200 lbs, trying to lose 25 by October ?

The dictir told me my healthy weight range should be in the 150-167 and i used to be 170 but i gained weight this past year. HELP ?


  • lizw123
    lizw123 Posts: 20 Member
    Don't panic, just set yourself a goal and work towards it slowly. The weight will come off and you will get there. I've lost 10 pounds since BEFORE I joined MFP, and that was only a few weeks. I am losing about 2 pounds a week and feeling much better for it. I'm sure you will too.
  • Tatiana1221
    Tatiana1221 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, Alex, I am right there with you. I need to lose at least thirty pounds and my goal is by my birthday in December. It goes up and down based on what I eat. I am trying to stay away from carbs and a lot of red meat. But i like to eat! I have lost 7-8 during the week, but then over the weekend I put it right back on...lol

    I am working on being consistent. Just stay focused and you reach your goal!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Well its definitely do-able as long as your diet supports it. Essentially, its a little over 1 lb a week. So lets do some math.

    I don't know your height, so I did 5'5 as it's average for ladies. At 200 lbs and 18 years old, your estimate metabolic rate (BMR) is 1746 (btw, if you were 5' then the difference in calories is -25). These are the amount of calories you would burn if you slept for 24 hours. Lets say you don't exercise and you work behind a desk, it makes you sedentary. That means to lose 1 lb per week you would need to eat:

    TDEE = 1746 * 1.2 -500 = 1595

    Now if you exercise, you would want to eat those calories back so your body is properly fueled and willing to let fat go. So if you exercise and burn 300 calories, than you would eat 1895 calories. I know it sounds counter-intuitive but it works. If you don't eat them back, you can increase the stress on your body (as a calorie deficit is stress) and may cause your body to retain water and prevent weight loss.

    Now the best thing for you is to have a workout regime of cardio and weight training. This will help provide the other health benefits and with heavy weight training (failing around 8 reps) you are more likely to burn fat.

    Also, i know what you are thinking, if I eat less and burn more I can lose faster, well, a body doesn't follow the math and under eating can cause immense water retention as well as the ability to adapt and your body will burn less calories. Also, the closer to a healthy weight, the harder it will be to lose weight.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Welcome! You've come to the right place.

    There is a lot of very good information on these forums, and some misleading / uninformed opinions out there. Many, many good people who will jump to help, and some complete *kitten* just as you find anywhere else in life.

    Set up your profile as accurately and honestly as possible, especially when you input your average daily activity level. That information is used to set up a daily net calorie goal which includes deficit necessary to lose weight. If you input that you're really active and you're not, that calorie goal will be to high.
  • lea8199
    lea8199 Posts: 7 Member
    You sure can...
    im one lb away of 25lbs lost.. i started counting calories in January.. there's been times that i've been stuck at the same weight, but if you take it slowly gradually you'll see results.
  • Debk642
    Debk642 Posts: 2
    Cut your bad carbs/sugar/fat intake and you'll loose. I follow The Zone program and you'll loose 1-4lbs a week. The first week I had a big loss, then it was 1 - 4 lbs a week. You might want to google that program, it's really pretty easy to follow. Looks complicated but you're basically going into the toddler plate design. Take your plate, divide it into three...half, then one half into half, so you have a half a plate which you fill with your veggies, then the other half is a palm size portion of your low fat protein and your white carbs (rice, pasta, potato etc). I've lost 65 lbs!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    It can be done for sure. As of today I'm down 40 pounds, I started on here and my diet Jan 18th, 5 months ago.

    I do cardio (brisk walk/jogging) every day for 60-80 mins, weights 3 times a week. I eat anywhere from 1200-1400 cals per day.
  • Hannah645
    Hannah645 Posts: 75 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. The first thing you can do is believe that you can do it.

    Tracking my calories on this site really opened my eyes to things I ate on a daily basis. I'm far from perfect, but I don't beat myself up over one terrible treat, meal, or even a day. I refocus, drink plenty of water, and go for a brisk evening walk. Log what you eat and look for opportunities to make better choices in your day.

    25 pounds lost by October is an achievable goal.