Sometimes you just have to be a little extreme......

Let me explain myself:

First a little background: I reached an all time high 215lbs, at just 5'4, it was pretty bad. One day I realized I really needed to get control and that's when I began my journey into changing my lifestyle. I've lost 50lbs by eating healthy, exercising regularly and in short, just mantaining an overall healthy lifestyle. At 165lbs I reached a plateau that has lasted more than two years. Despite my best efforts to maintain my healthy ways, it just hasn't worked. I haven't gained any weight back, but I haven't lost either. I've also reached my mid thirties and I feel like it's gotten harder for my body to drop weight. It's been very frustrating. Then recently, my doctor suggested I try the Dr.Siegal cookie diet. I couldn't believe a doctor was reccomending I do a fad diet. But, I did it, and in just two weeks I've dropped 10 pounds. I'm feeling great. I'm motivated again. I'm encouraged again and it feels terrific.

Here's the problem. I haven't told anyone what I am doing because of course the inevitable response is "that's not healthy...blah blah blah" Actually, that's not really a problem. There's nothing wrong with keeping things to yourself at times. The problem is that I HATE when people try to bring down what you are trying to do. I HATE when people talk about fad diets by saying "the minute you get off that diet you gain all the weight back". I HATE when people critize, specially that those who do critize more often are the ones that can't do themselves.

The reason people gain back all the weight after a fad diet is because they return to the same unhealthy habits as before. It's the same as people who have lipo and gain back fat everywhere else. I even know of people that had the stomach surgery and somehow are able to eat big portions of food again and gain weight. At the end of the day, I do believe that it's important to learn how to choose the rights foods, eat in moderation, exercise regularly, develop a natural healthy lifestyle and most importantly address any emotional issues that contribute to weight gain. But sometimes, we just need that little push.

Sure, a fad diet isn't for the long term. It probably won't teach you about long term healthy habits. However, sometimes going a little extreme is just the push that one might need. If you have psychological issues that contribute to your weight gain, if you don't know how to be healthy, if you don't exercise, then yes, a short term fad diet is not going to change that.

However, as for myself, I'm loving my fad diet, it's given me that little push I needed. Yes, sometimes we need to go a little extreme just to get to where we want to be. Just as in the show The Biggest Loser, these people are doing extreme things they wouldn't be able to do alone at home. When they do go home, they need to learn to adapt everything they learned into their real lives.

When I'm done with this diet, I will know how to maintain my weight loss because I've already developed those habits. I'm not worried about that. So, if you feel you need to be a little extreme for a little while, go for it. As long as you get checked by your doctor and you aren't putting anything bad into your body, go for it. And everyone else that doesn't agree, well, everyone does what works for them. There is no need to judge.


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Glad you're happy and seeing success. I've always maintained a "To each's own..." attitude. I had a few close friends in college going through tough times and feeling like they were being criticized for the way they were handling things, living their lives, etc. and I always told them that sometimes (not always) you have to do what you have to do in order to get through the day. Thus, my "to each's own..." attitude.

    If it's working for you, congrats!! Good luck!
  • Jellishearts
    I completely agree. What is this cookie diet anyway? I'm not gonna do it cause I'm not at that point in my weight loss to do a fad diet, but I was just wondering what it was. Anyway, good luck on you life style change. It sounds like it's working out great for you.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good for you! If you're doctor recommended it then it's worth a try... I think. And I agree with you on the approach that it's not a 'quick fix' but if you maintain your healthy lifestyle then there's no reason the weight would come back. I could see how it would be a way around a plateau!:happy:
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    Hey if your doctor says its healthy then i say go for it.... for a short term fix. Just make sure you are being monitored and that you are getting the nutrients your body needs to function. But like i said... this is between you and your doctor so if he/she says its safe then go for it!