I've lost 30 lbs as of my last weigh-in. I don't really have any expectations, just going to keep going until I feel like it's time to maintain. after losing 30 lbs I figured I would be able to notice by now, but I really can't tell I wish I had taken some before and after pics, but having a pic of me at my heaviest was out of the question at the time. So how long/ how much weight does it usually take for one to notice themself shinking? Thanks:)


  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    For me it would probably be about 50 pounds.

    But OTHER people will see it. And I will be able to get into my next size smaller clothes. Tha'ts proof enough for me. :)
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    For me, it was around 40-45 lbs lost. Of course I could notice little things prior to that, but no significant change. I think this basically varies depending on the person, so there won't be a 100% accurate answer to your question, IMO. However, other people always seem to notice before you do for some reason.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i am still waiting for others to notice my loss... i didn't have lots too lose, but i have lots 13 lbs went from a size 9/10 sometimes a 11 to a 7.. not one comment yet?
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Its so different for everyone... but the thing is when you dropped the 30 lbs it didn't happen overnight, it probably happened a couple pounds at a time... so that's why you don't really "see" it.

    For me the best re assurance is putting on the clothes I used to wear before I lost weight. I didn't take befores or measurements either.
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I noticed around 50lbs my last time around, but since you see yourself everyday, it's hard to notice the small changes. I've 22lbs so far and I couldnt tell in the mirror, but then I took a photo. Wow, what a difference! Pictures don't lie. You'll never get a before picture now, but take one anyway for any further weight loss.

    Congrats on your 30lb weight loss!
  • jonesygetshealthy
    jonesygetshealthy Posts: 66 Member
    Time to pull up the 'ol Paper Towel Analogy :)

    Pretend I have two rolls of paper towels, one stays at my starting number of pounds to drop, one I will take a sheet off of for every pound I lose.

    One roll ("big jonesy", we'll call it) has as many sheets as pounds I needed to lose: 60 lbs/sheets
    The second roll starts with 60 lbs/sheets as well.

    If I lose one pound and take one off of the second roll, there isn't a very noticeable difference in size between Big Jonesy and the other roll. There is only a tiny difference... both rolls have a large surface area, so each sheet that gets removed is only a small percentage of the total sheets :)You know how you take the first sheet off a towel, and it doesn't even wrap around the whole roll once? 1/60th of a sheet lost is a 1.6% loss!

    I've lost 15 total lbs at this point. Big Jonesy has 60 sheets still, but the second one has only 45. As each sheet comes off... each sheet becomes a larger and LARGER percentage of total towels lost! each sheet now wraps almost once around the tube, but not quite. If I lose another lb here, losing one sheet (1/45) is a 2.22% loss!

    Now, say I've lost 30 total lbs. Big Jonesy still has 60 sheets. The second roll has 30. There is a definite decrease in the size of the second roll, even though it doesn't look half the size. each sheet now probably wraps around the whole roll once. Each sheet is worth even more, and more as they drop off... 1/30 sheets is 3.33%!

    Now say I've lost 45 total lbs. Big Jonesy is still 60 sheets. The second roll is only 15, each sheet wraps probably 1 1/2 times around the roll. If I lose one more pound here, that is a 1/15 loss, or a 6.66% loss of pounds left!

    And finally, Big Jonesy is still 60. the second roll is at 10, maybe 5. each sheet now wraps around the tube several times, until that very last sheet comes off. Ever take the last towel sheet off the roll? it's wrapped around the tube 2 or 3 times :) the difference is more dramatic as you go :)

    Did I make this confusing or was this ok? sorry if my math is wrong, was never my strongpoint, but I hope you get the gist :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    it is different for everyone. For me, I could SEE ( in pictures) a difference in 10lbs.

    My friend took a candid of me Mid-april, and posted it a week or so later. At that time I had only lost about 7 pounds. When I saw the picture, I was SOOO ashamed, I had NO clue that I looked THAT bad. Just for giggles and grins, I took a picture in the same outfit...and did it a few more times. Look on my profile pics--there is only about a 10lb difference between the pic with the balloons and the last pic where I have one arm behind my back ( I was pulling the shirt tight so you could see my waist).

    I will say, I had trouble *really* telling the difference between the first 2 pictures, but I showed a few friends, and THEY see the difference. Now that I have taken a few more pics, I can see the difference.
  • krazykristen123
    krazykristen123 Posts: 103 Member
    I've lost about 40-ish and still haven't noticed anything yet.
    I haven't gone down a size yet either. My stomach just doesn't want
    to go down. Just stick with it because like me we will eventually see
    a Change
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Sometimes it's in areas you don't really notice. For me, I started to see my cheekbones again, and my shoulders weren't quite as round. I also notice my bra strap is getting more comfortable, and the sleeves of my shirts aren't quite as tight as they used to be. My shoes fit better too, since my feet aren't swollen anymore, and my socks fit better since my calves are coming down a tiny bit. So even though I don't LOOK like I've lost 16 pounds, all of these little things add up.

    Have you noticed anything like that? Sometimes it won't always be obvious. Do you take measurements?
  • KC3003
    KC3003 Posts: 11 Member
    You might like the results, if you measure yourself, once a week. Each pound lost, is like a pound of butter. Keep it up !
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    you dont see it bc you look at yourself in the mirror everyday, someone else will see it
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I have this same problem,I look at myself 40lbs lighter and wonder where the heck did I lose it from,but my husband tells me all the time he can tell,it's because we look at ourselves everyday it's those who don't who really notice,and we are always harder on ourselves just be patient,take measurements and know that you are doing an awesome job!!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    People may see it before you do. But don't worry, your mind will catch up with what your body is doing and how it's changing! Keep up the good work!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Weigh once a week.
    Calculate BMI and take measurements once a month.

    Post them here for you to see the difference!
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    Its so different for everyone... but the thing is when you dropped the 30 lbs it didn't happen overnight, it probably happened a couple pounds at a time... so that's why you don't really "see" it.

    For me the best re assurance is putting on the clothes I used to wear before I lost weight. I didn't take befores or measurements either.

    THIS. I'd be willing to bet that if you had pictures to compare side by side, there'd be a difference. It's kind-of like how you see your own kid every day so you don't notice how much they've grown, but when you see your niece or nephew every few weeks or months, it seems like they've grown an inch every time you see them.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Weigh once a week.
    Calculate BMI and take measurements once a month.

    Post them here for you to see the difference!

    BMI is bull****. You want Body Fat %
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Like people have said, you see yourself everyday, and without that before pic, the weight comes off so gradually that you won't notice. But surely there must be a pair of pants or belt or something that's much looser.

    Also, you didn't say what your starting weight was. Obviously, 30 pounds lost on a 230 pound person is not going to be as noticeable 30 pounds off a 130 pound person.

    The people that see you everyday will have a hard time noticing for a while. The best thing for me is when my wife's friends or in-laws come over. They only see me a few times a year. My wife hadn't noticed when I lost 20+ pounds, but her friends and family do a double take when they walk into the house and see me. I LOVE that double take. F###ing awesome. Sorry, I'm shallow.

    Take measurements, take photos, and make marks on a belt. And congrats on the loss so far!
  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member
    i like ur analogy...so true
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Mine is 22 and I have had to point it out to people. I think people think I"m the same size within 40 lbs. I guess that's good it means that we distribute our weight well and evenly.

    One feat you CAN be proud of is the fact you lost 30 lbs even if you can't see it. Try carrying a 30-lb bag of dog food up stairs, and around all day and see if you can FEEL the difference.