
I love this site, I've made alot of new friends on this site, I've been able to post my weight loss and workout updates to my profile without being crapped on by my friends, unfortunatley I can't say the same about my facebook account, were I totally get hammered by my friends for posting weight loss and workout updates, So feel free to add me as a friend, as long as you don't mind my updates on the new feeds, I've lost 106.5 lbs so far, 26.3 lbs to go.


  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    in 4 and a half months
  • YankeesLvr52
    YankeesLvr52 Posts: 64 Member
    FR sent :)
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    added you dsagan52
  • jkandktmom
    jkandktmom Posts: 1,010 Member
    FR sent. However I just noticed today that use the word Awesome a lot I think I got that from my kids:tongue: . If youcan handle being awesome feel free to accept!
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    I'm glad I found this site. I had the same FB experience. No one cared how far I'd run, how well I had eaten or what workout I had completed. Sometimes makes you wonder who the real supporters are!
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    You are doing an amazing job for yourself. I would be happy to hear about your daily and long term accomplishment. congratulations and except if you like.
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I added you sue and jk
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 196 Member
    Adding you now. Congrats on the loss!!!!
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I'm glad I found this site. I had the same FB experience. No one cared how far I'd run, how well I had eaten or what workout I had completed. Sometimes makes you wonder who the real supporters are!

    my facebook friends hated my updates
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    I accepted your request Judy, thanks for the motivation
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    awesome is a good thing jk !
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    just posted a status update on my wall and nobody screamed at me. lol !
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if your fb friends aren't supportive, maybe its time to delete them ;)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    oh, feel free to add me, same username ;]
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    just added you cara
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    had a good workout tonight, burnt a 1000 + calories
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    10 mins of situps, and 70 mins of treadmill
  • Allie_Mo
    Allie_Mo Posts: 25
    hello!! congrats by the way. im also looking for support and how do you get those signatures showing how much youve lost?
  • BobbyDAGLEY
    BobbyDAGLEY Posts: 300
    it should be part of your edit profile
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member