Breastfeeding Cravings

I have a 3 week old daughter that is breastfeeding exclusivly. I made it through my pregnancy gaining very little weight gain and experiencing very few cravings or food issues. However, now that I am home with my sweet baby I am ravinous for carbs (ie graham crackers, cheese crackers, bagels) and candy items (ie kit kat, snickers).

I am drinking LOTS of water each day trying to both build my milk supply and drown my cravings. The crazy thing is I think I am hungry because I am buring so many calories nursing but the only things that appeal to me are the above and if I allowed it I would be grazing on them ALL DAY LONG. I promise I could eat absurd amounts of these foods each day.

Anyone else?

I also need suggestions for quick, protien rich, healthy foods I can grab quickly for meals and snacks since I rarely have time to prepare food during the day when DH is at work. I am doing fine preparing good evening meals. I have even seriously considered buying a case of Ensure for meals during the day to get the proper nutrients.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

ETA: I have some pre-pregnacy weight to loose but right now my main goal is not gaining weight and building a healthly milk supply.


  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    You're probably craving those things because you're tired. Having a newborn and producing milk takes a lot of energy, and carbs are a quick energy source. Go ahead and have some healthy carbs -- try oatmeal and whole grain breads. Sweet potatoes. Baked potatoes eaten with the skin, topped with butter and sour cream. And try increasing your protein intake. That will help with the energy level and the carb cravings.

    During this newborn phase, you might want to avoid restricting your calories. You're running on not enough sleep and you're producing a LOT of milk right now. Even when the baby gets older, you need to be eating at least 1500-1800 calories while you're breastfeeding (about 500 calories per day more than you'd need if you weren't nursing), and more if you start exercising (wait until the doctor gives you the ok). Water is great for your supply, but so are calories. And remember, your body will give all available nutrition to the baby before you get to use any of it. Eating too little or eating poorly may not impact your milk supply, and it won't affect the quality, but it could certainly have a big impact on your overall health.
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    I wish I could give you some great advice, but I can really only commiserate. I was RAVENOUS and craving carbs all the time when I was breast feeding my daughter. I would eat a packet of peanut butter crackers every time I woke up for a nighttime feeding. Unfortunately, I didn't lose any weight while breast feeding and continued to put it on after the nursing slowed. I would talk to your doctor about how many calories you should be consuming, and use MFP to track them. Try to get your carbs from good sources (whole wheat bread, quinoa, etc), and get protein from things like cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs and the like.