Anoreixia Recovery and Period



  • Recovering_for_cupcakes
    I'm in early recovery and struggling with intake but I just got my period back last month, due almost entirely to my gaining back some of the weight I had lost. Everyone is different. I am EDNOS because I don't meet the weight criteria for AN but I didn't menstruate. Some women will be significantly underweight and still get their period. The rule I've heard over and over is to try and remember the weight you were when you first got it, that will give you a ballpark of where you should aim to be. Some days will be better than others, and if possible I would recommend (though I'm not able to do it myself) using exchanges instead of calories to monitor your progress. The goal should be reaching and maintaining a healthy weight for your height, getting your period is a wonderful mark of our successes in recovery but isn't the ideal benchmark. Stay safe, stay strong and ask for help when you need. Most of all try and be gentle with yourself.
  • DreamingDasies
    First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of this support. Wow. You are all so amazing, and I appreciate it SO MUCH.

    Ill give out more info :
    I first got my period back in 2009, and i was about 107 lbs then, and a bit shorter, many 5'5,
    After that, I gained some weight, so my 'average' was about 112 at 5'7. Then my binge eateng disorder kicked in which put me at a high weight of 132. From October 2011 - Current, Ive had anorexia. My weight is anywhere from 97-105 the past few months. I'm 103 right now.
    My calorie intakes were RARELY over 700 (that would be considered a binge day) while i was at my worst, however i usually ate 300 calories a day. The past few months I've been eating no more then 1500, which is a big step for me, however i hate going over 1000 calories, and I'm still afraid of gaining.

    For me recovery is eating. Any time i eat i consider it a win.

    I know I'm not eating enough to gain, BUT regardless, I've gained 7 pounds in the past month while eating like this!!! I DONT UNDERSTAND.

    Do you know how hard it is to eat at the minimum daily requirements and be gaining? It isn't good for my recovery...