not motivating at all to find that journal. It's like why try for nothing, sweat in this Texas summer heat for nothing, and eat well just to stay the same???? It says I should eat 1200 calories to lose weight.

Help??? Thoughts????


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Could you open your diary please? I think it'd help. And how tall are you, what are your stats, ie weight height goal weight etc. It'll be easier to comment!
  • kmckeown1971
    kmckeown1971 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree, if you make your diary view able it might help. From first glance it looks as though you are eating alot of cards and natural sugars just from the example you gave... and just because its salad and veges does not mean you can eat alot of it....

    If you have a mobile device, get the app... log EVERYTHING that enters your mouth... you would be surprised.. I know I was... and if you are eating the same amount of calories and doing the same amount of exercise daily.... your body will become used to it and it will adjust accordingly and you will not lose weight....

    that is my two cents :)
  • jenngi620
    jenngi620 Posts: 51
    I've only lost 10 pounds in 4 months, so I'm not about to give suggestions on how to loose weight quickly. Something I tell myself when I am frustraged by the snail's pace of things is that if I weren't doing these healthful things then I'd be gaining weight instead. So I gained 10 lbs from last Dec. thru March when I started MFP. If I add in the weight I DIDN'T continue to gain at that rate, I have made a 20 pound difference. Now that is better! I also am trying hard to focus on the lifestyle change, I'm not going to beat myself up if I eat too much at a barbeque, that's life. Its the every day grind that is going to change what you weigh in the long run.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Have you been checked for diabetes or hypothyroidism? The reason I say this is I could not lose weight.

    When to the doc, found out I'm diabetic. I'm now a diet/exercise controlled diabetic, but it's not been an easy journey and I gain weight literally overnight if I screw up. Why? Because too much insulin can cause your body to produce white adipose tissue, the fat that surrounds our organs and is linked to heart disease. Fun stuff, right? Seriously, I can look at a d*mn hamburger and feel myself gaining weight and having a heart attack.

    On the flip once I was diagnosed and started doing exactly what the doc said I have lost weight and it stayed off until surgery in November. Now I'm at the weight was then, after many months of staying on track and hoping I can get down another 10 pounds. (I have to keep it around 1000 cals a day, keep the sugars fairly level most of the day, etc.)

    Right now, I'm being checked for some antibody certain humans produce that (it sounds like to me anyway from what the doc said) quietly attacks the thyroid and makes it somewhat dysfunctional from time to time. We'll see.

    Another thing for me, I used to be anorexic so my body is used to living in storage mode, no matter how much I eat.

    If you have questions about the above, post and let me know. It's not fun busting your *kitten* and getting no where.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    It could be that you're not eating enough. Can't really say, since your diary isn't open. Your body needs fuel and if your not getting enough that may be the reason for your stall.
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    If you're only eating 1200 cals/day, you may not be eating enough. MFP had me set at 1200, but when my weight loss plateaued for a couple of weeks, I upped it (I normally eat around 1500, even on days I don't excercise) and started losing again. If you opened your diary, it would be easier for people to help. :smile:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Try adding some strength training several days a week.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Have you been checked for diabetes or hypothyroidism? The reason I say this is I could not lose weight.

    When to the doc, found out I'm diabetic. I'm now a diet/exercise controlled diabetic, but it's not been an easy journey and I gain weight literally overnight if I screw up. Why? Because too much insulin can cause your body to produce white adipose tissue, the fat that surrounds our organs and is linked to heart disease. Fun stuff, right? Seriously, I can look at a d*mn hamburger and feel myself gaining weight and having a heart attack.

    On the flip once I was diagnosed and started doing exactly what the doc said I have lost weight and it stayed off until surgery in November. Now I'm at the weight was then, after many months of staying on track and hoping I can get down another 10 pounds. (I have to keep it around 1000 cals a day, keep the sugars fairly level most of the day, etc.)

    Right now, I'm being checked for some antibody certain humans produce that (it sounds like to me anyway from what the doc said) quietly attacks the thyroid and makes it somewhat dysfunctional from time to time. We'll see.

    Another thing for me, I used to be anorexic so my body is used to living in storage mode, no matter how much I eat.

    If you have questions about the above, post and let me know. It's not fun busting your *kitten* and getting no where.

    This. I had my thyroid removed during my last pregnancy (I couldn't take the right amount of meds to regulate it w/o hurting baby). I have NEVER had a weight problem before, usually range between 150-160lbs but after my daughter was born and the thyroid surgery I shot up to over 200lbs, I'm 5'6". Now I'm on the right doses of medication but I HAVE to stay in my calorie range and I HAVE to work out 5-6 times a week or I will start to gain. Good luck with everything!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    There is quite a lot of sugar on your example x
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    I had a few plateaus the last 6 months, but I tried to change things up and that usually shook off some extra pounds for me...for example I focused on trying to actually get my full water intake (I don't drink soda's but I find it hard to drink that much of anything!) when I do that i am usually happily rewarded at the end of the week.

    I've also tried eating about 100 - 200 calories over my 1200 once or twice a week, and see how that works...usually again, at least a pound a week have been coming off for me since I started other than when I was stuck for a few weeks.

    Keep trying, don't give up cause that won't help the scale move in the right direction at all!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    As mentioned already, there is a lot of sugar in your examples. I'm a label reader and I try to eat healthy and in moderation (most of the time!), so my suggestion would be to eliminate the jelly, switch to plain non-fat yogurt, swap the grapes for an orange (for the fiber!), and introduce more fibrous vegetables. Be sure to drink AT LEAST the 64 oz of water they're suggesting, and consider changing your counts (both calories and carb/fat/protein percentages). I've reached a plateau myself, and I'm considering increasing my calories temporarily, as well as finding a new excercise regimen. Your body does get used to repetition, so it needs variety. Instead of walking, trying biking. Or swimming. Or an aerobics class. Just DON'T GIVE UP!! Good luck!!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    One example of my normal daily food would be...
    Breakfast: fried egg (with the tiniest amt of evoo) on a piece of whole grain toast with a teaspoon of grape jelly and a banana
    After Run: Green Apple with 2 table spoons crunchy peanut butter
    Lunch: Salad with lots of veggies with a can of tuna in water OR a healthy turkey sandwich on whole grain bread OR hummus with whole grain pita with grapes
    Snack: 1/2 serving of Dannon Light and Fit vanilla yogurt with 1/4 cup oat and honey granola
    Dinner: Tilapia Fillet with Sauteed Squash, Zuchinni, Half Onion, and Bell Pepper
    Snack: 1 cup of Silk Vanilla Light

    Hmm, mcginger1 is good to point that out. If you do have blood sugar issues, even if you are pre-diabetic, sugar will really wack your system out. For example, 1/2 a banana is a serving of sugar for me. I could have 1/2 a banana for breakfast with protein, but i couldn't do the other 1/2 the banana, the toast and the jelly, especially early in the morning. I'd be trying to balance that out all day. The green apple = about 1/2 banana and you are having it with protein, although a lot of peanut butter has high sugar, too. Not sure about the oat and honey granola. I'd have to see the label.

    Of course, this only applies if you find out you are sugar sensitive (you don't have to be diabetic to be sugar sensitive).